Dignity Letter — July 2021
Global diversity or earth day and international world culture as a concept of international people cooperation as diverse hands holding together the planet.

The Flavor of Unity

The flavor that makes us one cannot be bought
or sold, does not belong to a country, cannot
enrich the rich or be denied to the poor.

The flavor that makes us one we must feed
to one another with songs, kind words, and
human glances across the silent square.

Excerpt from "The Flavor of Unity" by Kim Stafford, in Singer Come from Afar (2021).

Dear Friend,

The global pandemic is calling us to be better human beings — from how we care for each other to how we care for the planet!

The pandemic knows no boundaries; no one is safe until all of us are safe. Perhaps this and other crises are teaching us that "dignity through solidarity" is not an idealistic possibility, but a global necessity? Perhaps cultivating a world of cooperative connections is our best protection and most promising path toward a new and better future?

This edition of the Dignity Letter highlights new developments and exciting initiatives that we hope will encourage and energize your efforts in our shared work for a better world.

  • Welcome to Our Annual Workshop!
  • Our Global Dignity Conferences — Please Save These Dates!
  • Dignity Press Publications — New and Recent Books
  • Good News in Challenging Times — Celebrating the Efforts of HumanDHS Friends!
  • A Remembrance – The Tulsa Race Massacre
  • WhatsApp Group for Engaging in Dignifying Dialogue
  • Dignifunding: Thanks to All Sharegivers!

Please note: Rather than sending numerous Dignity Letters throughout the year, HumanDHS sends fewer, longer letters. We warmly welcome your feedback about this approach.
Welcome to Our 18th Annual Workshop
Welcome to Our Workshop!

This is our warmest welcome to our 18th Annual Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Thursday – Saturday, 11:00 AM – 3:30 PM (New York time), December 9 – 11, 2021.

Encouraged by our wonderful experience last year, we will be hosting our workshop on Zoom again this year! This allows us to connect with a mutually enriching and diverse community of new and returning friends from around the world.

Please join us in thanking our co-hosts of this workshop, the Morton Deutsch-International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (MD-ICCCR), at Teachers College, Columbia University, in New York City. The MD-ICCCR has been an institutional partner supporting our dignity movement from the start of our efforts.

Our Collaborative Approach

HumanDHS workshops are co-created and organized to explore crucial interests and mutual concerns while strengthening our relationships as advocates, practitioners, and scholars.

If you are new to our work, we warmly invite you to visit our workshop webpage to see last year's agenda as an example of how we go about hosting this gathering. We strive to cultivate an engaging experience that grows out of the intellectual contributions and mutually dignifying collaboration of all who join us for this event.
Registration: There is no registration fee; if you wish to participate, please email your inquiry, name, contact information, and brief introduction to: workshops@humiliationstudies.org.

You will be sent an electronic Registration/Appreciative Introduction form in September. Space is limited. Thank you for letting us know of your interest early.
Many Ways to Participate

This workshop is a highly participatory "co-created" gathering! There are many ways to participate, including:

  • Supporters: Everyone is warmly invited to join us as a supporter throughout the workshop by sharing your presence and active listening. This is the most important way to participate. Your presence is a present to all of us!

  • Careholders: We welcome all who would like to be part of our Careholder Team to help with logistics, including welcoming participants, overseeing our electronic bulletin boards, photography, gathering participant information, overseeing chat messages, and more. We warmly welcome returning and new friends to help with these vital leadership roles that make this workshop possible.

  • Pre-Planned Dignilogue Host, Co-Host, and Contributors: Again this year, we are inviting Pre-Planned Dignilogues that will act as portals to thoughtful conversations about urgent topics of interest. Dignilogue Hosts will organize their Dignilogue Session in advance, meeting with their contributors prior to the workshop. Also, because we never have enough time to say all that needs to be said, we are inviting all groups to continue their conversations by coming together after the workshop, which may lead to ongoing dignilogue conversations.

  • Connection and Reflection Groups: We welcome everyone to participate in small groups throughout the workshop to help deepen the dialogue in response to the Dignilogue topics.

If you have an interest in contributing in one of these special ways, thank you for letting us know when you send us your request to register.
A Special Invitation:
Moments of Music, Movement, Poetry, and Creativity
Every year we look forward to including gifts of music, movement, poetry, and other forms of creativity during this event.

