May, 17, 2024::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Issue 2

Welcome to the DRP2 (Downtown River Precinct Phase 2) newsletter. We will do our best to provide information on the project's progression.

Visit The Project Web Page 

Construction Update

  • The contractor has continued the installation of helical piles. These are required for the future boardwalk
  • Piles are approximately 80% done
  • Target completion for piles next week
  • The contractor has mobilized additional equipment and construction supplies in support of additional roadway improvements

Next Week

  • Additional intrusive work will occur on the roadway for upgrades to the City's storm drain infrastructure.
  • Heavy equipment will start to move into the closed construction area

Storm Sewer Upgrades

The City will upgrade the storm drain system as part of DRP2 construction. This is important to increase capacity. Low capacity storm drains can lead to flooding, erosion, and other issues that can pose a risk to public safety and property. This is a proactive measure.

Fun Fact:

It's a common misconception that storm drains and sewer systems are the same thing.

  • Sewers - collect waste and travel to a water treatment facility - this includes toilets and other water fixtures in a home or business (unless you are on a septic system)
  • Storm Drains - Do not go to a filtration plant. This project incorporates an oil/grit separator with an enhanced level of protection before discharge. The City's is targeting a minimum of 80% of total suspended solids removal.

Environmental Implications of waste down storm drains:

  • closed beaches
  • destruction of green space
  • population decrease of insects and animals
  • water pollution
  • major health issues in humans

Construction area: 1st Avenue East between 9th Street & 10th Street 900 block of 1st Avenue East

The Plan

The Contacts


Site Superintendent

Adam MacDonnell

p. 519-374-0300

Or Amanda Morrison

p. 226-974-6011


GEI Consultants

Site Inspector

Chris Slocombe


City of Owen Sound

Project Lead

Matt Pierog

p. 519-376-4440 Ext. 3308

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