Daily Oasis
October 8, 2012

Today's Oasis



Created & Shared By:

Heather Conn

British Columbia, Canada






"I Am One Who...


...Feels empowered to share my truth and
 to use the written word as a tool for connection, healing, and inspiration."



Daily Oasis is Transforming!


Beginning Monday, October 1st through the end of the year,
Daily Oasis will have a new, interim look and feel!


YOU can participate and help us with this transformation by continuing to enjoy the refreshment of the daily e-mails,
by sending your cards now and through year end
to be featured in early 2013,
and by sharing your feedback during these next few months
as Johnny introduces some new twists along the path!


Based on our shared learnings and experiences
 during our season of magnetic (Mili) and dynamic (Johnny) focus,
our plans are to collaboratively rebirth the Daily Oasis
in the new year in ways that are increasingly engaging, interactive, and meaningful for each and all of us who receive it. 


Here's to Sharing Joy in the Collaging Journey as
We Together Create Our Art, Create Our Lives!


~ Mili & Johnny

***We invite you to share YOUR cards in the Daily Oasis! ***


Sharing cards via the Daily Oasis
is a potent and community-oriented way 
to amplify our "voices" 
and ignite our intentions!
 Please consider sending a card or cards
to honor and call forward various aspects of Self
into the co-creation of your life and the lives of others!


Please attach a scan of each card and specify 

how you would like to be identified (name/city/state and optionally your website/blog or let us know if you prefer to remain annonymous).

Feel free to include an "I Am One Who..." statement  and other writing.

 E-mail to dailyoasiscollage@gmail.com and
look for your card in a Daily Oasis coming soon! 




Linger at the Well!


Daily Oasis Website with Galleries & More! 


New to Collage?  See Card Composition Vignettes!
Help Us Share the Oasis!
Please share Daily Oasis with others you feel may enjoy it using the "Forward E-Mail" button at the bottom left corner of this page. Each interested recipient can then use "Join Our Mailing List" button. 
Thank You

For More Information Please Visit:


SoulCollagers' Respite:    www.home.earthlink.net/~soulcollage/


"Just" Blank Cards:           www.justblankcards.com


KaleidoSoul:                      www.kaleidosoul.com
SoulCollage Inc.:             www.soulcollage.com 


Our gratitude goes out to all the wonderful contributing artists whose images and collage creations inspire us to more fully enjoy, recreate, and discover our inner and outer worlds!

All material contained herein is copyrighted as follows:  � 2010, 2011, 2012 "Just" Blank Cards