If you would like to share your talent, we would love to hear from you. We especially encourage contributions of pre-recorded music, readings, or activities (2 – 3 minutes) that we can share on Zoom as the workshop unfolds.
Welcome to Our 18th Annual Workshop Everyone!
Schedule for Our Global Dignity Conferences!
Global Dignity Conferences:
Continuing Our Connections
and Collaborations!

Due to the coronavirus, we are continuously adapting the schedule of our upcoming Dignity Conferences. We are deeply thankful to all of the hosts for their ongoing support and generous flexibility!

You are warmly invited to any or all of these conferences. Thank you for visiting our conference webpage regularly to follow the latest plans as they unfold.
A Warm Welcome to Our Upcoming Dignity Conferences!

Please click on the links and pictures below to see the latest information on each of these gatherings.
If you would like to participate, there is no registration fee. Please send us a message introducing yourself. Please include your contact information and tell us more about your interest.
(Images courtesy of Wikipedia)
Books from Dignity Press
Dignity Press books explore the dynamics of human dignity and humiliation from diverse standpoints and global perspectives. Contributing authors are from all over the world. In addition to these books below, we invite you to visit dignitypress.org for a complete list of publications.
Coming Soon!
From Humiliation to Dignity:
For a Future of Global Solidarity
Even as we watch cascading crises unfold around the world, our shared hope is for an exponential change of heart so that global unity — rooted in respect for diversity — becomes possible.

The central question of Evelin Lindner's newest book is: How must we, humankind, arrange our affairs on this planet so that dignified life will be possible in the long term? This book is a "must read" for all who care about the survival of all life on this planet. We invite you to read a downloadable synopsis of this upcoming book.
DenkZettel [A Tag to Reflect Upon]
Petrus Ceelen, author of several Dignity Press books, was a pastor for prison inmates, homeless people, substance addicts, and others. He stood with them during illness and despair. At the end of their lives, he insured that they received dignifying funeral services, often being the sole witness.

The title of this book alludes to the toe tag that identifies a corpse when life has ended. Written in German, this book offers poignant short stories about people on the fringes of society. Proceeds from this book go to projects helping homeless people and other vulnerable communities.
Recently Released!
Women and the Nobel Peace Prize
In this book Ingunn Norderval explores the remarkable lives and efforts of women nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, women bold enough to work for peace during the darkest times. The author offers a message of courage and inspiration for all who advocate for peace and dignity around the world. The author is a political scientist and internationalist concerned about the urgent need to build bridges between people and nations. To order or read more...
A Tribute to Evelin Lindner!
Human Dignity: Practices, Discourses,
and Transformations
This edited book is a multifaceted discussion of dignity from many perspectives: social, cultural, religious, legal, educational, psychological, and political perspectives. Edited by Chipamong Chowdhury, Michael Britton, and Linda Hartling, this book is a tribute to the remarkable 40-year global efforts of Evelin Lindner. To order or read more...
Good News in Challenging Times
Breaking the Cycle — Reclaiming Our Humanity
A Video to Encourage Our Shared Work for Dignity in the World!

This six-minute film highlights our human capacity for transforming our current "Cycle of Competitive Detachment" to return to a healthy "Cycle of Cooperative Companionship." Breaking the Cycle is based on the multi-award-winning book, Neurobiology and the Development of Human Morality: Evolution, Culture, and Wisdom, by Darcia Narvaez, PhD.

Global Initiative to Stop Ecocide
Establishing an International Criminal Court for Crimes Against Nature
We are deeply thankful to His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Amman, Jordan for introducing us to Jojo Mehta, the chair and co-founder of the Stop Ecocide Foundation. She is a leader of a crucial initiative to make “ecocide” an international crime. We strongly encourage you to read more about this vitally important, earth-saving endeavor.
Honoring Francisco Gomes de Matos
Nominated as Outstanding Peacemaker
Congratulations to Francisco Gomes de Matos, peace linguist from Recife, Brazil ABA Global Education and co-founder of the World Dignity University initiative, who was nominated for the 2021 Teacher of Peace Award by Pax Christi USA. This award recognizes women and men whose lives and work exemplify the theme of Pope Paul VI’s World Day of Peace message, “To reach peace, teach peace.” The thirty nominees represent the broad spectrum of peace and justice work happening all across the U.S. and around the world. To read more...
Janet Gerson Announces a New Book
Reclaimative Post-Conflict Justice:
Reclaiming Democracy in the World Tribunal on Iraq
HumanDHS Board Member Janet Gerson and her co-author Dale Snauwaert’s new book brings together the historic case of a global civil society tribunal with the ethics of war and peace. With a Foreword by Betty Reardon, this book examines tribunal precedents to illuminate post-conflict justice through the case of the World Tribunal on Iraq. Please read more...
SEKEM: Ethical Sustainability
The First "Economy of Love" Certified Company
SEKEM — an initiative founded with the vision of sustainable development while giving back to the community — became the first Economy of Love certified company.

