This summer, the Clergy of St. Martin’s have selected some of their favorite Daily Words to share again. We hope you enjoy this “best of” series.
Today’s Daily Word was originally sent out on Feb. 20, 2023.
When Less is More

I subscribe to and receive daily devotions from the Rt. Rev. Steven Charleston, Retired Bishop of Alaska. His devotion typically consists of four to five sentences at most. However, in those short devotions, there is always much about what to pray and think. In his case, less is more!

For my devotion today, I decided to try that. Although my “Daily Word” is short, I hope you find much about which to pray and think.

There is a grace to life that cannot be taught but only revealed. It comes from kindness and a willingness to wait. It always puts the other first. It prizes gentleness. This grace is within us all. It is a fit we can only find when we give it to another.

I pray in this devotion that less is more!
The Rev. Richard "Dick" H. Elwood
Pastoral Associate
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