We’ve just produced a new audio teaching series entitled FACING YOUR FEARS. If ever there was a timely topic to address, this is it! We have this available for you in CDs or USB flash drives. Call our Tucson office to place your order now.    
As you may know, I already have a personal Facebook page, as well as a personal Twitter account. Our ministry also has its own ministry Facebook page. Many of you correspond with me through these social media outlets, and I will continue to use those platforms as led by the Lord. However, as their blatant anti-Christian and anti-conservative censorship increases, I have been compelled to seek alternate ways to use social media to communicate Bible truths, and express conservative views consistent with the word of God. Enter the social media platform called PARLER. I’m sure there are other alternative platforms that Christians and conservatives use, but at the moment, this one is by far the most active – reaching and connecting hundreds of thousands of people. Honestly, I’m fed up with ungodly “thought police” monitoring what believers say or stand for. I’m fed up with these people thinking they have the power to silence anything any of us say in opposition to their spiritual or political views. Perhaps you are, too. I say these things to let you know I have opened up a social media account with PARLER. If you’re active on social media, I encourage you to follow me there. My handle is @Mkeyessr. My account name is StrongerMan. You can go to https://parler.com to research this for yourself.  
Even with social distancing rules in place, we try our best to segregate the kids to minister to them. When we do, they sit there and listen to every word we share. They're not just hungry for the food we give, but for the spiritual food of the Gospel.
Passing out the bags of food brings big smiles and joy to these forgotten villagers. We go where people have been neglected during this pandemic. Jesus loves them, and we do, too.
Your support enables us to help these needy people in the name of Jesus.
Families are so blessed when we come and minister to them with the Word of God, passing out food relief at the same time. Note the little boy with no mask - how precious!
In the aftermath of the November 3rd US General Election, mass chaos, confusion, fear and terror are now being played out nationwide. This affects not only America and American citizens, it affects nations and people worldwide. More importantly for Christians, it can adversely affect our perspective with regards to the Great Commission of Mark 16:15-18. In this month’s COLD WATER, I once again want to remind everyone that the Great Commission is a COMMAND that is to be obeyed, no matter what circumstances surround us. To that end, MKMI is continuing to hold our Miracle Crusades in the Philippines, as much as we can with present quarantines and travel restrictions being what they are over there. We are also continuing to give aggressive “altar calls” in church services here in America. In my spirit, there is a strong awareness that we’re at the midnight hour of this dispensation of grace. One of my newest books entitled "You Can Be Who You Already Are” was written with this sense of urgency in mind. Therefore, I’m doing my best to convey that same sense of urgency to my pastors, staff and students, as well as to those I’m privileged to minister to in Jesus’ name. Your support helps me do exactly that.

At least twice a month in the Philippines, our MKMI staff and RBTC student body goes out to conduct Miracle Crusades that are coupled with humanitarian relief for impoverished village residents. In Ozamiz City proper, people are severely restricted in terms of public gatherings. However, in the remote areas farther away from the city, people are much more at liberty to meet. Therefore, at the present time our crusade work is centered up in the mountainous areas surrounding Ozamiz City – away from the prying eyes of local, paranoid officials. We are calling these our HOPE CRUSADES. We are continuing with this crusade format until we’re able to resume unrestricted full-scale outreach operations. Your support helps me do this.
As you know, due to the effects of the Fear Virus, we’ve been unable to travel back to the Philippines for our summer crusades and outreach in 2020. In addition, here in the USA since March 15th, all weekend church services have either been cancelled or postponed. However, we’re pleased to report that from the first week of October we’ve been traveling each weekend, holding powerful services in churches that have chosen to stay open, regardless of what local officials do to try and stop them. We’ll be doing this right up to the weekend before Thanksgiving. At that point, we’ll once again be forced to remain Stateside until the end of the year, because the powers that be in the Philippines have declared that the travel restrictions and lockdowns will continue through December 31st, and possibly beyond. Therefore, instead of going back to Ozamiz City for Christmas and New Year’s, we’ll have to remain here and continue to work with our staff and students for outreach and evangelism online. 
More than five months ago, in our local Tucson church service on June 28th, the Lord used me to deliver a prophetic word which revealed timeless truths we need to remember – now in the aftermath of the November 3rd general election here in the USA. If you go back to our August COLD WATER, you’ll find it there as well.   
All Will Be as I Have Said
For these are the last days that have been prophesied from long ago, says the Lord your God. Nothing that is happening around you surprises Me. Nothing takes Me in a place where I am not prepared to do what I have said I would do; to fulfill My word long ago. These are dark times for those who don’t know Me, but these are exciting times for those who do. I want you to be reassured this morning, that I know what’s going on. My hand is upon this country. My hand is upon this nation, and I will not withdraw it, for my people continue to pray and they stand in the gap and they make the wall, and the wall is being built and nothing can stop this from happening, because I have declared it to be so. 
And each one of you here today have a very important part to play. You need to understand that I need your words. I need your declaration and I need your partnership with Me, because together we can do what the word says we can do. And these things that are happening around, these dark times, never mind all of this but you keep your eyes upon the Lord your God, because our best days are all ahead of us. And there will be an ushering in of saints into the body of Christ, the likes of which the world has never seen. The devil can huff and puff, but he will never blow this house down, because I am the Lord your God, and not by might, nor by spirit, but by My word you shall declare that all things shall be as I have said. All things shall be as I have said, and you have a part to play, and all things will be as I have said, says the Lord.  
My notes on this prophecy: Several times for emphasis in this prophetic utterance, the Lord declared that all things will be as He has said in His word. We all need to meditate on that. Hundreds of verses and passages tell us not to fear for the future, but to put our faith and trust in the Lord. If God be for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31-39)? The answer: nobody.  
As this COLD WATER is being written, in the aftermath of the November 3rd General Election, a fierce fight is raging for control of America’s political future. It is more than just a battle against two political parties. It is a battle between good and evil, light and darkness. Who ultimately wins control of our government will profoundly affect our evangelistic activities for the next four years and beyond. This is what all Christians need to remember. As I told you in last month’s COLD WATER, we’re not Democrats or Republicans. We’re Christians, first and foremost. As children of God, believers need to understand the importance of standing in the gap, and making the wall of intercession, as it says in Ezekiel 22:30-31. Voting is an important step to take to fulfill that mandate, and I hope you went to the polls and voted for godliness and righteousness, as I encouraged you to do in our last two COLD WATER editions. 
But now we face this tug-of-war over the vote tallies themselves. There are many charges and allegations of voter fraud having taken place. We don’t know all things in this matter, but God does, and He has promised through His word and His prophets to expose and judge the ungodly regarding these things. Our job now is to intercede, and go to war in our prayer closets, to have any attempts to illegally determine the election’s outcome reversed, and those responsible prosecuted and sentenced.
We appreciate your faithful prayers of agreement for these priority issues affecting our ministry. 

