Webinar seats are limited - register today!
Understanding and Nurturing the Communicative Competence of Learners with Significant Disabilities -
A two-part webinar series
August 10th and 12th, 2020
9:30-11:30 AM MDT
(10:30-12:30 CDT;  
11:30-1:30 EDT) 

Orange and red book cover with the title Tangible Symbol Systems.
The Montana Deaf-Blind Project, in partnership with the Montana Transition Resources Project, is pleased to welcome Philip Schweigert, M.Ed, for a two-part webinar series. Please note that you must register separately for each session. OPI renewal unit credit is available.

Session 1: Recognizing the Communication Abilities of Learners with Significant Disabilities
Monday, August 10, 2020
9:30 AM-11:30 AM Mountain Daylight Time (10:30-12:30 Central; 11:30-1:30 Eastern)
Reserve your webinar seat now at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/697012714807448848

Description: This session will focus on assessing levels of communication for learners at the non-symbolic or early symbolic level of communication. The Communication Matrix (Rowland,C., 2006) will be used to review the assessment process and how to target levels for instruction and programming.

Session 2:  Promoting the Communicative Competence of Learners with Significant Disabilities
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
9:30 AM-11:30 AM Mountain Daylight Time (10:30-12:30 Central; 11:30-1:30 Eastern)

Description: This session will present participants with a variety of examples of learners at various pre-symbolic stages and intervention strategies to further their communicative abilities. It will also discuss the transition from pre-symbolic to emerging symbolic communication and describe interventions designed to promote the learner's continued progress at this stage of expressive communication development.

The webinars will be recorded and archived to the Montana Deaf-Blind Project and Transition and Employment Projects resource libraries.

Philip Schweigert, M.Ed, began working with children with sensory and multiple disabilities in 1977 in Portland, Oregon. After serving as both a classroom teacher and later, program chair, he spent 22 years as project coordinator on numerous research and demonstration efforts to investigate assessment and intervention strategies in communication and cognitive skill development in individuals with severe disabilities. Philip has authored and co-authored articles for refereed journals as well as curriculum materials through the Design to Learn project of Oregon Health & Science University. He subsequently served as a consultant, lead teacher and affiliate university instructor and continues to provide consultation nationally in the area of communication strategies for learners with significant disabilities.
Photo of Philip with fog and ocean in the background.

After registering you will receive confirmation emails containing information about joining the webinars.

Two hours of Montana Office of Public Instruction renewal credit is available for each of the webinars. You must request the credit when you register, and you must attend the full training to receive OPI credit. We are unable to offer other kinds of attendance verification at this time.
The University of Montana provides reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities who request and require them. Please contact Kim Brown for information and to arrange accommodations. Live captioning will be provided for these webinars. If you will be using a screen reader, please notify Kim by 12:00 (noon) Friday, August 7th.

This webinar series is brought to you by the Montana State Deaf-Blind Project, with support from the Montana Transition Resources Project.

The Montana Deaf-Blind Project is supported by grant #H326T180038 from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). The statements herein do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Department.

The Montana Transition Resources Project is funded in whole or in part under a contract with the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services. The statements herein do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Department.
Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities
Montana Deaf-Blind Project

Montana Transition Resources
Transition and Employment Projects