Applications now being Accepted
for the
Maryland Board of Massage Therapy Examiners
Dear Maryland Licensed Massage Therapists,
Now is the time we have been waiting for - applications are being accepted for the five LMT positions on the Maryland Board of Massage Therapy Examiners.
Yes, HB 1420 became law on May 29th!
The new board will be in place on October 1, 2016. If you are interested in being a member of this board, please follow the instructions below and apply by July 11th, or sooner.
As provided by law, nominations are made by AMTA Maryland, although membership is not required or considered for nomination. AMTA is seeking 25 qualified nominees of ethnic, geographic, and gender diversity. From this slate of nominees, the Governor's office will select the five Licensed Massage Therapist board members; two consumer members will also be selected for the seven member board.
If you have any questions, please contact Sabrina 443-599-6293 or Amelia 410-263-1272, click our names for email or call.
Apply to AMTA Maryland as soon as possible (deadline July 11th) to be considered as a nominee
Once nominated, fill out the State of Maryland online application (deadline July 18th)
Interviews may be conducted by the Governor's office
Applications are currently being accepted by the Maryland Chapter of the American Massage Therapy Association for the five LMT positions on the board. There are also two consumer members of the board.
The Governor appoints all board members with the advice of the Secretary of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and advice and consent of the Senate. Selection of LMT members is made from a slate of 25 nominations (5 per seat) provided by AMTA Maryland in accordance with the law.
Each massage therapist member of the board:
A resident of this State;
A licensed massage therapist of integrity and ability who is in active practice;
A graduate of a Board-approved course in massage therapy;
An individual who has practiced massage therapy in this State for at least 5 consecutive years; and
Is in good standing with the Board
In addition, the Governor's office has tasked us with the responsibility to provide a diverse slate of nominees, to create a board with geographic, ethnic, and gender diverse representation. This helps ensure that decisions reached more adequately reflect the viewpoints of all populations being served.
Attend monthly Board meetings which are held on a Thursday (date to be determined) of every month at 10:00 AM at the Board office in Baltimore. The meetings normally last until 3 PM and lunch is provided. The meeting includes a closed and a public (open) session. Members receive a stipend of $150 per meeting plus mileage. Members receive documents in advance of the meeting for review. There are attendance requirements in order to remain a board member.
Members serve on various Board committees including discipline and complaints, regulations and legislation, scope of practice and by-laws committees. Committees meet as needed in person and by phone.
Members participate in disciplinary hearing and case resolution conferences.
Board members may be asked to testify before the General Assembly regarding legislation that affects consumers and/or licensees.
Board members are subject to the State Ethics Law and are required to file an annual financial disclosure with the State Ethics Commission.
Board member terms are set at 4 years, with a two term maximum.
(We expect that terms will be staggered for this new board. Board members who have served on the Chiropractic and Massage Therapy Examiners Board are eligible to serve on the new board and their previous service will not count towards term limits on the new board.)
APPLICATION TO MARYLAND AMTA - Submit your letter of interest, your resume/CV and address and diversity details to AMTA Maryland President Sabrina Lopez by Monday, July 11th via email. Sabrina's email is
In a letter of interest, please share why you are interested in being appointed to the Maryland Board of Massage Therapy Examiners.
- Provide your resume or CV as an attachment.
- Diversity is important - please share your geographic, ethnic, and gender background.
- We are also interested in representing the many different views of our profession, so looking for a variety of people with different employment, education, and career situations.
NOMINEES WILL BE SELECTED - The list of Nominees will be sent to the Governor's office by AMTA Maryland.
receive the link to the online application from AMTA Maryland, the application information will go directly to the Governor's office.
Nominees are expected to complete the application online by 7/18/2016.
This application asks many detailed questions. In a nutshell, you will need to provide a resume/CV, biographical information, educational and professional information, provide links to your social media profiles, and answer vetting questions about lobbying, involvement with any controversial issues, financial issues, debt and bankruptcy, convictions, civil litigation, membership in other organizations, etc.
This extensive questionnaire is required for vetting applicants. Members of the board must be trusted to do the job ethically and without outside influence.
INTERVIEW - the Governor's office may have a subject matter expert interview applicants; this is generally done over the phone, nominees will be contacted directly if this is the case.
APPOINTMENTS are expected before October 1, 2016.
Thank you for your interest, please feel free to forward this email to a friend and share it on your social media networks as well.
We are contacting all Maryland Massage Therapists, and the more this information is shared the more likely it is that everyone will be aware and all qualified applicants have a chance to apply.
Your Maryland AMTA Board Members
Please feel free to contact us at any time with your questions or concerns.
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