Look at this New Year’s photo, taken as the clock struck midnight, ushering in 2020. At that moment, nobody knew this year would turn out the way it has. Nobody except God! Last November 22nd, I turned 69 years young. Without doubt, this has been unlike any year in my lifetime. I don’t think there is anyone on earth who could disagree with that statement. In our last COLD WATER for 2020, we’re going to examine the year in review, to we see where we’ve been and what we’ve done in Christ as we prepare for 2021.    
This phrase was made famous by an old 1966 Hollywood movie of the same name. We’ll use it to summarize 2020. We’ll start with the UGLY, move on to the BAD, then finish with the GOOD.  
COVID-19. At the beginning of 2020, Satan unleashed a global attack in the form of the COVID-19. It created a fear cloud that swept the planet unlike any we’ve ever seen before. In a matter of weeks, the world was plunged into a dark, evil cloud of fear. It was the fear of death and simultaneously, fear of the future.  It is the fulfillment of
Luke 21:25-26. Multitudes have died. Multitudes have been infected. Multitudes more have completely yielded to the spirit of fear. As we close out 2020, this virus from hell continues to wreak fear and havoc through its many tentacles of evil influence. 
QUARANTINES & TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS. Because of what I call the “FEARdemic, COVID-19 created immediate restrictions on international and domestic travel, both in the USA and the Philippines. These obstacles are still in place worldwide. 

THE RISE OF LAWLESSNESS. Coinciding with the outreach of COVID-19, we have seen an unprecedented rise in civil unrest. Riots, looting, destruction of large areas of American cities, even killings connected to these riots have taken place. Violent racial confrontations are at an all-time high. All of this is a game plan hatched in hell to completely overthrow our way of life in the USA, dismantling the very foundations of our government, our Constitution and our Bill of Rights.  

CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION IN THE USA. Working tirelessly for the devil, the secular enemies of America have been working for decades to undermine and destroy the USA as we know it. The ultimate goal for Satan is to completely shut down the church of Jesus Christ, and take away our ability to fulfill the Great Commission of Mark 16:15-18. 
COVID-19 has given the ungodly the weapon and the excuse they’ve always wanted to silence the Christian voice in America, and from American to the world. This is the real battle we continue to face as members of the body of Christ.
ELECTION FRAUD. Prior to, during and after the USA General Election in November, we’ve seen national and local election fraud and deceit on a scale never seen before. As many continue to come forward with sworn affidavits that uncover and reveal the extent of this rigged election, it’s become painfully obvious there is a vast, international, coordinated effort to manipulate the election results to prevent President Trump and other key Republican party members from winning. Extensive censorship of all things Christian and politically conservative from the “news” media, Wall Street, Academia and Big Tech (with all their social media platforms such as Facebook, Google, YouTube, etc)., has become the norm. Through corrupt courts and activist judges, laws are being ignored or altered to ensure the evil outcome Satan is seeking. As we close out 2020, turmoil, chaos and legal maneuvering are still in play in States nationwide, contesting the so-called “results” of these election races. The very future of American is at stake.
TO VACINNATE OR NOT. Now as I write this e-newsletter, the issue of COVID-19 vaccinations is now front and center. Many questions are being raised. Are these vaccines safe? Will they effectively protect people from this Fear Virus? Will people be forced to vaccinate against their will, especially if they wish to travel internationally? Time will tell, but once again, Luke 21:25-26 is what the Bible declares about the times in which we live.    
MINISTRY TRAVEL AFFECTED. In the USA, all weekend meetings except one were cancelled or postponed from March 15 through October 4. Some of my weekend meetings were re-scheduled for the fall of 2020. Many others were just cancelled. For our work overseas, Ethel and I have been unable to travel back to the Philippines for our summer and Christmas outreaches. This has never happened in 42 years of ministry travel for me as a USA itinerant minister and foreign missionary.

Lockdowns have become the norm in the USA and the Philippines. Over there, the fear and paranoia are worse than it is in the USA. Like here, they have limited the size of any gatherings to just a few at any given time, and instituted strict mandatory quarantines for anyone testing “positive” for COVID. But there’s more. As of this writing, all commercial travel to the Philippines from abroad is cancelled until further notice. Only Filipino citizens who are abroad can re-enter the country, but only after extensive precautions have been met. Foreigners like me are not permitted to come in at all. In Ozamiz City, where our ministry is based, our staff tells us you cannot leave your house if you are under the age of 18 or over the age of 60. And even if you’re in the approved age bracket to leave your home, only 1 family member is permitted to go out at any given time, and only for emergency or essential purposes. And when you do go out of the house, you have to wear both a face mask and face shield, or you’ll be fined, arrested or both. Travel between provinces is also severely restricted. Most of this is still in play now, and shows no signs of changing anytime soon. 

