The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance 
Resistance Motion Filed on December 10th 

Message From The Board of Directors
Thursday December 10th -The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance filed our RESISTANCE TO ROCK ISLAND CLEAN LINE LLC'S MOTION TO ESTABLISH PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE  on  behalf of all landowners across all 16 counties in Iowa. This was in response to the recent RICL MOTION TO ESTABLISH PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE which was filed with the IUB on December 1st.  

You can file your personal objection to the RICL until Monday December 14th at 330 pm. 
Contact us if you need more information or assistance if you decide to file your own objection. 
Please assist others who do not use email by passing this information along to impacted neighbors and other community members.  Thank you for your ongoing support. 

Carolyn Sheridan 
Board of Director President 
On Behalf of The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance 
Read the Resistance Motion 
Thursday, December 10th our organization filed an 
Click here to read RICL's motion filed on December 5th

Conclusion portion of our resistance motion:
Clean Line has put forth a substantially similar bifurcation motion to its previous two motions. Clean Line has failed to address numerous fatal deficiencies from its previous motions in its present attempt to bifurcate. Clean Line has failed to show that concerns of due process, clarity, administrative efficiency, or convenience are enhanced by bifurcation. Once again, "consideration of these four factors does not support splitting the hearing [and] the constitutional due process concerns alone are sufficient to justify denial of [Clean Line's] motion." Second Order at p. 18. 

WHEREFORE, the Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance respectfully requests this Board deny Clean Line's Motion to Establish Procedural Schedule and enter a proposed schedule that addresses Clean Line's franchise petitions in a single proceeding.

This motion includes references to the resistance motions filed by our organization in 2013 and 2015. 
Below is additional Information on the previous bifurcation motions, PRIA resistance motions and the IUB rulings denying those motions. 

First Bifurcation Motion October 15, 2013  
IUB Ruling - denying the Bifurcation motion

Second Bifurcation Motion December 8, 2014 
Resistance motion by The Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance 
Ruling by Iowa Utilities Board denying the 2nd motion 
You can file an Objection Letter to the RICL Motion to Establish Procedural Schedule  with the Iowa Utilities Board until Monday, December 14th at 3:30 pm

Note: This objection should focus on the recent motion filed by RICL to "separate" or "bifurcate" the franchise process.  See our December 5th newsletter for more information on the RICL motion.  

What should be in your letter?
- Why you feel this 3rd bifurcation motion will not benefit you.
- The lack of any progress by RICL since the last bifurcation motion
- Concerns identified by the IUB have not been addressed by RICL
- Disadvantages to landowners with this change in process
- Lack of communication from RICL regarding this recent "separation request" - letters were not sent to all landowners. Only landowners who filed electronically were notified.
- Include any other personal objections to this motion to separate (bifurcate) the     process. 
- Include your docket number
- Indicate this objection is in addition to previous objections if you filed previously  

You can file electronically or by mail:

Electronic filing: 
Go to our website Objection Tool Kit Tab for more information
Click on the 1 page Step by Step Instructions link for information on how to use the electronic filing system. There are several steps but it is the fastest way to get your objection to the IUB. 

File by Mail: 
You can also file your objection by mailing your form to the Iowa Utilities Board.  
Click here for a suggested objection form or you can simply write your letter without using the form.  
Make certain the docket number for your county is on the letter. 
Click here for the docket numbers for all counties in Iowa. 
IUB mailing address:  
Executive Secretary,  Iowa Utilities Board, 
1375 E Court Ave - Rm 69                                     
Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0069.
IUB Contact Information 
             Phone:  877.565.4450  (toll-free) / 515.725.7321 

This must be done by Monday December 14, 2015.   There  is a 14 day window for responding to a filed motion per IUB regulations. 
Click to view voluntary easement numbers in each county
Voluntary Easements:   Remain at Less than 15% 

The number of voluntary easements  HAS NOT CHANGED with 
177 registered at county court houses in all 16 counties.
There are no Land Agents working in Iowa at this time    BUT Low numbers of voluntary easements continues to be a critical part of our strategic plan.   
Contact our organization if you hear from a land agent or if you are contacted by RICL by mail or phone. We cannot let our guard down during this self imposed "pause or break" being taken by RICL. 
Board of Directors
The Presevation of Rural Iowa Alliance
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