In mid-June, our Rhema Bible Training Center re-opened with our 2nd Trimester of classes. Because of all the travel restrictions and lengthy quarantines currently in effect in the Philippines, a number of our students could not return to our compound in Ozamiz City to attend classes in person. Therefore, we are working with knowledgeable school alumni and current students to produce online classes that everyone can be a part of – those in class physically, and those online remotely.
My “Language of Faith” class, and Ethel’s class on “Making Marriage a Love Story” are being taught by other faculty members in our absence. Although this mix of online and in-person training is new to us, so far, it is working well. And with each class conducted, we’re learning more and more about how to maximize technology to reach more people than ever. We have even heard from one of our graduates now working abroad in Dubai, asking if she can also attend online to refresh her learning from the days when she was attending classes in person. We are praying and believing God for the wisdom to broaden our reach in this way going forward.   
Travel to the Philippines is still on hold, due to the travel restrictions and quarantine requirements still in place. Here are excerpts from the official notice put out on June 19, and repeated again on July 2 by Mactan Cebu International Airport (MCIA) in the Philippines. This is the airport we normally arrive at when traveling from the United States. 

PUBLIC ADVISORY: ARRIVAL PROTOCOLS FOR INTERNATIONAL PASSENGERS. We remind all arriving international passengers to strictly adhere to the protocols upon check-in at their port of origin and upon arrival at MCIA. As of 19 June 2020, all international commercial flights remain suspended. The arrival protocols only apply to passengers arriving via international sweeper or repatriation flights, or rerouted flights from Manila due to quarantine processing limitations. Read full advisory here:
Over the years, God has used me to deliver words of prophecy in general, and for individuals personally. This is one that the Lord had me pull from the file, to be included in this e-newsletter. As you read it you’ll know why. It’s very pertinent for the days we are living in. Remember there is no time in the spirit realm, and God’s time-clock isn’t the same as ours. Many times, prophecies like this are for seasons that don’t really manifest until years later. But in His mercy, God gives us the knowledge and information well in advance to give us time to prepare. This is an example of that:
You see, says the Spirit of God, I am looking for just a select few. I don’t need everyone. I just need the dedicated ones, because I can make up the slack and I can take up where others refuse to pick up their mantle. I can make up for the lost time of those who are choosing to be mediocre, and for those who are choosing to wallow with their flesh and lag behind. I can make up the difference. All I need are a few, and I am asking you to choose this night to serve Me with all of your heart and all of your soul and all of your mind and all of your strength. 
And where does this begin? It begins with the desires of your heart, the exercise of your free will which I have placed within you. Choose this day to come up hither and choose this day to want the good things, the eternal things, the things that will make you a strong man or woman of God, the things that will hone your God-given skills and talents and abilities, and sharpen them to perfection and make you a razor-sharp, front-line fighter in My Name.
I don’t need everyone. I only need a few, and I am asking you to choose you this night whom you shall serve. Me? The world? Or your flesh? You choose.
I am waiting, and I have been waiting upon some of you for quite some time. I will continue to wait. I am a patient God. But time to work is running short and much work needs to be done. I can make up lost time in your life, and I can recover the years of indecision and I can do that quickly, but you choose. You make up your mind. You get in the ballgame and you play with Me, and find out how good you really are. Let Me have the opportunity to lead you into battle, so that you can see how strong I have made you to be, and that I may glorify Myself through you. 
I challenge you says the Spirit of God. Come up hither. Exercise yourself to excellence. Desire only what I want. Never go beyond My Word or My will to do less or to do more. Watch Me perform miracles and watch Me touch lives through your hands and with your words. And watch My wisdom become one with your mind and watch your heart expand with knowledge and spiritual understanding. And watch My peace that passes all understanding hover over your home and your marriage and over your family and over your children.
These are the days for the power of God to manifest on the earth, and I will move forward with those who choose to move forward with Me. You can stay where you are and be left behind, or you can come up and move with Me. So choose you this night and make your choice for time is short and souls need to be won and I am depending on you, says the Lord.
As we move into the heart of the summer, we are pleased to report that our God has continued to demonstrate His faithfulness to meet our needs and keep our ministry going financially. We’ve been able to take care of expenses in the USA as well as in the Philippines. We are grateful beyond words for your partnership with us in this time of global uncertainty. But we know that in the midst of such fear and trepidation, the word of God remains immoveable and unchanging. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever (Isaiah 40:8).  Jesus said it would be easier for the universe to pass away, than for one punctuation point in God’s Word to fail. What a comforting truth!  (Luke 16:17 & 21:33)

You continue to be our financial lifeline from heaven, and we are eternally grateful. May the promised return in Luke 6:38 be yours in Jesus’ name – good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, shall men give back to you! The wisest thing Christians can do in fearful and uncertain times like these is to increase their giving, because the promises of God never change, and can’t be nullified in anyway. Don’t try to figure out who God will use to bless you in return for supporting us. Just trust Him to do it! He has a million ways to do this for you. If God be for you, who can be against you? (Romans 8:31).
We appreciate your faithful prayers of agreement for these priority issues affecting our ministry in the Philippines:

• Fear Virus Issues.  Agree with us that all COVID-19 hurdles are eliminated. That means all travel restrictions and quarantine requirements be lifted in all countries where we are assigned by God to go, especially the Philippines.

