Connection and Convenience

“And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me.’”
Matthew 25:40, NRSV

We are fast approaching that time of year when we will be sending Christmas cards and parcels to friends and family via the U.S. Post Office. We do this to connect with people. Let me assure you that I complain, like many others, about how long the mail takes and the costs associated with the packages.

I have gotten to the point that I allow for one month of time for greeting cards to reach family members overseas. While this can be frustrating, I concede that it is a convenient way to communicate with loved ones.

Have you ever wondered how our homeless brothers and sisters receive mail? The Beacon, Lord of the Streets, and many other agencies that help the homeless function as mailboxes for those who do not have a fixed address. In that way, the homeless can communicate with government and non-profit agencies that require a mailing address and provide family and friends with a means by which to receive birthday cards and personal mail.

Connection and convenience are important in so many ways, which we often take for granted. We are called to be Christians to the brothers and sisters who are less fortunate than us. It is through established agencies that we can serve those in need. It is the agencies that provide a full range of needs to the less fortunate and request our time and talent and maybe even postage stamps.

Perhaps you have not thought about how the homeless receive checks from the Veterans Administration or how they connect with loved ones. It is through us that they know love and connect. They need a lifeline to the services that we may take for granted and especially at this time of year when they need assistance.

Father, let us pray for the homeless that they will know you and will experience a greater sense of worth through the kindness and love of others given in your name.
The Rev. Gill B. Keyworth
Deacon, Pastoral Associate
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