In This Issue
Wellness For All
Just a reminder, the Wellness Program is for ALL benefits eligible CWRU folks whether or not they choose to participate in our medical insurance program.

If you are interested in any of the classes or programs, you are welcome to participate. While only those who are enrolled in benefits will receive the Wellness Premium and Program cash incentives, everyone is welcome to take part. 
Weight Watchers Price Update
We have a new contract with Weight Watchers in 2017. With the 50% Wellness subsidy from the university, the cost will increase slightly to $19.11 for meetings and to $8.48 for OnlinePlus only.
Learn more about Weight Watchers on the Wellness website.
HealthTrails is
Coming Back
Due to popular demand, HealthTrails, our 12 week exercise incentive contest will be back in January. Start getting your team of 4-6 ready!
CPR Poll
We are planning to offer CPR in 2017. Please take this poll to help us decide how best to schedule the class.
Safe Toys and Gifts
Prevent Blindness Reminds Us to Choose Safe Gifts this Holiday Season
When choosing gifts for children this year, be mindful of the hazards that can come with flying or projecting toys.
Prevent Blindness also advocates purchasing eye protection for all sporting activities.
Learn more about toys and sporting equipment on the Prevent Blindness website.
Take a Break, Call the RELAX Line
Refocus, Refresh, Rejuvenate, Renew and Restore with the new CWRU Wellness Relax line. Call 368-3999 from your 
o n-campus phone and select from one of five meditations designed to help dial back stress and dial up your energy. 
You can also access the line via YouTube links on the Enjoy this minibreak in your work day!
Community Wellness in 2017!
In 2017, the CWRU Wellness Program is offering TWO new incentive categories, Financial Wellness and Community Wellness. Early next year we will be offering Financial Wellness 101 and 201 classes on-site. And other opportunities will follow during the year.

We are pleased to offer two pilot programs that will fit into the Community Wellness category, Sustained Dialogue and Books@Work.

Sustained Dialogue groups meet for a full semester to discuss campus, local and national issues of concern, including diversity and inclusion matters. The two pilot groups will be meeting for one hour weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the lunch period. All CWRU faculty and staff are welcome to join the group.
If you are interested in participating in Sustained Dialogue, fill out the application no later than Dec 5.

Books@Work is a revved up book club. In this three-month series of weekly lunchtime discussions with a professor, without grades, tests or judgement. The books and professor are provided, you just need to bring your curiosity and love of reading. Books@Work will be held on Wednesdays and Fridays at lunchtime. Check out this welcome video from Books@Work.
If you are interested in participating in Books@Work, please contact Mary Ann to be added to the list of applicants.

Crafters@Case is another community wellness offering. 
Contact Elizabeth to determine if your on-campus group meets the community wellness criteria.
Sign Up for  Seated Massage!
We are once again offering seated massage on Wednesdays between 11 am and 1 pm. Don't miss your chance to get some holiday stress relief on 12/7, 12/14 or 12/21!

Only $15 for 13 minutes.
Raising Altruistic Kids
The end of the year can turn even the sweetest kids into greedy, self-centered ones. An article from the holiday season last year in the Boston Globe suggests that simply openly talking about giving to others can have a great influence on kids behaviors.