This certification recognizes SEKEM as a company that creates sustainable products developed using ethical practices that protect nature while providing fair compensation. SEKEM hosted the HumanDHS Global Dignity Conference in Cairo, Egypt, 2018. To read more...
A New Article by David Yamada
"Therapeutic Jurisprudence:
Foundations, Expansion, and Assessment"
Congratulations to HumanDHS Board Member David Yamada on the publication of his monumental survey and assessment of the field of Therapeutic Jurisprudence.

Therapeutic Jurisprudence is a multidisciplinary school of legal theory and practice examining therapeutic and anti-therapeutic properties of law, policy, and legal institutions. It inherently favors outcomes that advance human dignity and psychological well-being. You may freely access a PDF copy of this valuable article here.
European Sources of Human Dignity
A New Book by Mette Lebech
Congratulations to Mette Lebech on her new anthology that brings together texts of significance for the conceptualization of human dignity as a constitutional principle in Europe from the earliest evidence until 1965. The book provides scholars and students of law, philosophy, political science, and theology a collection of texts documenting the history of the concept of human dignity. To read more...
Zaynab El Bernoussi's New Book
Dignity in the Egyptian Revolution
Based on interviews with participants in the 2011 Arab Spring protests, Zaynab El Bernoussi explores understandings of the concept of dignity, showing how protestors conceived of this concept in their organization of protest and uprising. It describes their memories of dignity — or karama in Arabic — in the aftermath of the protests, revisiting these claims in the years subsequent to the uprising. Please read more...
Embracing Social Change through Medicine and Negotiation
Kathy Orchen Recognized
Mediators Beyond Borders International recognized Kathy Orchen for her more than 40 years of service in public health and activism. Kathy works with community health centers that serve over 40,000 patients a year in the Northwest and Central New Jersey region, a program concerned with civil rights and underserved populations.
Do You Have Dignity News?
We love sharing news that grows out of the global efforts of our HumanDHS community! If you would like to share your dignity news — positive progress, courageous action, promising practices, and alike — you are warmly invited to send it to our attention: humandhs@humiliationstudies.org.
A Remembrance
The 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre
On the 100th anniversary of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre in Oklahoma, we are reminded of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s powerful words about violence and humiliation from his Nobel Peace Prize Lecture (1964):

"Violence is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding: it seeks to annihilate rather than convert. Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love."

The Tulsa Massacre resulted in hundreds of African American deaths, homes and businesses burned to the ground, and a prosperous economic community destroyed.
We encourage you to visit the John Hope Franklin Center for Reconciliation to learn more about this tragic event and the powerful monument dedicated to encouraging a more dignifying future for all people.
Join the Dialogue for Dignity
If You Would Like to Join an Ongoing Dignity Conversation on WhatsApp
Inspired by the important conversations launched and deepened through dialogue at our workshops and conferences, we have continued sharing ideas in an ongoing WhatsApp group!

If you would like to join, please send us your name and mobile number to be added to the group:
Dignifunding: Thanks to All of Our Sharegivers!
We are grateful to all who sustain HumanDHS with action gifts and economic support!

HumanDHS does not have a paid staff, administrative assistance, or IT services. We are an "extreme, lean, green, but not mean" community, essentially a "do-it-together-with-dignity" community. We do not charge registration fees for events, yet we appreciate thoughtful contributions (according to one's ability).

If you would like to contribute, we warmly welcome your kind support:
Wishing You a New World of Dignity Through Solidarity!
In gratitude and solidarity!

Evelin Lindner, MD, PhDs, Founding President
Linda Hartling, PhD, Director
Uli Spalthoff, PhD, Director of Project Development and Systems Administration 
Michael Britton, EdD, PhD, Board Member 
Richard Slaven, PhD, Director of Dignifunding
Jane Hilken, MA, Publication Advisor
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