Photos and Pesos
All Missioners and the completed playground project |
Julia and I are working on after-trip reports, accounting, and assessments -- and gradually recovering from the trip. We hope that your recovery process is going smoothly.
Julia has made a short report about our trip in the form of a bulletin insert that will be distributed at Christ Church on Sunday, July 8. If you would like to check out that insert,
click here.
I have completed work on our four group photographs. The playground image is above, and links to this file and the three others are here:
I am working now on the task of compiling a comprehensive online album of photographs from our trip. If you would like to contribute any of your photographs for that album, please send them to me by Wednesday, July 11. There are two ways to get those files to me in a format so that I can use them easily: 1) AirDrop (if you are in the Valdosta area); 2) Email attachments. Alas, it is difficult for me to copy and use photos that you post on Facebook, since that Facebook posting strips away all internal date and time data within that file and thus makes it hard for me to arrange that file chronologically within the overall album.
This new comprehensive album will replace
the temporary album now up on my personal Facebook page, and will be available in both Google Photos and Facebook album formats on the Christ Church media platforms (website and Facebook). I'll let everyone know when that comprehensive album is ready.
Julia and I are also working on a multi-page trip summary report. We'll send out a draft of that report to everyone for comments before it is final.
This morning I sent out notes
via email or text message about the peso and dollar loans I made during the trip. If you didn't get your note, please let me know. These loans were from my personal funds, not the church's mission account, so please make your payment out to Julius Ariail and mail to 5802 Long Pond Road, Lake Park GA 31636-2712. Julia and I will also be at church on July 8 if you would like to repay me then.
Next Thursday: watch for an online questionnaire about our trip.
And one final note: if you came down with some kind of post-trip illness that could be trip-related, please let me know. This is just for background information, and I will not identify you personally in any public posts or reports.
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For general information about the history of Christ Church's mission work with our friends in the Diocese of the Dominican Republic,
click here.
Need something else? Check below for all of our contact information.
Your friends in Christ,
Julia and Julius
1521 N. Patterson Street