CIRCAC Executive Director Mike Munger with Prince William Sound RCAC Executive Director Donna Schantz at Science Night.
On Nov. 30-Dec. 1, the CIRCAC Board of Directors met in Anchorage with a full
agenda, including updates on Phase 1 of the Cook Inlet Pipeline Infrastructure Risk Assessment, Harvest Alaska's Cross-Inlet Pipeline Project, BlueCrest Energy operations, CIRCAC's tanker self-arrest study, Andeavor's simulator training, and Alaska's Dispersant Use Guidelines. We also had the pleasure of joining Prince William Sound RCAC for Science Night and their Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. It was a full two-days and we felt good about the progress we've made this year to promote safe transportation and oil facility operations in Cook Inlet.
With so many big initiatives, it has been another dynamic year for us.The Cook Inlet Pipeline Infrastructure Assessment is making demonstrable progress and we are fully committed to seeing it through to completion. CIRCAC has allocated additional funding toward the project through our PROPS Committee and we are continuing to explore other funding opportunities to complete the assessment.
We have long been in support of a Cross Inlet Pipeline and decommissioning of the Drift River Oil Terminal to reduce the risks posed by tanker traffic and Mt. Redoubt. We are closely monitoring Hilcorp/Harvest Alaska's progress in transitioning to this safer mode of oil transportation.
We have seen an influx of tourism organizations eager to join CIRCAC as a result of our decision to expand tourism representation on the Council. New members are making us a stronger organization and we look forward to welcoming more in the coming year.
The Cook Inlet Harbor Safety Committee (CIHSC) continues to evolve into a viable functioning organization. At the October meeting in Nikiski, the Committee approved the Harbor Safety Plan, provided an update on vessel traffic in Cook Inlet and finalized the Cook Inlet Winter Ice Guidelines. The U.S. Coast Guard is planning on shifting the ice guidelines to the CIHSC while retaining signatory authority. This organization has provided another avenue for CIRCAC to have a voice in navigational safety and maritime practices in Cook Inlet, and we are proud to be one of the driving forces behind its creation.
As to be expected, we continue to make great strides with environmental monitoring, scientific research and comments on various issues. We are compiling twenty years of contaminant and oceanographic data to integrate in online data portals and visualization tools. Our multi-year partnership project continues to assess nearshore habitats in western lower Cook Inlet. We've provided recommendations and background information on avoidance areas within the proposed Preauthorization Area of the Dispersants Use Plan for Alaska.
We are working to have a final report to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management in 2018 which analyzes data for Alaska Peninsula ShoreZone aerial and shore station surveys, have completed a "gap analysis" of our shore station database and are working to fill those gaps. In addition, we are revising the on-line data portal with NOAA and will work with the Alaska Ocean Observing System to serve shore station data within the Cook Inlet Response Tool.
During the winter/spring 2017 natural gas pipeline leak in the upper Inlet, we provided background data and sampling recommendations, as well as participated in overflights and reviewed industry and agency data reports.
Our work has elicited interest in the RCAC citizen participation model from both Washington State and the City of Vancouver, BC, among other regions, and we are a source of useful information to help facilitate those efforts.
So we have initiated a myriad of projects and continue to move forward. A lot of work remains to be done. Going into 2018, we recognize the importance of remaining vigilant to potential changes to legislation, regulations and initiatives affecting our organization and our region of responsibility and concern. We look forward to having the best information, developing the best tools, and doing the best work we can for the citizens whom we represent.