Eagles Point Ministry DBA A Business Man's Perspective

"Greater Works II"

Part 3 of 6


John 14:15 (KJV) If ye love me, keep my commandments.

John 14:15 (NKJV) "If you love Me, keep My commandment.”

John 14:15 (NLT2) “If you love me, obey my commandments.

John 14:15 (HCSB) “If you love Me, you will keep My commands.

John 14:15 (MSG) "If you love me, show it by doing what I've told you.” 

Keep: have or retain possession of; put or store in a regular place. Cause to continue in a specified condition, position, course, etc., continue doing or do repeatedly or habitually, remain in good condition retain one’s place in or on against opposition or difficulty.


Greek: tereo [tay-reh’-o]: keep [57], reserve [8], observe [4], watch [2], preserve [2], keeper [1], hold fast [1]. to guard (from loss or injury, properly by keeping the eye upon; and thus differing from (phulasso), which is properly to prevent escaping; and from (koustodia), which implies a fortress or full military lines of apparatus), i.e. to note (a prophecy; figurative to fulfill a command); by implication to detain (in custody; figurative to maintain); by extension to withhold (for personal ends; figurative to keep unmarried) :- hold fast, keep (-er), (pre-, re-) serve, watch. Strong's Talking Greek & Hebrew Dictionary.


           This is the glue that keeps all the Kingdom of God together. The Loving of each other and this exemplifies our love for the Lord. You all know the scripture that if you do it to the least of these my brothers and sisters you have done it to Me. This is the great command and according to John 15:16-17 (NIV)You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit [love]--fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. 17This is my command: Love each other. There that thought is again, whatever you ask.

           God has given us the faith to walk in love and to do what He asks of us. Isn’t this like Jesus. Do one thing for Him and He will place the whole world at our disposal [whatever we ask]. This is his heart. Never condemning, never judging, never pointing his finger, just gently asking us to do something we already know works, if we will just get the flesh out of the way and make a quality decision to love each other unconditionally. 

            I have had to do this in my own life many times. Things happen to you that you just can’t seem to get on top of. Someone said something or did something to you, and you just cannot let it go. But I am telling you it is possible to let it go. You use your faith, and it will turn things around for you. If your enemy, the devil, reminds you of all the bad things people have done to you, cast it down and don’t let it block the flow of God’s power in your life. God is trying to get the blessings to you, and you have shut the door on the flow. Get things right in your mind about that person, forgive them by faith and move on.

           I am not talking about your feelings. That is like the political climate where everyone seems to be hanging their hat on the things that are being said. You cannot trust the words of a politician because even if he says he is going to do something, it does not guarantee that he is capable of doing it or even legal in doing it. Look at the track record of the man’s life and that determines what he will do. I want people to see me from what I do and not from what I say. I want my track record to speak for my life and what I stand for. My track record is the summation or average of my life.

          This is true of how God sees us. He wants you to trust him because of his track record, not from yours. Your track record has a lot of flaws in it and often we see God from who we are. This is a big mistake and will steal everything that God has promised you. This is also true of your love walk. Look at people from Gods point of view or track record and you will have it much easier to forgive and forget, whatever the other person is doing or has done. 

          Your blessings or receiving from God is based on your faith and God’s righteousness and we can forgive because He has by faith forgiven us. It does not matter if we are perfect, he forgives us unconditionally and this is how we love, unconditionally by Faith. The Father taught us how to do it where we are concerned, and this is how we can perform where our ‘neighbor’ is concerned. It will set you free and place you in a place where blessings will begin to flow exceedingly abundantly above anything you can ask or think.

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