New DVLC Tutors

Diablo Valley Literacy Council Newsletter
Volunteers teaching English as a second language (ESL) to non English speaking adults

Wells Fargo Volunteer Fair
Thursday, November 1
11 am - 1 pm
Connections Concord
1755 Grant St, Concord

Fall Workshop Follow-up
Saturday, November 3
9 am
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
4000 Clayton Rd, Concord

DVLC Board Meeting
 Thursday, November 8
10 am
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Classroom 3
4000 Clayton Rd, Concord

HOLIDAY LUNCHEON for Tutors/Students/Families
Saturday, December 8
noon - 2pm
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
4000 Clayton Rd, Concord

DVLC Board Meeting
 Thursday, December 13
10 am
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Classroom 3
4000 Clayton Rd, Concord

DVLC Board Meeting
Thursday, January 10
10 am
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Classroom 3
4000 Clayton Rd, Concord

Annual Membership Meeting
Saturday, January 12
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Fellowship Hall
4000 Clayton Rd, Concord

Report Hours for July through December, 2018
Don't forget to report your hours for the first quarter: Tutoring hours and Non-tutoring hours (time spent for preparation, travel to student and workshop).

You can email to
Remember to Pay Your Membership Dues
If you haven't already done so, remember to pay your 2018 membership dues. It's a great way to show your support for DVLC, and we use the dues to pay for items needed to support our tutoring program.  Please send a check for $15 to DVLC, 4000 Clayton Rd., Concord, CA 94521

DVLC Directory
Voicemail: 925-685-3881

President and Web Master
Lucy Goodell 
Vice-President and Publicity
Loretta Morrison
Mary Thomas

Treasurer and Telephone Committee
Joanne Hill

Board of Directors: 
Hospitality and Volunteers
Ela Newacheck
Hours Coordinator
Rachel Sanborn
Mary Nash
Newsletter Coordinator
Victor Tiglao
Special Projects
Denise Coyne     
Student/Tutor Coordinator
Holly Sprague
Workshop Registrar
Wendy Bojin-Liston
Workshop Training Coordinator
Kris Torske

Workshop Trainer
Ed Chambers

Fall 2018
Vol. 32  No.4
I am always pleased to hear reports from tutors who find English tutoring to be a worthy and fulfilling endeavor. Yes it is! However, I bet everyone who has ever volunteered for Diablo Valley Literacy Council has faced challenges in finding meeting times that work for both student and tutor. Various obstacles crop up: family issues, work or school conflicts, health, travel, etc. etc. We appreciate oh so many of you who hang in there for your student even with chronic cancellations or scheduling conflicts.
I'm happy to notice that in the quarterly hours report, several tutors have mentioned work-arounds for when they couldn't meet face-to-face. Some tutors talk with their students on the telephone, some give homework assignments, some exchange texts or emails to keep the momentum going.  
If there is an insurmountable problem with scheduling or incompatibility of another sort, let us know. We want each tutor and each student to be suitably matched. If you request a change, indicate whether your student wishes to be assigned to a new tutor or to discontinue altogether.
You are probably able to gauge your student's commitment to the effort. If you feel like their interest is flagging, there is nothing wrong with asking them directly whether they wish to continue. If not, please contact Holly Sprague or send an email message to to indicate if you would like a new student assigned to you. 
Our aim is always to have this learning opportunity be satisfying to the student and to the tutor. Keep up the good work.

Lucy Goodell, President
Student Success

Congratulations to Ward Hinds and his student from Iran who passed the citizenship test. Ward and his wife attended the August 9 swearing in ceremony at the Paramount Theater in Oakland.  After Ahmad became a citizen he registered to vote that same day!

Shelley Okey also reports, " My student took her citizen test 
and passed!"

Shining Stars

Great appreciation to three tutors who all performed 30 hours or more of tutoring during the summer quarter.  That's an average of about three hours per week!  We admire your commitment to your students:  Sue Gannon, Christine King, and Sheila Driscoll.

Save the Date!

Saturday, December 8 for Holiday Luncheon for Tutors, Students, and Families!
Bring your kids to see Santa and receive gifts. Invitations to be mailed soon. Look for them in your mailbox.

Saturday, January 12 for Annual Meeting

Fall Workshop
Kudos to the coordinators of the Fall Tutor Workshop who carried out a very well-organized orientation for new tutors. Kris Torske and Holly Sprague led the Fall Workshop, preparing new tutors to teach English as a second language one-on-one. The attendees seemed to be much engaged and their response was very positive. The addition of 13 tutors brings us to about 100 tutors in all and reduces our student waiting list to a small number.

A highlight of the training was when four of our active tutors talked about how they have worked with their students. The speakers,  also mentioned in the article below about the Summer Get Together, were invited to repeat the presentations they gave in the summer. 
Thank you to all who participated and to the many behind-the-scenes helpers.

New tutors attending the Fall Workshop

Summer Get Together

August 4, a great day for a Summer Get Together! We were honored to have speaking to us two former Board members, Chancey Henneman and Alice Foster, who were instrumental in getting our ESL tutoring organization established. They gave us glimpses of the road traveled since the inception of Diablo Valley Literacy Council 40 years ago.

In addition to munching on delectable brunch foods, attendees could digest fresh ideas presented by tutors in five brief talks about ways to go beyond our textbooks:
Ela - working with the basic, basic English learner
Rachel - meeting the need for verbal communication
Renaye - gaining a permanent resident card
Mary - obtaining a green card
Wendy - achieving citizenship

Discussions at each table followed.  Special thanks to the five ladies mentioned above for organizing and actualizing such a memorable occasion.

From Our Librarian, Mary Nash
Stop by and check out our Vocabulary Study Books, Dictionaries, and Townsend Easy Reading Biographies (gr. level 4-6).  The self-serve library is available Monday through Friday.  Please refer to your  DVLC  training binder for times and key procedure.
Thank you again for returning your borrowed books when you are no longer using them. 

We'd love to hear from you!  Email your questions or comments to Diablo Valley Literacy Council at: 
See our updated website: