December 2019
Weekly Temple Services 
Monday - Friday 6:30 am
Meditation Saturday 9am full service + meditation
Dear ones,

Holiday Blessings, may we all live in peace.

Buddha Statues
As of November 1, 2019 we have 181 Buddha or Bodhisattva statues in The Cloister. That means we have only 819 more to collect until we become the temple of 1,000 Buddhas. We are seeking metal or stone statues 1 or more feet tall. If you have an extra Buddha to donate please let us know.

A lovely film about 5 children who remember their past life can be found on YouTube HERE . It is well worth watching.

A book, Children Who Remember Previous Lives , by Ian Stevenson M.D. is an excellent documentary about rebirth. It is on HERE .
In Support of a Vegetarian Diet
We recently taste tested 7 vegetable based burgers at the temple. The clear winner was Beyond Burger (which has 20 Gm. of protein, also served at Burger King), number 2 was Amy's California Veggie Burger, number 3 was Garden Burger, and number 4 was Organic's Black Bean Burger (filled with black beans, corn and a bit of spice). We based the test on taste. We did not take into account nutrition, cost, or ease of preparation. Yummy...Thay Kozen

" These Everyday Habits May Damage Your Kidneys, Too Much Red Meat Is Toxic While eating red meat is healthy on occasion, consuming too much will hurt your kidneys over time. The Journal of the American Society of Nephrology confirms that red meat is “possibly kidney toxic.” The reason is still unclear, but researchers suggest that red meat may produce too much dietary acid.
On the flip-side, plant-based proteins repair kidney injury. According to the research, replacing one serving of red meat per week lowers your risk of kidney disease by 62%. It’s a tiny change that could impact your health in the long run". from
We Are Building A New Temple
We've started...
You can help us
by donating to the temple via:

+ CHECK (made out Mt Adams Zen Buddhist Temple and mailed to PO Box 487 Trout Lake, WA 98650)

New Temple Funds at 1/2 way
We've raised $150,000 for our
new temple construction
We've gotten approval for a septic system and are starting to dig the electricity and water access.
We'll start construction in the Spring 2020
2020 Buddhist Holy Days at our Temple
25 January - TET - Lunar new year 9 am service
14 March - Quan Yin Birthday 9am service
2 May - Buddha's Birthday 9 am service
8 August - Quan Yin Enlightenment Da y 9 am service
2 September - Parent's Day (Ullambana) 9am service
14 November - Quan Yin Renunciation Day 9am service
5 Dec - B uddha's Birth/Death & Enlightenment Day Enlightenment - midnight meditation
31 Dec - ringing the great bell 108 times at midnight to welcome in the new year + meditation
Our Temple 2019 December Retreats & Practices
    Midnight Meditation - Saturday December 7th, 11:30 pm- 12:30 am Join us for a Japanese tradition of celebrating Buddha's enlightenment. Known as Bodhi Day, Bodhi Day is the Buddhist holiday that commemorates the day that the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, experienced enlightenment.

   New Year's Meditation  - December 31, 11:30pm - 12:30am  - Ring in the new year with us- literally! We will ring the bell 108 times to finish the old year and welcome the new one. Each ring represents one of 108 earthly temptations a person must overcome to achieve awakening.   
Not a local? Book lodging with the Abbey (509.395.2030)
or spend the night on a futon in the temple by donation.

The Trout Lake Abbey will be closed to overnight guests from Dec 22th-30th.

Daily temple services will remain open to all.

Zen student, Chad Hoover wrote a poem:
Some hurry
Others slow down
Milestones come and go
You cannot catch a tea cup after it has hit the floor
The end is never on time
For our friends who practice the Thien/Chan/Zen school of Buddhism
Thich Minh Thien, Abbot of Budding Dharma
Arlington, Texas

Each day, when lighting incense, I use an incense chant that begins…”Precepts Incense, Liberation of Views, Incense…”. The other day when observing my own monkey-mind, that simple chant became the topic for this month’s contribution to this newsletter.

I find that with the increase in my Mindfulness practices, I have reduced the number of times I am just doing mindless things; though that still does occur. I would offer that this mindless reduction is supported by Meditation practices. And in this practice called Meditation, I find that in the constant flow of thoughts that affect all of us in each and every waking moment, the ultimate outcome of each thought is subject to our own specific views. In my monkey-mind at times, my perception of reality is polluted by my own views which are a result of my beliefs, my judgements, my life experiences and my selfishness. If those are the lenses through which I view things, my suffering and my contribution to the suffering of others through my words and actions will increase.

We know that elimination of thought is not the objective of any meditative practice. Buddhist meditation practices help meditators cultivate core values of awareness, tranquility and insight.
According to Buddhist philosophy, when we understand our mind and emotions better, we can work with our actions and reactions in a way that leads to well-being and happiness – our own and the well-being of those around us. And the more we appreciate the importance of others’ well-being and happiness, the more we experience compassion and love. Mindfulness then, is a key factor in the process and our Meditation practices strengthens our ability to live mindfully.

In the Noble Eightfold Path, the Buddha gave to all who would hear it, the prescription to reduce suffering; and Right View was a key element in this path. The purpose of Right View is to clear one's path from confusion, misunderstanding, and deluded thinking. It is a means to gain right understanding of reality.

Anyone who has looked at a sunset, a beautiful painting or listened to beautiful music and felt calm and inner joy, while their mind becomes clear and their perception sharpens, has had a taste of the realm of meditation. One might describe successful meditation as simply being - not judging, not thinking, just being aware, at peace, and living each moment as it unfolds.

