President's Message
My Fellow Members, 

As 2015 draws to a close, I cannot help but reflect on the accomplishments of the California Contract Cities Association over the past year. The staff and Board of Directors delivered many quality events and programs to our members, including two well-attended summits. Together, we worked on a collaborative approach to stormwater management, and we increased our presence in Sacramento, expanding our influence with our State lawmakers. I am proud of the accomplishments of the dedicated staff and members, and believe 2016 will provide opportunities for even greater success.

With that in mind, I would like to remind you to register for our Sacramento Legislative Orientation Tour. On January 11th we will depart for Sacramento and join forces in the State Capitol to ensure that the voice of contract cities throughout the State is heard. We have tremendous momentum, forging relationships this past year with influential lawmakers such as Speaker-Elect Anthony Rendon and Assemblymember Jimmy Gomez. Let's keep up this work and show a united and strong force in Sacramento in January.

Finally, this holiday season, I would like to wish blessings to you all. May your communities be safe, happy and healthy, so that you can spend time with the ones you love.

Gustavo Camacho
California Contract Cities Association 
Holiday Party Recap
On December 3rd, the California Contract Cities Association, the Los Angeles County Division of the League of California Cities and the Los Angeles County Business Federation hosted their 5th Annual All Cities Holiday Reception. It was great seeing everyone! Click below to view the images. 

Sixth Annual Southern California Economic Summit
The Southern California Association of Governments and Southern California Leadership Council will host this annual event that examines the region's economy. At this year's summit, an in-depth discussion will take place on the 2016-2020 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy economic impacts. Elected leaders and staff are encouraged to attend. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
The LA Hotel Downtown
For more information click here
Associate Members




To see a full list of our Associate Members click here
Upcoming Events
Sacramento Legislative Orientation Tour January 11-13, 2016 Sheraton Grand Hotel 

February Board of Directors Meeting 
Co-hosted by the City of West Hollywood, the Los Angeles County Animal Care and Control and the Los Angeles County Librarian 

Board Member Highlight

Rene Bobadilla
City Manager 
City of Pico Rivera

René Bobadilla, P.E., was appointed as Pico Rivera's City Manager by the City Council in June 2014. Immediately prior to joining Pico Rivera, Mr. Bobadilla served as the City Manager of Huntington Park from September 2012 to June 2014. He began his public sector career in 2008 as the Public Works Maintenance Superintendent for the City of El Monte and was promoted to Deputy City Manager for Community Development in April 2009, then as the Interim City Manager and finally as City Manager from January 2010 to September 2012. 

Prior to the City of El Monte, Mr. Bobadilla worked for the County of Los Angeles as a Civil Engineer for over a decade. He also worked in the capacity of a Staff Engineer for the San Gabriel County Water District as well as a private engineering firm. 

René was born and raised in the City of El Monte and received his Bachelor of Science Degree from Cal Poly Pomona and received his professional engineering license in 2000.
Board Member Highlight

ALADS has been a proud sponsor of the CCCA for many years and participated in the CCCA's Annual Municipal Seminar since the early years of the event. Since its inception in 1976, ALADS has been the certified bargaining unit for more than 7,000 deputy sheriffs and district attorney investigators working in Los Angeles County. The Association moved into the mainstream of organized labor unions in 1983 when ALADS affiliated with the AFL-CIO.

More than 2,000 L.A. County deputy sheriffs currently serve in providing the highest quality of public safety services in patrol, traffic and specialized assignments in Los Angeles County's 42 contract law enforcement cities. A large number of the Sheriff's Department's most skilled and experienced deputy sheriffs pursue careers in patrol assignments in the Contract Cities where the work is tremendously rewarding and the outstanding work of just one deputy can make a difference in the lives of many residents.

In addition to the dedicated sworn personnel assigned to each contract city, the Sheriff's Department also provides an extraordinary list of specialized units for both contract cities and independent cities in Los Angeles County. The Special Enforcement Bureau (SEB, which includes K-9 units and the LASD's equivalent of the SWAT team.), Aero Bureau, Arson/Explosives, Hazardous Materials, the Gang Enforcement Team (GET), and Operation Safe Streets (OSS, which includes teams of deputies targeted at specific geographic areas to reduce crime in gang impacted communities.)

ALADS members deeply appreciate the opportunity to serve the residents and businesses of Los Angeles County's contract cities. "Your safety is our job."