A Salute to David Blazevich - The Bernard Osher Foundation
Courses Take a Healthy Approach - OLLI at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Coffee with OLLI - OLLI at Casper College
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Greetings from the NRC    Dec 2019 15
Many stimulating Osher Institute courses and discussion groups center on the liberal arts and sciences. But most Institutes also offer experiential learning opportunities. This month, you'll read about learning to rock climb and techniques on axe throwing in Lincoln, NE! You'll also read about an outreach event, "Coffee with OLLI" in Casper, WY. Our Casper colleagues remind us that many Institutes offer some sort of gift membership program. Would you consider sharing the joys of OLLI with a friend when you're making your gift list this holiday season? Plus, you'll learn about OLLI at Yavapai College which straddles Mingus Mountain and the Black Hills Mountain range, offering multiple sites amidst the amazing beauty of Northern Arizona.
As mentioned last month, we'll soon say goodbye to our esteemed associate and friend David Blazevich, Senior Program Director for the Osher Foundation as he assumes the Executive Director position with the Fleishhacker Foundation in San Francisco. Osher Foundation President Mary Bitterman offers us a fitting salute to David later in this newsletter.
David has been a positive and guiding force for all Osher Institutes and especially for our team at the NRC. We will miss him. But we so appreciate the benefits we've had from his wisdom, creativity, and lessons in the great philosophers, too. So in his honor, I'll quote one of David's favorite philosophers, who also offers good advice for all of us as lifelong learners,
" Those only are happy who have their minds fixed on some object other than their own happiness" - John Stuart Mills
We send wishes for happiness and holiday cheer to David, and to all of you,
Steve Thaxton, Executive Director

The Bernard Osher Foundation
A Salute to David Blazevich
I have never liked the expression "all good things must come to an end."  This, however, is the case with David Blazevich's departure from the Osher Foundation in early December to become Executive Director of the Fleishhacker Foundation. The family philanthropy, founded in 1947 by Mortimer Fleishhacker Sr., is a highly admired organization that supports small and mid-sized arts organizations and K-5 literacy programs and projects in the San Francisco Bay Area. 
David has been our lifelong learning program "lead" since he joined the Osher Foundation in October 2006. He has managed the program with distinction and has overseen its growth to the current total of 124 Osher Institutes. Directors, members, volunteers, and host-institution leadership have been touched by David's high level of engagement and encouragement. As a skilled development professional, he has put the need for fundraising into bold relief to ensure the sustainability of individual programs going forward. At his core, David is a teacher, and an excellent one with subject-matter expertise and theatrical training that renders his presentations both exhilarating and memorable.
David has worked very effectively with the leadership of the NRC - first, with Kali Lightfoot at the University of Southern Maine, and, since September 2014, with Steve Thaxton and his splendid team at Northwestern University. While nothing can ever be entirely the same again, we at the Osher Foundation, in concert with our respected NRC colleagues, will work in earnest to continue to serve all members of the Osher Institute network with care and attention.
Quite selfishly, all of us will miss David greatly but we know that he is excited about assuming this important new position and we are delighted for him. My fellow Osher Foundation trustees and staff colleagues also salute the Fleishhacker Foundation for exercising such astute judgment.           

Submitted by : Dr. Mary Bitterman, President, The Bernard Osher Foundation

OLLI at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
When Bob Michl joined the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) staff about 18 months ago, he became the curriculum coordinator of a group whose members want to be active and stay active. He also sensed a need to do more.
Brainstorming with UNL Campus Recreation officials, Michl and health-conscious OLLI members helped create fun opportunities for physical activities. In addition to the regularly scheduled Friday Fitness Club, a rock-climbing class filled up in just two days. Two indoor pickleball classes were filled with members who wanted to stay active through the winter. Classes explaining BikeLNK and bike safety were also offered.
A course on axe throwing was well attended. Participants were fierce, throwing axes at wooden targets and competing amongst each other in games. Axe throwing is a full body exercise, building up muscles in arms and legs.  "It is kind of like archery, but participants throw hatchets instead of shooting arrows," said Michl.
Working with volunteer curriculum subcommittees, Bob, a retired school principal and coach continues to add health-related courses ranging from a Challenge Course to experiencing holistic wellness.
OLLI at UNL has expanded its outdoor activities to include UNL Challenge Course, a unique experience that includes low and high activities climbing poles and platforms. The ultimate challenge is to scale a 50-foot Alpine Tower. Michl said the class, led by UNL Outdoor Adventures, invited everyone to participate in their own comfort zone.
For OLLI members who seek a guided journey that engages the mind, body and spirit, the course "Walking the Labyrinth" leads participants on a 20 to 30-minute walk. The walk targets those who want to "center" themselves through releasing energy and enjoy better sleep. It offers quiet reflection and meditation. The walk is also considered a good social opportunity.

