Our Rhema Bible School class in our Compound was watching as part of their course studies.
Every three years, MKMI conducts a national leadership conference for our churches, leaders and pastors. However, this is the first time we did a virtual conference via ZOOM technology. I’m pleased to report it went well and was a great blessing to our personnel in the Philippines. All the USA speakers pre-recorded their teaching sessions weeks before the event, allowing video “space” for an invisible interpreter, who would be added once the footage was sent to our Tech Team in the Philippines. Work to add interpretation to each speaker’s message was finished literally just hours before the event was scheduled to begin. Delegates came from all over the country to pre-set locations where they could sit together and view the interpreted video sessions. We had a few glitches to overcome, but we did. As a result, we were able to bless delegates in cities, mountainous villages, and isolated places.   
Delegates watching from our Dormitory inside our Compound in Ozamiz City. 
Pastors, leaders, and delegates assembled to watch the online sessions, traveling to churches pastored by our Regional Directors. Many of those who joined the conference would never have been able to travel the long distances to Ozamiz City for an in-person conference but attending at one of our field locations was completely doable for them. We also had delegates viewing the conference from outside the Philippines, including the USA and Malaysia.  
Delegates watching from our Parang church, a part of Mindanao that is heavily populated by Muslims. 
Delegates watching from one of our Iligan City churches, another part of Mindanao that is heavily populated by Muslims. 
More delegates watching from another one of our churches in Iligan City.  
Delegates watching from our church in Tangub City, about 30 minutes away from our Ozamiz City Headquarters.
We want to thank all our speakers for their valued time to produce these sessions for our people. I shared from my heart about faith and patience, but I had such great help in this effort! A big shout out to Pastors Dan Roth (from California), Ray Hadjstylianos (from New York) and Jerry Carbajosa (from the Philippines), as well as Reverends Paul and Jennifer Popowich (from Oklahoma). Thank you all for the wonderful teaching you provided us. We also want to thank the video departments from their churches here in the USA, who made themselves available to produce quality video sessions for editing and broadcasting in the Philippines. Pastor Roth and Pastor Hadjstylianos – thank you for letting us use your recording facilities to help us make this conference a success. Reverend Jennifer, thank you for re-arranging all your boxes in your home office for the same! We are thankful for you all.  
We averaged 28 national or international locations for each broadcast, where delegates were viewing our sessions online.  
Delegates watching from our church in Butuan City, far away from Ozamiz, in the northeast corner of Mindanao. 
Delegates watching from our church in General Santos City, far to the south, near the southern tip of Mindanao.  
We want to thank our two interpreters, Reverend Emmie Cabanag and Pastor Ariel Bonite, for fantastic work in interpreting the content of each video from our speakers. We also thank all our Regional Directors throughout the Philippines, for their efforts to coordinate and host delegates visiting from many far-away places. And finally, we want to thank and give a big shout out to our Tech Team! What a great job they did to edit each video, inserting the interpreter’s comments, and splice, cut and edit to make each video a smooth, coherent presentation. We’re so proud of you! We want all of you to know your collaborated efforts will bless and encourage hundreds if not thousands of Filipino leaders and church members throughout our church network. Great shall be your reward someday in heaven!    
Delegates watching from our church in Cebu City, on the island of Cebu, in the central part of the Philippines. 
Delegates watching from our church in Pagadian City, about 2 hours away from Ozamiz City.
Programs were printed and emailed to each location, where our Regional Directors passed them out to attending delegates.
Finally, we thank Almighty God, the Lord Jesus, and the precious Holy Spirit! Without Your anointing, guidance, provision and oversight, this conference would never have taken place! We all worship, praise, and salute you. As usual, You lifted us up and made us great in Your sight!  
Good morning Daddy Mike and Mom Ethel. On behalf of all the Pastors from our Region, we just want to say “thank you” so much for allowing us to use the Compound facilities during our StrongerMan 2021 Conference. We are all blessed by the teachings that we received from you and the other speakers. May the Lord God richly bless you. Have a great FAITH AND PATIENCE day ahead! 

Pastor Ariel Bonite (ATWOC Regional Director, Conference Interpreter & Rhema Bible School Instructor). 
We appreciate your faithful prayers of agreement for these priority issues affecting our ministry and our country. 

In America: 
Pray for God’s intervention to bring justice and judgment to the perpetrators of the ongoing international effort to sabotage and replace our system of government. These criminals must be identified, prosecuted and imprisoned. As a country founded on the principles of democracy, America as a country is doomed to destruction if Christians and conservatives are systematically censored, maligned, persecuted and threatened. This must stop, and only God can make that happen!

Pray that God will remove the gutless, spineless politicians that the devil has used in both political parties. We want strong, courageous, patriotic representatives at all levels of government, including the courts.

