This ministry will continue winning souls, no matter what the devil tries to do to stop us. In the Philippines, the government is discussing the issue of vaccine mandates – forcing people to wear masks in public, or be arrested and fined. In addition, certain government officials want to force everyone to take the vaccine shots in order to buy food at the market, etc. Our sons and daughters in faith refuse to be deterred by any of that. We’ve taught them, and they’re putting into practice the bold, fearless attitude displayed by our early-church brothers and sisters in the book of Acts. In mid-July, they conducted yet another house crusade. Here is the crusade handbill they used to promote the event. We’ll translate it for you – from Cebuano to English.  
Here is the advertising handbill we pass out to encourage people to come and attend our house crusades. In English, here is what it says:
Here is one of our Crusade Teams holding a house crusade in Tabuelan, Cebu.
House crusades are quick-hitting outreaches, designed to go right into a cluster of homes and preach salvation in Jesus.  
Our Gospel presentation includes praise and worship accompanied by anointed, choreographed dance teams.   
Our Crusade Team is populated by brethren of all ages. We’re never too old to share Jesus!   
We are constantly training new disciples in the art of evangelizing. Our Teams are getting larger and larger. 
In July, MKMI conducted our first ever virtual leadership conference. STRONGERMAN 2021 was broadcast simultaneously to more than 30 locations nationwide, as well as to viewers in the USA and Malaysia. As I explained in the July COLD WATER, most of the sessions were pre-recorded weeks in advance in the USA, and then Cebuano interpretation was added by our tech team in the Philippines. Filipino speakers also added sessions that were broadcast live in-country. We’ve received many compliments by those who viewed the sessions, as we expounded upon the conference theme of FAITH AND PATIENCE. Here is a sampling of what we’ve received in feedback.   
Pastors & Leaders’ Seminar With so much love and appreciation, we praise God for the lives of Daddy Mike and Mommy Ethel. Delegates from the Tutor Region during StrongerMan 2021 (First Virtual Conference) with the theme "FAITH AND PATIENCE"
Daddy Mike: all of the Pastors, together with my parents, are sending their gratitude Dad. Until today we are exchanging reviews on the things we learned from the conference and some echoed their learnings to their congregation. Charity Tutor.
Thank You LORD Jesus, for the successful & fruitful STRONGERMAN CONFERENCE 2021. Thanks to Apostle Daddy Mike and Mommy Ethel, for giving us this kind of opportunity to learn and grow more in the Lord. And, and thanks to all the speakers for being so generous with their time, and to our talented interpreters, Mommy Emmz Cabanag and Pastor Ariel Bonite. Thank you so much. Also, a big thanks to our hardworking Tech Team, Mariah Vidal, Kattleya Pino and Kyle Georfo, under the supervision of Jeez Inot. And Faith Amoin. Thank you guys, for all the layouts. TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY! Illurimo Region – Central Visayas.
"Yay! Salamat kaayo Lord (THANK YOU VERY MUCH LORD)! And thank so much Daddy Mike and Mommy Ethel for this great leadership. Love you dad and mom. 😍 Jeez Inot: Tech Team Leader #SMC2021"
Thank You Apostle Mike Keyes Sr, Rev. Ethel C Keyes....
StrongerMan Conference. July 7-8, 2021.
STRONGERMAN 2021 Virtual Conference Theme: Faith and Patience Hebrews 6:10-15 MKMI ATWOC churches - Bonite Region "Through faith and patience you will inherit the promises of God." "Let Patience work in your life" "Ayaw pag tinapulan (DON’T BE LAZY)" "Stand and continue to Stand" "Do not fret." - Daddy Mike Keyes Sr "Faith+Patience = Faithfulness" "Our Faith and Patience should be connected to the power source of the Holy Spirit" - Pastor Dan Roth "Never Quit and Never Back Out" "It is not necessary that the strongest and fastest will win but those who are willing to endure." Pastor Paul Popowich Sr. . "Highest form of Faith is Preparation" "prepare and you will receive" Rev. Jerry Carbajosa Sr. "You have little faith, because you have nothing in your reservoir." "Worry is a waste" - Pastor Jennifer Popowich "Patience is a staying power”. "Do not let discouragement and compromise have place in your life." Pastor Ray Hadjstylianos.
Thank you, Daddy Mike and Mommy Ethel. God bless you. Glory to GOD for your lives. We thank God for a very successful, anointed, Life-Changing 1st Virtual Strongerman Conference 2021
Thank you to our phenomenal speakers:
Apostle Mike Keyes Sr
Pastor Dan Roth
Pastor Ray Hadjstylianos
Pastors Paul Popowich and Jennifer Popowich
Pastor Jerry Carbajosa
Special thanks to
Our guapa (BEAUTIFUL) Ate Ethel
Our awesome interpreter Mom Emmz Cabanag
Our National ATWOC Secretary, Jeez Inot
All Regional Directors, Pastors and Leaders
All Delegates
Our ATWOC Pagadian City family
ALL RBTC Faculty, Graduates and students
And, all members of the Technical Team and Music Team... Kudos to you all.
For all of these, we would say, to God be all the glory! 
Rev. Maricel Panero. ATWOC Church: Plaridel.
Good morning Daddy Mike and Mom Ethel. On behalf of all the Pastors from our Region, we just want to say “thank you” so much for allowing us to use the Compound facilities during our StrongerMan 2021 Conference. We are all blessed by the teachings that we received from you and the other speakers. May the Lord God richly bless you. Have a great FAITH AND PATIENCE day ahead! 
Pastor Ariel Bonite (ATWOC Regional Director, Conference Interpreter & Rhema Bible School Instructor).
2022 Virtual Youth Conference
Based upon the success of our STRONGERMAN 2021 LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE, we’re already in prayer and planning for next year’s national youth conference, called IGNITION 2022. It will be scheduled tentatively for May, 2022. Be in faith and prayer with us, that the Lord will orchestrate this event, with anointed youth speakers and thousands of youth in attendance. 
Of course, we are standing in faith that we’ll be able to do this conference in person, but if the Fear Viruses continue to blanket the globe with lockdowns, quarantines and vaccine mandates, we need to be ready to obey God in this way.  
We appreciate your faithful prayers of agreement for these priority issues affecting our ministry and our country. 