Submitted by: Patricia Saldana, Communications Associate, OLLI at University of Nebraska-Lincoln

OLLI at Casper College
Coffee with OLLI
The Osher Institute at Casper College has hosted the first of two Coffee with OLLI outreach events. "We decided to create this event for those who may have wondered about OLLI, about the classes we offer, and where they can meet those in the community who share similar interests," said Jeaneece Schmidt, lifelong learning specialist. "These Coffee with OLLI events are the perfect time for members to introduce their friends to OLLI, sign up for next year's membership, and buy a gift membership for the holiday season. An OLLI membership is the perfect gift: lifelong learning, a community of friends and abundant and diverse courses offered three times a year."

The first Coffee with OLLI event in November was a great success with over 100 members attending. At the event there were eight purchases of 2020 memberships from individuals who had not been members in 2019, as well as 30 membership renewals. With 62 members currently having purchased their 2020 membership since November 1, approximately half of the renewals came from the Friday night event. One gift membership was also sold. Many members also attended purely to socialize and be a part of the fun event.
Planning and cost were both minimal for this event. OLLI staff met with City Brew staff and chose the drinks the participants could order, then loaded two City Brew gift cards. By looking at the purchases on the gift cards, OLLI staff could track the number of people that came to the event. They also worked with the college's PR office to design the coffee voucher cards, table tent cards, and posters.
For advertising, OLLI at Casper College ran two ads in the paper the week of the event. They also did an appearance on the local TV morning show the week of the event, as well as a radio spot. Posters were hung up around town and there were multiple social media posts, as well as in-class announcements.
Submitted by : Vicki Pollock, Lifelong Learning Specialist Program Coordinator, OLLI at Casper College

Osher NRC 2019 Webinar Series
Mark your calendar for the final webinar in the 2019 series at a special time on Thursday, December 12, 2019 beginning at 12pm Eastern/11am Central/10am Mountain/9am Pacific/8am in Alaska and 7am in Hawaii. Register for the webinar here.

Osher Collaborative for Integrative Medicine and "Elderhood"
The philanthropy of The Bernard Osher Foundation extends to a group of esteemed academic health centers growing the practice, teaching, and study of Integrative Medicine. The seven Osher Centers for Integrative Medicine are located at many of the same universities that also host OLLIs: University of Washington, University of Miami, University of California, San Francisco, Northwestern University, and Vanderbilt University. The field of Integrative Medicine is of high interest to geriatricians. Many older adults are engaged as consumers or students of the increasingly mainstream treatments within Integrative Medicine. The Osher Institutes are "cousins" to the Osher Centers of Integrative Medicine (OCIM) through association with the Osher Foundation. And, one of the physicians associated with the OCIM has developed renown in both her field of geriatrics and as an author. Dr. Louise Aronson's New York Times Best Seller, "Elderhood" challenges assumptions about growing older with powerful arguments and touching stories. This webinar will explore perspectives of well-being and the inclusion of integrative practices for the health of older adults.
Dr. Shelley Adler, Director, UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine
Dr. Louise Aronson, Physician and Author of "Elderhood"

If you have interest in being a presenter or have ideas for future webinars, please contact Kevin Connaughton (kevin.connaughton@northwestern.edu ). 

Spaces and Places of OLLI SpacesAndPlaces
Yavapai College 
Prescott, Sedona, Verde Valley
The Osher Institute at Yavapai College (YC) programs span a county in Arizona that is the size of the state of Massachusetts. Despite the presence of a mountain range that splits the county in half, it serves more than 2,000 members annually at three locations.
In 1994 in the city of Prescott, lifelong learning for older adults began at Yavapai College, a community college with an enrollment of 15,000 located in northern Arizona. OLLI branches in the Verde Valley and Sedona were added in 2004. The program serves a broad demographic - from Sedona, which includes an extensive snowbird and retirement community, to the Verde Valley's towns of Clarkdale and Cottonwood, with their more economically diverse populations, to Prescott, where an estimated 30 percent of residents are retired.
OLLI at YC uses dedicated facilities on three campuses. In Prescott, there is one classroom with a capacity of 30, and it is continuously in use. OLLI utilizes another three to four classrooms at a time, including 60-seat and 108-seat rooms. On the Verde Valley Campus (VVC), OLLI competes for limited classroom space with for-credit and community-education courses. Currently under renovation, the five classrooms to which OLLI has access at the VVC range in size from eight seats to 120 seats. In Sedona, YC allocates its seven classrooms to the college's Sedona Culinary Institute as well as to OLLI. To efficiently serve its 2000-plus OLLI members, YC provides classrooms with state-of-the-art technology.
Prescott Classroom
On all three campuses, OLLI at YC has lived through office relocations, building construction, and classroom renovations. The experience has taught staff and OLLI members the value of being flexible, as well as the life lesson that with the right attitude, any problem or challenge can be overcome.
According to Associate Dean Linda Shook, who oversees OLLI in Sedona and VVC, "Yavapai College provides unique environments for its OLLI programs tailored to the varied interests of our community."

