Happy Birthday Jetsunma!
Dear Friends,

Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo's birthday is Friday, June 30th! Please join us in celebration of Jetsunma and all that she contributes to our world, by making a donation to the Endowment Fund for her nunnery, Dongyu Gatsal Ling.
Dongyu Gatsal Ling has been built and sustained through your heartfelt donations. Let us continue to support her wish to ensure this valuable community of nuns will be self-sustaining, and that their education, well-being, and dharma activity will continue to flourish over time.

Jetsunma's considerable initiatives give so much to our communities. Please join us today in giving back.  

Please Donate Now to make a contribution to Dongyu Gatsal Ling's Endowment and be part of this extraordinary blessing and achievement through Planned Giving and other expressions of generosity. 

Happy Birthday, Jetsunma!

With love and gratitude,

Linda Nockler and May Ling Yeo
DGL Endowment Fund Advisors

Caterina, Chrysanne, Harsha and Heather
DGLI Directors

Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo providing instruction to the nuns at Dongyu Gatsal Ling, Spring 2017. 
DONATE to DGL's Endowment!
Thank you for supporting DGLI ‘s mission to raise awareness and improve the education standards and living conditions of our Tibetan Buddhist female monastic communities. Your generosity has an immediate impact on their well-being.
Coming Soon: 
New DGLI Website!

We are putting the finishing touches on our brand new website!

Look for an announcement very soon!

“My feeling is that well-trained nuns will have an increasingly important role to play in upholding the sacred Dharma, and we are committed to helping this come about.”

Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo