December 2016

The Second Christmas

Jeff Boesel, Director of Mobilization at One Challenge, tells a story of The Second Christmas, when Jesus' birth is remembered and celebrated for the first time. Jeff shares an excerpt here...

Leadership Coaching in Southern Africa

Coaching workshops helps leaders come together and learn how to ask effective questions, create action steps and see break-throughs in the individuals they mentor and coach...

Give Your Home to Jesus This Christmas
At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Christ, and many Christians give Him a gift to express gratitude. This year we want to suggest you give Jesus your home! Whether your home is a house or apartment...

The Reason for the Season _ Mary_s Diary

Karis Joy, a One Challenge mission kid, wrote Mary's Diary at the age of 13, perhaps close to Mary's age when the Lord came to her in the Bible. Her imaginative journey highlights the mystery...

Merry Christmas from Southern Africa MKs

Reflections on 2016 ... Christmas Party (video)
Reflections on 2016 _ US-MC Christmas Party _video_
At the annual US-MC Christmas party, employees and mission workers were asked their thoughts on the year...

A Cry for Intimacy
with God
A Cry for Intimacy with God
TOPIC South Africa published the results from a major research project on the training needs of pastoral leaders...

Prayer Focus for December 2016 _ Christmas Blessings
Matthew 2:1-2 (NIV) says, After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod...

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