Dane Doings | July 2021
Adoptions in 2021
Since 2000
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Male 2 Years Old
Female 2 Years Old
Male 10.5 Years Old
Female 8 Years Old
Male 7 Years Old
Male 5 Years Old
Female 7 Years Old
Male 2 Years Old
Female 8.5 Years Old
Male 1 Year Old
Male 2 Years Old
Dogs Overheating:
Signs, Symptoms, & Prevention
Included below are a couple of excerpts from an article on preventing, identifying, and treating a dog that is overheating. To read the full article, and with the heat we're experiencing, we recommend that you do, click this link.
Signs Your Dog is Overheating

As a dog’s temperature rises, blood rushes to the surfaces of the tongue, gums, and membranes to help transfer excess heat. Frantic panting, extreme salivation, bright-red membranes, and labored breathing are clear warning signs that your dog is overheated and may quickly progress to a metabolic meltdown as his temperature rises to over 106 F and he can no longer cool himself.

He may gasp for air, and the entire mouth will become grayish to purple because of the unmet oxygen demand. As he dehydrates, the saliva thickens, and he may vomit and have diarrhea. Unable to stand, he may have a seizure, become comatose, and die. Even if you can cool him and he acts normal, rush him to an emergency clinic because his organs may have already been damaged and death could follow.

Be Prepared

For preventive measures, take cool-packs, towels, ice, and spray bottles wherever you go with you dog in any weather.

If traveling alone, carry two sets of car keys, so if you must stop you can lock the car with the air conditioner running for a short time (while keeping the window slightly open as a precaution).

If you think your dog is overheating, quickly move him to a cool place and immediately spray cool (not cold or icy) water on the coat, ensuring it reaches the skin. Cold water tends to constrict the surface blood vessels in the skin and this reduces, instead of increases, heat loss.

Use a fan to draw heat from the blood at the body surface, or fan the dog yourself if an electric fan is unavailable.

Wipe the face and muzzle with cool water, and as soon as possible take them to an emergency clinic. Remember, if you are sweating, your dog is already uncomfortable and must work much harder to cool down by panting.

Observe your dog carefully, and if you notice symptoms of overheating, don’t wait until it’s too late. Take precautions to prevent overheating, but if that fails, take immediate action to prevent a tragedy.
Gary celebrated his first birthday on June 7th with 11 good pals and LOVED being the center of attention!

He's a growing boy and his legs keep getting stronger. Thanks to his dedication to physical therapy and stretching exercises, Gary has avoided corrective surgery and just needs to be neutered before going to his forever home.

It's generous donations from supporters like you that allows RMGDRI to provide care to dogs with health issues, like Gary.
Diego is 62 days seizure free!

Overall he's doing alright. For the most part, everything in Diego's routine is the same. With the exception of meals - Diego's been eating his meals later than usual. It has been exceptionally hot & humid and Diego just isn't interested in food during the day. 

His foster mom has also noted some neurological changes in his walk and coordination. These changes are notably affecting his balance and mobility. He has a basic veterinary appointment scheduled tomorrow afternoon to assess these changes and has an appointment with the Neurologist July 22nd. 

To help with these changes, Diego will be introduced to the water where he will hopefully (fingers crossed) form a long-lasting positive relationship with hydrotherapy. Not only will this help with relaxation but it will also enhance lymphatic drainage, decrease inflammation, increase mobility and facilitate healthy joints.


Anything purchased from his wish list will ship directly to his foster home,
just select Diego’s Amazon Wish list shipping address.
Sparky has a home with his forever family in Montana! Clint has adopted multiple Danes from us over the years, and after losing Harley, whom he adopted just last year, he needed to fill the hole in his heart with another senior.

Sparky will share his home with 3 fur siblings, which include former fosters Sully & Molly, and a Dane mix named Chayse. He may be a little older than the other members of his new “pack”, but that won’t stop him from exploring the 40 acres of mountain beauty he can now call his home!

We are so happy for Sparky and his new family! Way to go sweet boy!
It takes a lot of time, energy, and money to run a rescue and we value every donation received.

It is our promise to you that your contribution will be put to good use, finding Good People for our Great Danes.

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