"Leadership is communicating to people their worth and potential so clearly that they come to see it in themselves."
~Stephen Covey
Happy New Year!
Balanced Success begins with being the C.E.O. of Y.O.U. - which really means that every step you take requires that you be fully present to yourself and to the people around you.
Sounds pretty easy, doesn't it? Well, it IS simple. But it's not always easy. This is why Synergy coaching programs begin with tools to practice being present in each moment.
This is why I'm always willing to share some of my hardest lessons along the way, and
I have chosen to teach with authenticity, through transparency and by personal example
--however imperfect that may be.
When I was 22 years old, in the midst of a heart-breaking divorce and my
"dark night of the soul", someone offered that gift to me-believing in me until I came to believe in myself-and it transformed my life so much that I have dedicated my coaching practice to paying her generosity forward. I will be forever grateful for her loving guidance that helped me rise to the challenges of life in a hard place.
My deepest desire has become to help heart-centered,
Purpose-driven high-achievers like you to create your own blend
of balanced success through a Restorative Lifestyle, so you can
lead boldly and burn brightly without burning out (like I did).
I Promise:
1. I Promise To Hold the Space for you
to RISE to your next level of fulfillment,
whatever that looks like to you.
I will offer unconditional support
through the inevitable peaks and valleys
that come on the journey to personal growth
and professional success.
2. I Promise to bring Fresh Perspective
while gently offering you a different
lens with which to view your past experiences
and present circumstances. As you begin to see
the world differently, you will breathe a sigh of
relief, knowing you don't have to be someone different
to find the happiness you've been working so hard for...
As you practice the powerful art of Re-Framing your thoughts,
beliefs, and actions, you realize that greater happiness comes
by using your natural gifts and strengths
to become more of who you already are.
I'm here to support your efforts to trade toxic success habits for proactive self-care practices to help you
work smarter, play harder, and rest better.
You'll discover that when your Reservoir of Resilience grows, so does the time and energy you have to spend on what matters most to you.
Want to know more about coaching options or how to plug in to our awesome community of collaborative and supportive women? Contact me here and I'll be in touch with you.
Remember, We have one precious life... we deserve to love it!