Want to see your own distinctive "Space or Place" in this newsletter? Please send it to oshernrc@northwestern.edu.

An Advice Column for Osher Institute Staff and Volunteers
dearolliDear Olli
Dear Olli,
I am an OLLI member that serves on our OLLI's fundraising committee. Given that the holidays are upon us, our fundraising committee is looking for some unique ideas to capitalize on this season of giving.
~OLLI Member
Dear OLLI Member,
You are correct, the season of giving is here and is a great time to fundraise for your Institute! Many OLLIs fundraise this time of year. So here are a few ideas to spark up that holiday giving. First, an easy one, plan any annual giving campaigns around the holidays or end of the year. If you haven't planned an annual campaign; the November, December, January months are good months to conduct this effort. Next, holiday events are a great way to fundraise. This could be an auction (great for holiday gifts), holiday parties (with a "cover" charge to raise funds), or even as simple as promoting the sale of OLLI branded materials (t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc.) as presents for the family. Beyond that, not exactly a fundraiser, but the "gift of OLLI" (a gift membership) is a nice way to increase membership and indirectly raise funds. Finally, some OLLIs have participated in "Giving Tuesday", a national day of giving that promotes charitable causes. It's a little late to get involved with this initiative this year, but keep that in your back pocket for 2020!  

Have a question for Olli? Please send it in care of Kevin Connaughton (kevin.connaughton@northwestern.edu). 

Educational Travel Ideas from the OLLI Network
The OLLI Traveler OlliTraveler
OLLI at University of South Florida
Welcome to Miami
Miami is known for beautiful beaches and exciting nightlife, but there is much more to this Florida gem than its reputation implies. Miami Beach is home to the world's largest collection of Art Deco architecture, Miami is the seat of the most populous Florida county, and it is all surrounded by two National Parks. Come see the old and the new, the natural and the created, existing harmoniously in this little slice of paradise!  Learn more about this trip to Miami.
Dates: February 4-7, 2020

OLLI at University of North Texas
The Northern Lights of Finland
Highlights of this tour include Helsinki, Senate Square, Helsinki Cathedral, Lapland Region, Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort, Finnish Sauna, Meet & Greet with Santa, Reindeer Safari, Northern Lights Searches, Husky Safari, and Glass Igloo Accommodation.  Learn More about this trip to Finland.
Dates : February 8-15, 2020

OLLI at University of California, Berkeley
Inland Sea of Japan, Featuring Kyoto

Experience the timeless splendor of Japan and South Korea on this unique, custom-designed itinerary, featuring three nights in Kyoto and a seven-night cruise across the full length of the serene Inland Sea of Japan from Himeji, including historic ports of Japan such as Miyajima, Sakaiminato and Moji and Ulsan, South Korea. In the enchanting city of Kyoto, visit opulent temples and the Nijō Castle, an imperial gem. In Gyeongju, South Korea, visit the Buddhist Bulguksa Temple and the ancient Silla Kingdom Royal Burial Mounds. Walk through the imposing Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima, tour the Itsukushima Shrine in Miyajima with its awe-inspiring Great Torii Gate and see the impressive Himeji Castle, the largest and best-preserved feudal structure from medieval Japan. Learn more about this trip to Japan.

Date: May 19-30, 2020

Quick Tips for Helping Operate an Osher Institute
didyouknowQuick Tip - Personalized Stationary

The Osher Institute at University of Richmond has developed personalized stationary that is multi-purpose. The stationary, which has text on the back of the card that describes the purpose and offerings of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, also uses photos of the university, typically taken by members as the artwork on the front. They have found a variety of uses for the stationary, 
including using it for personal thank you notes to everyone who contributes monetarily to the Institute. 

  Career Openings in the OLLI Network
jobboardJob Board
Program Coordinator - Administrative Analyst/Specialist - OLLI

Temporary Administrative Assistant - Osher National Resource Center

Classroom/AV Support - Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

OLLI Registration/Auditorium/Customer Service

Program Development Specialist - Osher Lifelong Learning Institute and Precollegiate Programs 

Is there a staff opening at your Osher Institute? Please send it to us at  oshernrc@northwestern.edu