So very much is happening right in our own Hoboken backyard (not to mention the world), that we have a lot to bring you up to speed on.
Let's start with the possible
"Uptown Branch"
In his State of the City address last week, Mayor Bhalla announced a possible new uptown branch of the Hoboken Public Library as part of a proposed public works facility to be located in Hoboken’s North End. We are so pleased that the Mayor recognizes the community's need for a full-service uptown Library branch to support our growing city, and are very excited about this proposal.
But there is a long way to go before any of this could be realized. The first step is getting your voices on this project. The city is holding a virtual community meeting this Wednesday, March 16, at 7 pm, to discuss current facility constraints and needs, and the proposed concepts for the 1501 Adams Street site. To register for the meeting, please go to
An uptown Library branch would bring people together in a fully accessible, flexible, modern space for all-age events, classes, and community services. It would be a gathering place for connecting people, passions, and knowledge; it would delight one and all with the sheer pleasure of browsing the stacks for one's next favorite read.
We hope you'll attend the meeting. We need your voice.
a staged reading
Saturday, March 19, at 2 pm
The Large Program Room
To celebrate Women's History Month, we are presenting "Leading Ladies," a staged reading of scenes from plays focusing on strong women; it's being held on Saturday, March 19 at 2:00 pm in the Large Programming Room at the Main Branch.
Five Broadway and Off-Broadway actresses will perform scenes from "The Glass Menagerie," "A Doll's House," "Doubt," "Agnes of God," "Crimes of the Heart" and "The Heidi Chronicles." Registration is required and seating is limited.
These books about outstanding women cover the entire range of accomplishments of women past and present. Their stories are sure to inspire you.
Giving you in-depth information of the
Crisis in Ukraine
When the crisis in Ukraine erupted a few short weeks ago, we posted a link on our website to take you directly to the more than 500 items in our collection that address the culture of Ukraine. However, you likely want current information to help you better understand what is clearly a dynamic and dangerous situation. Here are a few online resources to consult:
The Council on Foreign Relations details the conflict on its Ukraine page, offers an explanation of the European Union, and gives a global view on its Conflict Tracker.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization's website explains NATO's mission, and its response to the crisis in Ukraine.
Media coverage of the war provides maps that show the progress of the invasion, and Ukraine's efforts to counter it. Many of those maps are provided by ISW, the Institute for the Study of War, a non-partisan think tank. ISW's March 13 assessment is here.
Please stop by the Library to browse our featured collection of print publications related to Ukraine; the collection is located next to the Access Services counter.
Friday March 25 & Saturday March 26
Online and at the Library
On Friday, March 25, we start two days of exciting and educational Makers Day activities.
The maker movement in the United States isn’t just a hobby; it’s having a significant impact on school curriculum and boosting local economies. To celebrate making and maker culture, the Hoboken Public Library is participating in the statewide Makers Days festival on Friday 3/25 and Saturday 3/26.
It's "Pi" Day
We made the perfect "pi" with a recipe from this book from our collection: The Perfect Pie.
Your friends at the Hoboken Public Library