In America:  
Pray for our recent election results to be purged of any and all fraud and illegal activity. As a country founded on the principles of democracy, America as a country is doomed to destruction if our voting system is rigged and riddled with fraud. It must be uncovered, identified and effectively prosecuted.  

Pray for national spiritual repentance and revival. This alone can save America from itself, and from the ungodly.  

In the Philippines:
Tax Attack. Discussed in the August COLD WATER. To date, no new developments to report. We’re believing for total victory, paying no taxes to anyone.

Fear Virus Issues. Agree with us that all COVID-19 hurdles are eliminated. That means all travel restrictions and quarantine requirements be lifted in all countries where we are assigned by God to go, especially the Philippines. 

Ministry Income. Agree with us for steady and sufficient monthly income to run the ministry and continue all avenues of outreach without interruption. We’re feeding on God’s faithfulness (Psalms 37:3).

Road Expansion Project: The city of Ozamiz has indicated they intend to restart construction work to widen the road in front of our compound, which would damage and destroy hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of our property and existing structures. Believe with us for the complete termination of this project – with no damage or destruction to compound property.

Effective Crusade Outreach: Agree with us for maximum results from the crusades we conduct going forward, no matter what restrictions are in place to hinder us. 
Once again, Ethel and I want to thank all of you for your faithful and generous support. I’m pleased to report that once again this month, all of our bills are current and up-to-date, and we’ve still got enough on hand to continue funding our on-going work overseas.  Through all of the Fear Virus lockdowns which are still in place all over the world, God has proven Himself faithful to meet our needs, and we know He will continue to do so. You are a very important part of His work to sustain MKMI through 2020 and beyond. For sure, we won’t be able to return to the Philippines until sometime in 2021, but we’re believing we’ll get back there as soon as possible to resume effective and full-scale ministry operations. But wherever we are, we know we’ve got partners like you to lean on, as we all stand in faith for complete victory over this global pandemic attack of the enemy.  
Our Facebook Livestream Schedule has changed for November, due to our travel schedule, and the Thanksgiving Holiday. Please take note of the dates for our upcoming live streams:

  • Dates: November 4,11,18, 25 | December 8,15, 22, 29
  • Time: 7:30pm Arizona time, which is 10:30am Philippine time, the next day. 

Dates and times are always subject to change, per the leading of the Lord. 
Streaming schedules are also posted on the MKMI Facebook Page, under “Events”.     
Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Ephesians 6:13

The enemies we face and the weapons we use against them are identified in
Ephesians 6:10-20. When we do our part, God steps in to do His part. The Bible identifies us as “fellow workers” with Christ (2 Corinthians 6:1). That means we’re in partnership with Jesus, to spread the Gospel worldwide, winning souls and making disciples
(Mark 16:15-18/Matthew 28:18-20). In short, God made the first move in sending Jesus to die for our sins, making us eligible for eternal life. Now, as born-again believers, we do what we can, then God does what we can’t. After that, we patiently wait upon the Lord for His intervention, protection, provision, or anything else that only He can provide
(Psalms 27:14, Isaiah 25:9, Isaiah 40:30-31, and many other passages). Relax! 
Psalms 37. 

More teaching on this will be forthcoming in this month’s CHRISTIAN SOLDIER e-teacher. Look for it in your email inbox!  
Daily Devotionals. Find them on our Mike Keyes Ministries International Facebook page. 
Read them. Learn from them. Apply them.   

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