OUTREACHES CANCELLED OR ALTERED. All of our planned outreach activities for 2020 in the Philippines was either cancelled outright, or radically altered and limited. Our annual string of Summer Mission Tours was cancelled, which means that thousands of Filipinos were not reached with the gospel whom we would’ve normally been able to get to. Our Rhema Bible Training Center has been severely affected as well. Some of our students have been stranded in our compound and unable to travel home since last March. Others who has gone home for Trimester break in March have been unable to travel back to class since then. The result is that some of our students are being taught in the classroom, while others are following online from outside locations. Our usual Christmas season meetings and strategic planning for 2021 have also been cancelled. Therefore, our communications with staff, Bible school students and church leaders is now confined to ZOOM meetings, Facebook Video chats, email correspondence and text messaging. 

ROAD EXPANSION PROJECT STARTED. The Department of Public Works and Highways has informed us and all others along the road out front of our compound that the widening of said road will officially commence in 2020 and 2021. Meetings with residents informing them of these things have already taken place. We are continuing to stand in faith that our compound property will not be destroyed or damaged because of this.  
NO SICKNESS IN KEYES FAMILY – NO COVID, NO FEAR. We start with our health, because that’s most important. MKMI can’t function without the health of my wife or myself. I’m pleased to report that neither one of us has contracted the Coronavirus, or anything else that could hinder our work for God. At the age of 69, I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might (Ephesians 6:10).  We are living, traveling and running this ministry without fear. We feed on God’s Word, and His faithfulness (Psalms 37).
INCOME ALTERED BUT STEADY. As mentioned already, many of our scheduled meetings in the USA have been cancelled or postponed. Historically, those meetings represent a large percentage of the income needed to keep MKMI afloat financially. I’m pleased to report that not only did we not see a dip in income in 2020, but we’ve seen God move many times in miraculous ways to bring needed income to us in other ways, using many people and churches that hadn’t previously been financial contributors to MKMI. As we end 2020, I give God the glory to tell you that all our bills are paid and current, and our monthly budgets have been met consistently throughout the year. This includes payroll for us here, and for our staff overseas.
FACEBOOK LIVE STREAM LAUNCHED. At the start of 2020, we weren’t even thinking about establishing an online internet form of outreach. But as meetings were cancelled and this Fear Virus took hold as it did, the Lord led us to institute regular Live Stream Events on Facebook.  To date, we’ve done almost 50 Live Stream Events, and we have orders from Jesus to continue until further notice. Tens of thousands of views have been the result, and only God knows how many are actually being reached with the gospel – in many places we would never visit in 10 lifetimes!  
NEW BOOK PUBLISHED. In 2020, with ministry travel on hold indefinitely, I worked with the Holy Spirit to produce our 8th book, entitled Determined Faith. We are getting a lot of positive feedback from those who have bought the book, and we encourage you to get a copy for yourself if you haven’t already. Details are on our www.mkmi.org website.
NEW AUDIO TEACHINGS PRODUCED. During the panic and fear, I also worked with the Lord to produce new audio teaching sets. Facing your Fears is the latest. Earlier in the year, we produced Ambassadors for Christ and Feeding on God’s Faithfulness. These three audio teaching sets are also available on Flash Drives, no longer just CD discs. Details are on our www.mkmi.org website.    
SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE INCREASED. In 2020, God moved upon us in significant ways with regards to our presence on various social media platforms. As already mentioned, we initiated regular Facebook Live Stream events. In addition, we updated our MKMI Facebook page, which Ethel monitors daily: to find us on Facebook, search for Mike Keyes Ministries International. That FB ministry also contains daily devotional teaching from me. We encourage you to follow my postings daily. We also re-opened my Twitter account: @MikeKeyesSr1, which had sat dormant for 10 years. We updated and reactivated our MKMI YouTube account: to find us on YouTube, search for Mike Keyes Ministries International.  Presently, we have over 420 YT subscribers. Our goal is to reach 1,000 - come join us and subscribe! And finally, last month I opened up an account on Parler: search for @Mkeyessr (or StrongerMan).  
Most exterior work has been completed.
ADMIN BUILDING 95% COMPLETED. In 2019, we embarked on a major construction project in our Compound in the Philippines – the enlarging and rebuilding of our Administration Building, formerly called our Staff Office. Throughout the year, God miraculously provided us with the funds to pay as we went along, and as of last January, the building was about 90% complete and all related bills paid. Then the Fear Virus hit, and all business and construction activity in Ozamiz City stopped. To date, we’ve been able to get a few of the remaining items finished that were left undone at the start of the year, and now we are about 95% complete. We thank God for the work He has enabled us to complete, and for this building to be completed in 2021, as the fear cloud lifts over the Philippines.  
We still need to fabricate our MKMI Logo and place it in that big open area above our front door.
Staff members thank God for this new building in which to work.
Students thank God for a large, clean computer room in which to study.
MIKE JR BROUGHT BACK TO USA. Since we couldn’t go to the Philippines for ministry work in 2020, we also couldn’t see our son, Mike Jr., who has lived in the Philippines fulltime since 2010. We felt it was necessary to bring him back to America for a season, in part to just be with us, but also because he needed routine medical examinations and other miscellaneous needs which could only be accomplished here in person. His departure from the Philippines was delayed in November due to more restrictions on international travel, but thank God he got out and is with us for the next few months. We’re so happy to have had both of our kids together with us for Thanksgiving (first time in 10 years), and now coming up for Christmas and New Years.   He’ll be with us until the first week of March, 2021.  
We appreciate your faithful prayers of agreement for these priority issues affecting our ministry. 

In America:  
Pray for our recent election results to be purged of any and all fraud and illegal activity. As a country founded on the principles of democracy, America as a country is doomed to destruction if our voting system is rigged and riddled with fraud. It must be uncovered, identified and effectively prosecuted.  

Pray for national spiritual repentance and revival. This alone can save America from itself, and from the ungodly.  

In the Philippines:
Tax Attack. Discussed in the August COLD WATER. To date, no new developments to report. We’re believing for total victory, paying no taxes to anyone.

Fear Virus Issues. Agree with us that all COVID-19 hurdles are eliminated. That means all travel restrictions and quarantine requirements be lifted in all countries where we are assigned by God to go, especially the Philippines. 

Ministry Income. Agree with us for steady and sufficient monthly income to run the ministry and continue all avenues of outreach without interruption. We’re feeding on God’s faithfulness (Psalms 37:3).

Road Expansion Project: The city of Ozamiz has indicated they intend to restart construction work to widen the road in front of our compound, which would damage and destroy hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of our property and existing structures. Believe with us for the complete termination of this project – with no damage or destruction to compound property.

Effective Crusade Outreach: Agree with us for maximum results from the crusades we conduct going forward, no matter what restrictions are in place to hinder us. 
Once again, Ethel and I want to thank all of you for your faithful and generous support through 2020. I’m pleased to report that once again this month, all of our bills are current and up-to-date, and we’ve still got enough on hand to continue funding our on-going work overseas.  Through all of the Fear Virus lockdowns which are still in place all over the world, God has proven Himself faithful to meet our needs, and we know He will continue to do so. You are a very important part of His work to sustain MKMI as we move into 2021. We believe we’ll get back to the Philippines as soon as possible, to resume effective and full-scale ministry operations. But wherever we are, we know we’ve got partners like you to lean on, as we all stand in faith for complete victory over this global pandemic attack of the enemy.   
Our Facebook Livestream Schedule is now set for the remainder of December and into January 2021. Please take note of the dates for our upcoming live streams:
  • Dates: December 8,15, 22, 29.
  • Dates: January 5,12,19, 26.
  • Time: 7:30pm Arizona time, which is 10:30am Philippine time, the next day. 

Dates and times are always subject to change, per the leading of the Lord. 
Streaming schedules are also posted on the MKMI Facebook Page, under “Events”.   
We want to give God all the glory for what He has accomplished with MKMI through all the turmoil of 2020. We want to say we are not afraid for the future. Instead, we’re excited for what is in store for the body of Christ, and for MKMI in particular  Even though Jesus prophesied some ominous signs indicating His soon return to earth in Luke 21 and Matthew 24, He left us with this marvelous statement:

Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near. Luke 21:28.
These things have definitely begun to happen! Don’t be afraid. Don’t be nervous. Don’t worry about your toilet paper supply! God is still God. His promises to take care of His children are still the same. None of what has happened in 2020 has surprised Him. There are still exceedingly great and precious promises we can stand on (2 Peter 1:4). We have a covenant with God – a new and better covenant, based upon better promises (Hebrews 8:6). Live like all of this is true – because it is!  
As you may know, I already have a personal Facebook page, as well as a personal Twitter account. Our ministry also has its own ministry Facebook page. Many of you correspond with me through these social media outlets, and I will continue to use those platforms as led by the Lord. However, as their blatant anti-Christian and anti-conservative censorship increases, I have been compelled to seek alternate ways to use social media to communicate Bible truths, and express conservative views consistent with the word of God. Enter the social media platform called PARLER. I’m sure there are other alternative platforms that Christians and conservatives use, but at the moment, this one is by far the most active – reaching and connecting hundreds of thousands of people. Honestly, I’m fed up with ungodly “thought police” monitoring what believers say or stand for. I’m fed up with these people thinking they have the power to silence anything any of us say in opposition to their spiritual or political views. Perhaps you are, too. I say these things to let you know I have opened up a social media account with PARLER. If you’re active on social media, I encourage you to follow me there. My handle is @Mkeyessr. My account name is StrongerMan. You can go to https://parler.com to research this for yourself.  
Daily Devotionals. Find them on our Mike Keyes Ministries International Facebook page. 
Read them. Learn from them. Apply them.   

Also, if you have friends who need to stay in touch with us through these newsletters, please forward this information, and have them add their email address to our ever-growing list of partners and friends of this ministry. Direct them to www.mkmi.info where they can submit their email at the bottom of the page.

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