In America: 
Pray for God’s intervention to bring justice and judgment to the perpetrators of the ongoing international effort to sabotage and replace our system of government. These criminals must be identified, prosecuted and imprisoned. As a country founded on the principles of democracy, America as a country is doomed to destruction if Christians and conservatives are systematically censored, maligned, persecuted and threatened. This must stop, and only God can make that happen!

Pray that God will remove the gutless, spineless politicians that the devil has used in both political parties. We want strong, courageous, patriotic representatives at all levels of government, including the courts.

Pray for national spiritual repentance and revival. This alone can save America from itself, and from the ungodly, who are now actively working to silence the voice of Christianity in America.

Pray for restoration of freedom of choice related to the vaccine issue. There is no need for mask or vaccine mandates. An objective study of the “data”, and the opinions of educated and qualified personnel in the medical field, confirms this. Refer to this link for pertinent information:

In the Philippines:
Tax Attack. First presented to you in our August 2020 COLD WATER. Our staff has met with local city officials, attempting to help them understand we are not a for-profit business that should be taxed. In addition, we are in contact with our attorneys on this matter. We are believing for total victory, paying no taxes to anyone, and for this avenue of demonic attack to disappear forever, in Jesus’ name.

Fear Virus Issues. Agree with us that all COVID-19 hurdles are eliminated. That means all travel restrictions and quarantine requirements be lifted in all countries where we are assigned by God to go, especially the Philippines. It also means people who choose not to be vaccinated will be freely allowed to travel internationally without prohibitions of any kind.

Ministry Income. Agree with us for steady and sufficient monthly income to run the ministry and continue all avenues of outreach without interruption. We’re feeding on God’s faithfulness
(Psalms 37:3).

Road Expansion Project. The city of Ozamiz has begun pouring cement and widening the road in front of our compound. A photo of this was included in our March COLD WATER newsletter. Believe with us for the complete termination of this project – with no damage or destruction to compound property. Updates on this issue will be forthcoming in future newsletters.

Effective Crusade Outreach. Agree with us for maximum results from the crusades we conduct going forward, no matter what restrictions are in place to hinder us.

Successful Online Meetings. We are scheduling online Bible School classes and National Conferences using ZOOM technology. Agree with us for success in organizing and conducting these meetings going forward. 
Ethel and I want you to know how important you are to the on-going work of MKMI in the Philippines, and around the world. Without your faithful and generous support, we would not have been able to survive this worldwide pandemic as we have. Our travel, speaking and ministry schedules continue to be greatly disrupted, however. Even so, God is proving Himself faithful once again, working through generous partners like you. Because of this, we are presently in a good position financially, and expect that to be the case going forward through the summer months. We believe we’ll get back to the Philippines as soon as possible, to resume effective and full-scale ministry operations. But wherever we are, we know we have got partners like you to lean on, as we all stand in faith for complete victory over this global pandemic attack of the enemy.  

Please take note of the dates for our upcoming live streams:

Dates: August 3, 10, 24, 31
Dates: September 7, 16, 30
Time: 7:30pm Arizona time, which is 10:30am Philippine time, the next day. 

Dates and times are always subject to change, per the leading of the Lord. 
Streaming schedules are also posted on the MKMI Facebook Page, under “Events”.   
…who, seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, asked for alms. And fixing his eyes on him, with John, Peter said, “Look at us.” So he gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them. Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk. And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. Acts 3:3-7    
With fear of the future controlling most people on planet earth these days (Luke 21:26), we need to walk in the divine power that gives us the confidence to DEMAND attention from the world. Without hesitation, we should tell the fearful: LOOK AT US! Get your mind off all your problems and look at how we live and listen to what we say. We have the message you need to hear, and the power you need to experience. Get up! Experience the power that confirms the Bible message about salvation (Mark 16:20). There is hope! Quit looking and listening to all those who don’t know God! None of them can help you. LOOK AT US!  
Daily Devotionals. Find them on our Mike Keyes Ministries International Facebook page. 
Read them. Learn from them. Apply them.   

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