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Adapting to Different Seasons
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 NRSV

Let us, for a moment, think of the word season. When the word is used as a noun, we know it is a division of the year marked by changes in weather and the amount of daylight. When used as a verb, it means either to spice up and enhance the flavor of a dish or to mature oneself.

We hope that we are coming to the end of our hot and humid season in Houston and praying for a quick end of the hurricane season. We are also looking forward to the end of the season of the Coronavirus. We have spent many months experiencing a new ‘present time.’ We may have used our enforced time at home to clean closets, write letters or read a book. We tend to feel comfortable when we can control our time, and we naturally cling to the present rather than moving forward and changing our ways. We listen to science and know that people throughout the world have to receive a vaccine to make travel possible and to return to something like our old normal: to go back to the office, to have a party with friends and relatives, or to shop freely and without fear. Yet, as we wait for the change in season, may we pray to become more mature.

The wise voice of the author of Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a time for everything, and we learn from every event we experience. The reaction of many is to fight and rebel against change rather than to trusting that God loves us and will keep us safe through each season of our lives, expected and unexpected ones. We think we know what is best for us, but the truth is that it is God who sees the big picture and it is His desire for our lives and destiny that we need to heed. God knows what is best for us.

So we may want to experience a new season, but it is God who determines the right time. As the Message version of the Bible puts it: There’s an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) Let us be patient as we wait for a change in season and have the humility to adapt to whatever comes our way.

Holy Creator, help me to embrace this day with open arms and to share your good gifts with gladness and generosity. Amen.  
Daily Prayer for all Seasons
The Rev. Gill Keyworth
Pastoral Associate
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