Christ Episcopal Church  *  Valdosta, Georgia
Dominican Republic Mission News


VBS, Translators, and The Baby

Dayamo, Yissel, and their two-year-old son

We have invited Dayamo Ramirez, a representative of the Dominican government, to be a guest speaker at our Vacation Bible School class on Wednesday, June 27. Dayamo is the Director of the Environment and Natural Resources agency in Jarabacoa, and is a native of El Pedregal. His wife, Yissel del Rosario, is the daughter of the Campamento's cook, Tomasina, and her husband. Confesor, both of whom live in the house directly across from the Campamento's main gate. Yissel was a student in our knitting classes several years ago, and of course Tomasina is a longtime friend of our mission team. 

Dayamo and Yissel and their son will be joining us for supper on Tuesday, June 26, and then Dayamo will speak to the children in the VBS class on June 27 about how they can help him protect the environment and natural resources of their home region and about possible career opportunities in his professional field. 

Speaking of Vacation Bible School, there was an unfortunate error in last week's message for the link to the Spanish version of the VBS booklet we will be using. Thanks to fellow missioner Grady Lacy for alerting us to that error. The correct links for both the Spanish and the English versions are below, along with the Spanish and English versions of the lesson plans that Phyllis and Julia have developed. The lesson plans are current as of May 24. Thanks to Pat Cordova, a native of Chile, resident of Valdosta, and a dear friend of our mission team for this translation of the lesson plan.

Speaking of translators, our main translator will be our fellow veteran missioner, Grady Lacy. We are making arrangements to hire two high-school students who have attended Jarabacoa Christian School, the English-speaking school that our long-time translator Leidy also attended, to help with translations in the different VBS classrooms and on other worksite locations. They will join us Sunday afternoon, June 24, for the VBS planning sessions, and then will be with us each day starting at 8:30 a.m. We are working on plans for a fourth translator but those are not completed yet.

Speaking of Leidy, her baby is due on Thursday, June 28. In next week's message we'll have more information on arrangements for a baby shower for her, possibly on Sunday, June 24. On that same day, we'll be visiting the home that our 2017 team built for Leidy, her husband Jesús, and their son Emanuel. That visit should be one of the many highlights of our 2018 trip.'s May 31. Our mission trip begins in 23 days....

Our trip planning webpage is at the link below: 

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For general information about the history of Christ Church's mission work with our friends in the Diocese of the Dominican Republic,  click here.
Need something else? Check below for all of our contact information.
Your friends in Christ, 
Julia and Julius

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Julia and Julius Ariail
Christ Episcopal Church
1521 N. Patterson Street
Valdosta, Georgia 31602-3848

Home 229-559-7329
Julia US cell 229-563-0074
Julius US cell 229-563-0209
Julius DR cell 809-653-0433

Christ Episcopal Church * 1521 North Patterson Street * Valdosta, Georgia 31602