Pray for national spiritual repentance and revival. This alone can save America from itself, and from the ungodly, who are now actively working to silence the voice of Christianity in America.

In the Philippines:
Tax Attack. First presented to you in our August 2020 COLD WATER. Our staff has met with local city officials, attempting to help them understand we are not a for-profit business that should be taxed. In addition, we are in contact with our attorneys on this matter. We are believing for total victory, paying no taxes to anyone, and for this avenue of demonic attack to disappear forever, in Jesus’ name.

Fear Virus Issues. Agree with us that all COVID-19 hurdles are eliminated. That means all travel restrictions and quarantine requirements be lifted in all countries where we are assigned by God to go, especially the Philippines. It also means people who choose not to be vaccinated will be freely allowed to travel internationally without prohibitions of any kind.

Ministry Income. Agree with us for steady and sufficient monthly income to run the ministry and continue all avenues of outreach without interruption. We’re feeding on God’s faithfulness
(Psalms 37:3).

Road Expansion Project. The city of Ozamiz has begun pouring cement and widening the road in front of our compound. A photo of this was included in our March COLD WATER newsletter. Believe with us for the complete termination of this project – with no damage or destruction to compound property. Updates on this issue will be forthcoming in future newsletters.

Effective Crusade Outreach. Agree with us for maximum results from the crusades we conduct going forward, no matter what restrictions are in place to hinder us.

Successful Online Meetings. We are scheduling online Bible School classes and National Conferences using ZOOM technology. Agree with us for success in organizing and conducting these meetings going forward. 
Ethel and I want you to know how important you are to the on-going work of MKMI in the Philippines, and around the world. Without your faithful and generous support, we would not have been able to survive this worldwide pandemic as we have. Our travel, speaking and ministry schedules continue to be greatly disrupted, however. Even so, God is proving Himself faithful once again, working through generous partners like you. Because of this, we are presently in a good position financially, and expect that to be the case going forward through the summer months. We believe we’ll get back to the Philippines as soon as possible, to resume effective and full-scale ministry operations. But wherever we are, we know we have got partners like you to lean on, as we all stand in faith for complete victory over this global pandemic attack of the enemy.  

Please take note of the dates for our upcoming live streams:

Dates: July 20
Dates: August 3, 10, 24, 31
Time: 7:30pm Arizona time, which is 10:30am Philippine time, the next day. 

Dates and times are always subject to change, per the leading of the Lord. 
Streaming schedules are also posted on the MKMI Facebook Page, under “Events”.   
MKMI now has a Rumble account, which is a conservative alternative to YouTube. Look for MIKE KEYES MINISTRIES ACCOUNT when searching for us there. Some of our teaching videos have been added to our Rumble account, and more are being added going forward. Our Facebook and YouTube accounts are still active, as is our Twitter account, but always subject to the leading of the Holy Spirit as to whether we stay with these social media platforms. We are watching to determine if we are going to remain on certain platforms, depending upon how intrusive they become with censorship. An example of this is how Parler was de-certified in January. They’ve since restarted their platform, but we’re not using them yet. There are other conservative options being developed as well. We’ll monitor all of this and make Spirit-led decisions going forward. 
Order your copy of Apostle Mike’s newest book today. You can also do what many are doing - ordering additional copies for others they care about. Go online at to order, or call our Tucson office to place your order directly.
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. Ecclesiastes 3:8.  

In the last days, perilous times will come (2 Tim 3:1). Notice the word “times” is plural. That means different times require different responses, even though they’re all perilous (dangerous). According to Ecclesiastes, there is a time for war, a time for peace, a time to love and a time to hate. This is a time of war. Therefore, it’s a time to hate the enemy as much as it is a time to love the unlovely in Jesus’ name. The body of Christ is under intense worldwide attack. Sin is being exalted and promoted everywhere. Righteousness, holiness, and purity are being maligned at every turn. Lawlessness is abounding. It’s time to hate whatever the Bible tells us to hate. Let’s start with hating the devil and his demons (Psalms 139:21,22). They are truly worthy of our hatred! This surprises many Christians who are not familiar with the Bible. Too many “believers” cringe at the thought of developing hatred against our spiritual enemies, but it's scriptural to do so. After all, Satan hates all of us already, so let’s return the favor! You can never live free from sin until you learn to hate it. You will never drive the devil out of your life until you develop intense hatred for who he is and what he does. Its okay to love and hate. It’s not a sin. If Jesus loved righteousness and hated iniquity (Hebrews 1:9), we should too!  
Daily Devotionals. Find them on our Mike Keyes Ministries International Facebook page. 
Read them. Learn from them. Apply them.   

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