June 27 , 2024

List of Articles 6/27/24 DWF NEWS

You can't believe who they say are terrorists

The US List of Countries Allegedly Sponsors of Terrorism: Another Imperialistic Scam

Alfred de Zayas     CounterPunch


Help Us Fight the Psyopcracy

Joe Lauria   


You Saved Julian Assange

Chris Hedges     SCHEERPOST


Does China deserve more respect?

The Game Is Up

Jeremy Kuzmarov

Humanity United for Universal Demilitarisation

Alberto Portugheis 

Earth Constitution Movement Coalition for Success

Roger Kotila                                                 


The Earth Constitution's Provisional World Parliament is a grassroots effort to give "we, the people" voting rights on global affairs, a democratic feature lacking in the UN Charter. If successful, there will be a House of Peoples. There is also the need to democratize the UN General Assembly which also is denied meaningful voting rights. If successful, the UNGA becomes the House of Nations under the Earth Constitution.

The World Constitution & Parliament Association's Earth Constitution (EC) addresses the UN Charter's fatal flaws that render the current UN sidelined when and where it counts the most: For example, Israel's genocidal war against Gaza; wars in Ukraine, Myanmar, Sudan, Ethiopia. The UN General Assembly should take the Earth Constitution seriously (and soon) by first comparing the EC to the UN Charter. The Center for UN Constitutional Research (Brussels) provides legal expertise on Article 109 to activate Charter Review.

You can't believe who they say are terrorists

The US List of Countries Allegedly Sponsors of Terrorism: Another Imperialistic Scam

Alfred de Zayas   CounterPunch


19 Jun 2024 – In the US State Department’s toolkit, unilateral coercive measures (UCMs) are used to blackmail, bully and intimidate States that do not readily accept US hegemony. Placing a country in the US list of countries sponsors for terrorism is intended to lend some phony legitimacy to UCMs imposed against targeted States.


Unilateral Coercive Measures are not “sanctions”, since the US has no legal or moral right to sanction or “punish” other states. Nor do the American UCMs satisfy the legal criteria to be considered “retorsion” or “countermeasures” for purposes of the International Law Commission’s code on State responsibility[1]...


The arbitrariness of the US list is obvious to any observer. Indeed, none of the US allies and friends are on the list. The US itself is a principal sponsor and practitioner of terrorism as we know from many whistleblowers, from the work of the CIA and the revelations before the US Congress. The US supported Israeli terrorism since its inception in 1946-48. It can be said without fear of contradiction that Israel was born in terrorism. One remembers the indiscriminate killings by Zionist paramilitaries, the Nakba, the terrorization of the Palestinian population of the former British mandate, the terrorist bombing of the King David Hotel [10]... 


Help Us Fight the Psyopcracy

Joe Lauria  


U.S. intelligence officials feed journalists disinformation to create a false narrative that is intended to mislead the public and cover-up what is actually taking place.
According to Wikipedia
“Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.
The constant reinforcement of these lies becomes entrenched in the public mind and after time comes to be accepted as unquestionable truth. READ MORE

You Saved Julian Assange

Chris Hedges     SCHEERPOST


 We desperately need mass movements. The climate crisis is accelerating. The world, with the exception of Yemen, stands passive watching a live streamed genocide. The senseless greed of limitless capitalist expansion has turned everything from human beings to the natural world into commodities that are exploited until exhaustion or collapse. The decimation of civil liberties has shackled us, as Julian warned, to an interconnected security and surveillance apparatus that stretches across the globe. 


Does China deserve more respect?

The Game Is Up 

Jeremy Kuzmarov


Under Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leadership, China regained its sovereignty and lifted 770 million people out of poverty, with homelessness now being practically non-existent.[3]


China’s economic success contrasts markedly with the growing economic stagnation in Western countries and the U.S. resulting from the neo-liberal economic model in which the private sector is elevated above the public sector.

By 2014, the top 0.1% in the U.S. owned as many assets as the bottom 90%, an obscene inequality ratio accompanied by a dramatic rise in poverty, which had been reduced massively in China under more socialist-oriented policies.   READ MORE

Humanity United for Universal Demilitarisation

Alberto Portugheis

To the Editor,

I read Robert C Koehler's article America's Iron Triangle uses endless wars for endless profits -- To Abolish War We Must Transcend Exploitative Interests and I'm afraid I disagree. Here I explain why and if DWFED practices Democracy, I expect you to publish my thoughts.


Endless wars for endless profits is practiced by ALL countries in the world with a war industry. There is NO other option. Many millions of workers in Canada, USA, UK, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Holland, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, China, Israel, Greece, Turkey, Pakistan, India, Australia, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Sudan, Ethiopia, Nigeria have to be paid their salaries at the end of each month.


This can only happen if politicians (Governments) spend money in buying and selling what the war industry produces. The only way to avoid the collapse of the industry and mass unemployment is to ensure war products are used, damaged, destroyed or lost. 


The inevitable side effects (collateral) are injured, maimed, dead, orphaned and displaced people, destroyed families and societies, buildings, the environment, Nature, the creation of poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, homelessness.


We train the Armed Forces personnel to fight, kill and destroy and brainwash them to make them believe if they are killed, they'll die for a good cause.


Such a system, accepted by humanity at large, can only create 'endless wars'. To believe the war industry can create Peace, is the same as believing an apple tree can yield bananas.


Alberto Portugheis

President HUFUD [Humanity United for Universal Demilitarisation]


Earth Constitution Movement's Coalition for Success

Roger Kotila

Earth Constitution Institute: Creating an Inclusive Coalition for Success

 “Preparatory for the Provisional World Parliament that will convene its Sixteen[th] Session (PWP16) (December 7-10, 2025, Pondicherry, India, and online): We envision a broad and inclusive session of the Parliament. This historic event will establish a permanent Secretariat and elect officers for the Provisional World Government (PWG) — including its Presidium of five world executives.” (From ONE WORLD DIGEST, June 26, 2024)

Editor's note: Under the Earth Constitution (EC) we are talking about a House of Peoples ("we, the people") with voting rights to represent the world's 7.8 billion people with 1000 World Electoral Districts. The 16th Session of the Provisional World Parliament meets in India in December, 2025. 

 There is a corresponding strategy for the UN General Assembly to join forces with the Earth Constitution Movement utilizing the EC for the UNGA to become the House of Nations.  This would mean that democracy at the international level had some real meaning unlike the present geopolitical UN Charter system which is severely undemocratic only giving signficant voting rights to only five nations (the UN Security Council's P-5) who mock international/world law. -- Roger Kotila

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