This of course speaks to the importance of recognizing the liberation of our own views that contrast with what is real. If my view of others is influenced by my opinions my prejudices, my judgements, my desires, I am probably well off the path of seeing things as they really are. I probably miss the circumstances of others that would include their sufferings, their challenges, their views of life, and ultimately, in missing or ignoring someone else’s realities, my own views are incorrectly associated and supported within my own corrupted views.

This simple Incense chant … “Precepts Incense, Liberation of Views Incense; Clouds of lighted incense flowing into the Dharma realms; Offering to the Highest Teachers in the Ten Directions; I respectfully bow to the altar of the incense cloud, Bodhisattva” now takes on new meaning. Liberating our views to the view of reality…to things as they really are…to just be in the moment…is the path to Right View, as offered by the Buddha in the Noble Eightfold Path, and this path reduces our own sufferings and that of others. I bow in Gratitude.

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhassa
22 Minutes In The Life Of Louisiana’s Climate Refugees is a documentary film about rising water and shrinking land in an island in Louisiana. In “Lowland Kids,” two teenagers grapple with leaving an island that’s sinking before their very eyes The trailer is just 2 minutes long and is worth watching as two kids talk about their changing lives. From a Huff Post story at .
Experience a night of healing ritual through Art, Stories, Fire and Dance. I bring you this event after 6 years of my own battle to reclaim my health and happiness. Having searched far and wide for the secret of unwinding the life long patterns both in my thoughts and body, great spiritual realizations arrived. I bring you this exposé of expression and discovery for both your enjoyment and realization.
This event will unveil a new series of artworks, stories from the underworld, conversation with spirit and an invitation to you, to step into this world through ritual. A night where the edges of reality blur, spirit dances with you, and you discover the power that lies within you to embrace your shadow and illuminate your heart.

So, please join me for this special night where you get to connect, express and celebrate the power of change you carry within you by being with the darkness of the season and the Goddess.
Saturday December 7th, 6:30 - 9:30pm
Tickets - $45 (sliding scale available upon request) Click the link or email  to register and pay at the door. Location - 3015 Lower Mill Dr, Hood River, OR 97031
Poetry from Venerable Fa Hsing
(Thich Tâm Minh)
Red, orange, and gold 
autumn is blowing away
one leaf at a time.


The first light
through the temple window
is steady
if you're looking out
but flickers
if you're looking in.

Ven. Jeff will be having surgery on December 4th. Do keep him in your well wishing thoughts...Thay Kozen
Tea ? Try a Chesser Roe Tea blend
For Gorge Locals....
A new Tea Shop has opened up in Harvest Market in White Salmon.
I have tried 5 different teas there - really great tastes ....Thay .Kozen
Our temple sponsors 2 young Tibetan girls in Northern India. Please consider sponsoring a Monk, nun, Tibetan child or a Tibetan school in India.
Hundreds of thousands of Tibetan people live in exile around the world, providing models of courageous work for freedom and peace. Let us stand with them proudly!
We are looking for sponsors for two older Tibetan students in Dharamsala, one pursuing a Masters degree,
in addition to our regular sponsorships for Tibetan monks, nuns, children and elders.
Please call us (+1 845-679-6973 or Toll Free in the US 1-877-TIBETAID) or send us a message by email (, if you have questions or would like to sponsor a Tibetan monk, nun, elder, or child.).
Thanks to The Mount Adams Zen Temple and all the wonderful volunteers who made the OctSoberFest barbecue and the OctSoberFest in the Gorge weekend a joyful time for all. And please mark your calendars and join us for the second annual OctSoberFest in the Gorge on Sunday, September 27, 2020.
If you would like to be on the e-mailing list for OctSoberFest, please contact
Participants were asked to avoid sharing photographs that would identify participants in keeping with traditions of anonymity and confidentiality.
Picture 1. The gathering to hear speaker Gary Sanders, Recovery Dharma.
Picture 2. OctSoberFest Information Table.
“The Universe Laughs at a Plan”
Looking up to the sky with hands raised and a wide smile, our friend Thay Kozen remarked, “…the universe laughs at a plan” as the surprise hail storm beat down on our party tent.
There were, however, no unhappy faces when OctSoberFest celebrants and musicians scrambled to get into safer, warmer and dryer spaces.
The unexpected downpour was simply one more highlight in a delightful weekend spent in celebrating recovery.  On October 25-27, friends and loved ones gathered with survivors of addiction and alcoholism to share stories of hope and renewal.
Approximately 75 participants had just finished filling their barbecue plates when blue skies were suddenly interrupted by dark ominous clouds rumbling over the eastern Cascades on Saturday afternoon. Earlier that morning, between 50 and 60 people had gathered in the Mountain Room to hear keynote speaker, Gary Sanders, talk about applying Buddhist principles to recovery.
In addition to recovery workshops and restorative, trauma-informed yoga, weekend participants were provided opportunities to meditate in groups as well as on their own in the fields, labyrinth, special and sacred spaces of The Abbey grounds.
Sharing over the weekend included books, information and sample meetings introducing, Recovery Dharma, Mindfulness in Recovery, Living Yoga and other mindfulness and Buddhist traditions.
May the Infinite Light of Wisdom and Compassion so shine within us
that the errors and vanities of self may be dispelled; 
so shall we understand the changing nature of existence and awaken into spiritual peace.
Mt Adams Zen Buddhist Temple   46 Stoller Rd., Trout Lake WA 98650 509.395.2030