Human Dignity and World Order
The Holistic Foundations of Global Democracy
Glen T. Martin
Online Book Launch, Sunday, April 21st 9 AM EDT = 6:30 PM IST
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It may be that human beings today face our ultimate challenge. The global climate that sustains us is collapsing. Nuclear war appears ever more possible and imminent. The United Nations is in chaos, unable to stop a genocide going in while the entire world watches. To say we need a rebirth, a renaissance, may be an understatement. ...The entire world needs a fresh approach, a new foundation. And this new foundation must include not only political and economic transformation, but the spiritual dimension as well—the maturity and self-realization of the human spirit.
Human Dignity and World Order: Holistic Foundations of Global Democracy is an attempt to provide this new foundation. ...
... It reexamines the opening statement of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 as a basis for this new understanding: “recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.” If this is true, and Human Dignity and World Order holds that it is true, then why is the world such a mess? ...
...That is exactly the point, although it is something not clearly understood. Our world system, composed of global capitalism interfaced with a collection of militarized sovereign nation-states, is based on wealth, power, greed, violence, and conflict. It is not based on human dignity. ...
... To be “sovereign” already means there is no democratically legislated enforceable law over the nations. The consequence of this lawlessness is that each nation feels it necessary to militarize. ...
...We live in a globalized world where both capitalism and nation-state militarism have been extended planet-wide (missiles today can deliver nuclear weapons anywhere around the planet). ...
... We have globalized economics and war, but not the key to justice and peace, which requires the rule of democratically legislated laws premised on human dignity. Chapters Six and Seven show that the Constitution for the Federation of Earth does just that—it globalizes democracy and in doing so converts the world system from a wealth and power system to a dignity-based system. ...
... Perhaps the tour de force of the book is found in Chapter Eleven, ... the chapter shows in what ways every normal human being is embraced by a “utopian horizon” beckoning us to transform our lives and our societies in the direction of truth, beauty, justice, freedom, and sustainability. ...
...This is named “utopian horizon value theory,” an understanding of our human situation making it clear that there is really little (except our own lack of awareness and maturity) stopping us from ratifying the Earth Constitution and inaugurating a world system premised on human dignity. ...
...This book reveals our true possibility of rebirth, of renaissance, and human liberation. It shows the way toward a “new heaven and earth” (if it is still permissible to use these symbols). -- Glen T. Martin
[Editor's note: This book's description is liberally edited to provide readers a more concise summary.]
To contact the author:
Mailing address is:
Earth Constitution Institute/ World Constitution and Parliament Association
88 Oracle Way
Independence, Virginia 24348 USA