Wonderful People in Ministry

Early one morning, Mary of Magdala, Mary the mother of James and Salome brought spices to anoint Jesus for burial. These same women were with Jesus as He died on the cross. They met a man in a white robe (an angel) who informs them that Jesus has risen from the dead and they need to go and tell His disciples and Peter, to meet Him in Galilee. (Luke 18:1-8)

I find it interesting that Peter is singled out because he was the only disciple who denied Jesus three times on the night of His arrest. I also find it reassuring that Jesus told Peter that he was still part of the group of disciples.

How many times have we let down our Lord by what we have said or done or not said or done and yet, we are still allowed to be part “of the group” of our family, co-workers or members of the church?

It is interesting to note what happened when the women informed the Jesus’ disciples of His resurrection. The disciples did not believe the women and said that “it was pure nonsense.” (Luke 24:1-11) They were not deterred. They were determined to do what was needed for our Lord’s burial.

In John’s Gospel, Chapter 20, Mary of Magdala informed Peter that they took Jesus’ body, and she did not know where His body was moved. Peter and John (the disciple that Jesus loved) ran to the tomb to see for themselves Jesus’ disappearance. John got there first but did not go in. Peter entered, then John followed him to see the linen clothes where Jesus had lain and then believed.

Mary stayed outside the tomb crying, saw Jesus, and thought He was the gardener. However, when He called her by name, she recognized Him.

Thank goodness for the women of the Bible! The golden thread running through these stories (Mark 16:1-8, Matthew 28:1-8, Luke 24:1-11, and John 20:1-18) is the dedication, service and belief of these individuals and others whom we read about in scripture.

I am reminded of the same dedication, service and belief in the action of the many members of our Church and the many ministries they support. My thanks to each one.

Let us pray.
“We offer Thee, O Lord our God, the work which thou hast appointed for us. Help us to do it heartily and faithfully, as in Thy sight and for Thy glory, that so we may be drawn nearer to Thee and confirmed in Thy service, which alone is true freedom; in the name of our Master and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.”1

1 Colquhoun, Frank. “Prayers for Every Occasion.”
The Rev. Nicolas (Nick) R.D. Dyke
Pastoral Associate
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