• Ministry Income.  Agree with us for steady and sufficient monthly income to run the ministry and continue all avenues of outreach without interruption.

• Road Expansion Project:  The city of Ozamiz has indicated they intend to restart construction work to widen the road in front of our compound, which would damage and destroy hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of our property and existing structures. Believe with us for the complete termination of this project – with no damage or destruction to compound property.
Our MKMI Live Stream Events are continuing to reach multitudes of people worldwide that we would never reach otherwise. The Lord has told us to make this arm of outreach permanent. Here is the remaining schedule of live events through the end of August:  

Dates : July 7, 14, 21, 28. August 4, 11, 18, 25. 
Time : 7:30 p.m. Arizona time, which is 10:30 a.m. Philippine time, the next day. 

Dates and times are always subject to change, per the leading of the Lord. 
Streaming schedules are also posted on the MKMI Facebook Page, under “Events”.   

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments,
For this is man's all. For God will bring every work into judgment,
Including every secret thing, Whether good or evil.   Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

Life on earth isn’t complicated, if you know what God said about it. There are only four words every human being needs to know, understand, and live by. It’s interesting that the wisest man recorded in the Bible is Solomon (1 Kings 3:12, 4:29-34 ). His wisdom was a gift from God that was unsurpassed by anyone except Jesus Himself. Yet, after writing all of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, he sums up everything he has learned in these two verses. It’s the conclusion. That means everything we will ever need to know about life in general, and our lives in particular, is found in these two verses. There is no additional knowledge to acquire. There is nothing else that needs to be understood. The conclusion of the whole matter can be summed up in four words:

Heaven. Hell. Eternal Judgment. 

God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing.  That means there is nothing that can be hidden from God. Every minute detail of our lives is laid open and bare before the Lord (Hebrews 4:13).  He sees everything. He hears everything. He knows the thoughts and intent of our hearts (1 Samuel 16:7, 1 Chronicles 28:9).  In Matthew 12:36-37 , Jesus said that by our words we will be justified (saved), and by our words we will be condemned (lost).  Words and works.  They will form the basis for our judgment, and when that judgment is rendered, the outcome will be forever. 

Our judgment will take place in one of two places. For Christians, it will be the judgment seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10). For unbelievers, it will be the Great White Throne Judgment (Rev 20:11-15).  The verdict determines each person’s eternal abode. Believers spend eternity in heaven with God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, all the angels and every single soul that has ever accepted the Lord and received salvation. Unbelievers will spend eternity in a lake of fire and brimstone, with the devil, the beast, false prophet, every fallen angel, every wicked demon and every single soul that rejected the Lord’s free gift of salvation – bobbing on and in a sea of fire – forever. 

The criteria for judgment will be God’s standards of holiness, purity, righteousness and obedience, as clearly outlined in the Bible. Man’s ideas about these things won’t matter. God’s judgments will be accurate and impartial. No one will be judged unfairly. Everyone will spend eternity in the place they chose for themselves (Deuteronomy 30:19) . If we understand these truths, we must live like we do. Understand that everything of this life is temporary and always subject to change (2 Corinthians 4:18).  Only spiritual things really matter because they are unchanging and eternal. Those who receive Jesus will spend eternity in Heaven. Those who reject Jesus will spend eternity in Hell. That’s it. Remember those four words.  Heaven. Hell. Eternal judgment.   
In addition to the MKMI E-Newsletter, we will now be sending the "E-Teacher" via the digital publication of Mike Keyes Ministries International, Christian Soldier. Be on the lookout for this next week as we teach on "End-Times Signs."
GOD’S HAVEN AND THE STORMS OF LIFE. 7 CD-SET. According to  1 Peter 4:12 , we should not think it strange when we face fiery trials of faith in this life, especially now in the last days. In  Psalms 107 , God gives us a powerful analogy, comparing Christians to sailors moving from port to port across the great oceans of the earth, where Satan waits to bring powerful storms against us. God’s haven represents the manifested promises of God for every believer; the ones we’re standing in faith to obtain. In this powerful teaching series, I will show you how to successfully navigate through every storm the devil brings against you, so you always arrive at God’s safe haven, which is the manifestation of God’s promises in your life. Listen and learn as we examine the great storm the apostle Paul encountered in  Acts 27 and 28 , pointing out the many great truths to know and apply in the midst of any storm the devil brings against you. If you want to know how to get through every demonic storm and victoriously sail into God’s safe haven, this series is a must for your listening library.
MANAGING FEAR IN THE LAST DAYS. 7 CD-set. Don’t let the spirit of fear control you! As predicted in the Bible, the last days will be perilous times on earth. The devil knows his time is short, so he’s doing all he can to bring oppression, fear and terror against every human being. Until Jesus returns to personally remove Satan from the earth, we must resist him at every turn. We must learn how to manage fear and keep it at bay, so it doesn’t become a stronghold in our lives. In this anointed teaching series, I will show you how to live above the fears that come against you daily, so they don’t usurp authority in your mind, your body or your life. Yes, it’s possible – you can live above fear in these terrible times!  
Daily Devotionals.  Find them on our Mike Keyes Ministries International Facebook page. 
Read them. Learn from them. Apply them.     

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