We encourage you to share these communications with your colleagues and peers and visit our website.

Our mission is to connect congenital heart and pediatric cardiac professionals across the globe.

Please note, Due to the COVID-19 situation, some of the events listed may be cancelled or in the process of being re-scheduled. We suggest that you verify the event dates and details with the associated hosts.
Featured Events

9th 'Utrecht Session on Atrioventricular Septal Defect

Register here


Adult Congenital Heart Disease 2024 

February 22-24, 2024

More Information

UCLA presents the Fontan Symposium

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Los Angeles, CA 90095

Live In-person and Virtual CME Course

More Information

The cardiology world reunites at ACC.24, April 6 - 8, 2024 in Atlanta, GA.

More Information

PICS Society with IPC of Milan and the Turkish Society/Association of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery invites you to the PICS Istanbul 2024

More Information

Join the SCAI 2024 in Long Beach, California

More Information

Join the ASE 2024 in Portland, OR

More Information

The CHiP Network strives to keep congenital heart and pediatric cardiac professionals informed and connected across the globe. 

On behalf of the CHiP Network, thank you for reading!

Varun Aggarwal, MD
Editor in Chief

P Prakash

Executive Director

Editor in Chief

Male Headshot

We are seeking Sponsors to help ensure that Dr. Gary Webb's mission of connecting and educating Congenital Cardiac Professionals around the world through The CHIP Network can continue.

Please contact us if your organization is interested in sponsorship opportunities.

You can also support the CHiP Network- Make your donation

Dr. Gary Webb
1/3/43 - 10/19/21
Founder of the CHiP Network
Make a donation
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