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“For all its imperfections, America is still the beacon to the world,

 an ideal to be realized, a promise to be kept.President Joseph Biden

Democratic Party of Torrance County Newsletter 

June 3, 2024

Good Morning Democrats,

This week’s Blue Beacon will be a long one, with a lot of good information down below this introduction, so please be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom before closing it, because there’s a lot of good things happening around Torrance County that you should be aware of.

Of course, the big news this week is the verdict in Donald Trump’s “hush money/election interference” trial. Guilty on every single one of the 34 felony indictments could get the would-be dictator anything from probation to four years in prison. Of course, he’s claiming that the trial by a jury of his peers was rigged, and his most ardent supporters believe every lie he tells, so it’s predictable that his poll numbers are just about as strong as they were a week ago, which should sadden every American.

Early in the Federal Convention in 1787, which ultimately resulted in the drafting of the Constitution of the United States, Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, who later became Vice President under James Madison, argued for a government where every elected position in the new federal government would be elected by Congress, and members of Congress would be elected by state legislatures.

“The people do not want virtue, but are the dupes of pretended patriots,” he declared. “In Massachusetts it had been fully confirmed by experience that they are daily misled into the most baneful measures and opinions by the false reports circulated by designing men, and which no one on the spot can refute.”

It’s taken 237 years for his prophesy to be fully fulfilled, but the MAGA-maniacs that support Donald Trump have proven VP Gerry at least partially right, since they are truly “dupes of pretended patriots”, so easily “daily misled”. As Democrats, it may seem that it’s our duty to educate those who hang onto every word that Trump utters as if he brought those words down from a mountain, having been engraved in stone by a burning bush. Sadly, this is not within our power. They believe what Trump tells them without question, and the only evidence that they need to support their beliefs is “Trump said so”.

No, our task is NOT to educate or convince them, because they’re basically uneducable and inconvincible. Our task is to outnumber them where it counts . . . at the ballot box. I have no doubt that, even if Biden wins by double digits in every state, Trump and his loyal minions will still claim that the election was rigged, and that Trump really won. It’s likely that we’ll see a replay of 1/6/2021 when January of 2025 rolls around seven months from now. We’ll have to cross that bridge when we come to it. In the meantime, it’s our task to get the Biden/Harris ticket elected again in November.

Although there is very little meaningful on the primary ballot for Democrats (NM House District 70 excepted) it’s imperative that every Democrat that can possibly vote tomorrow do so, as a show of strength, if nothing else. And we need to have a good turnout at our County Post-Primary Convention in Estancia on Saturday to begin the next phase of Election 2024 . . . the General Election, where America retires Donald J. Trump for good.

As an added incentive to encourage participation at our convention on Saturday, we’ll be giving out three Visa Gold gift cards, each valued at $100. I hope to see you there!

Bill Peifer

Vice Chair

LGBTQ Pride Month traces its roots back to the 1969 Stonewall riots, which started on June 28, 1969. The first Pride marches started the following year, on June 28, 1970, to commemorate the multiday riots, and these one-day celebrations eventually evolved into a full month of LGBTQ pride.






Pursuant to Article 1-8 of the Election Handbook of the State Of New Mexico, a Call is hereby issued for a Democratic Party of Torrance County Post-Primary Convention to elect delegates and alternates to the Democratic Party of New Mexico’s June 22, 2024 Post-Primary Convention. The DPTC Post-Primary Convention will be held on Saturday, June 8th, 2024 at the East Torrance Soil & Water Conservation Building, 701 Tenth Street, Estancia, NM


PURPOSE OF COUNTY CONVENTION is to elect the delegates and alternates elected at the ward elections to the Democratic Party of New Mexico Post-Primary Convention.



Dennis Wallin, County Chair Democratic Party of Torrance County.

2024 Primary Presidential Election Information


Moriarty Edgewood School District

June 3 thru July 26, 2024

Free Nutritious meals will be provided to all children 1- 18 years old who are present at the meal service locations. The meals will be the same for all children regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service.

Meals will provided first-come, first-served and eaten on site.

Estancia Municipal Schools

June 4 thru July 18, 2024

Free Nutritious meals will be provided to all children 1- 18 years old who are present at the meal service locations. The meals will be the same for all children regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service.


Tuesday thru Thursday

Estancia Schools Cafeteria 12 - 12:30PM

McIntosh Rancho Grande Estates in McIntosh 12:30 - 1PM

Willard E. Garcia Memorial Park in Willard 11:30AM - 12PM

Roy's Grocery in Tajique 11:45AM - 12:15PM

Catholic Church in Torreon 12:30 - 1PM

Meals will be served Tuesday - Thursday and will include Friday and Monday Meals

Mountainair Public Schools

June 3 thru August 2, 2024

Free Nutritious meals will be provided to all children 1- 18 years old who are present at the meal service locations. The meals will be the same for all children regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service.

Job Opportunities

  • Torrance County is currently accepting applications for a Misdemeanor Compliance Officer, Senior Zoning Enforcement Officer, Equipment Operator, 911 Supervisor, 911 Dispatcher, Sheriff Deputy, and a Clerical Float.

Click Here for more information.

  • Estancia is accepting applications for the position of Certified Police Officer, a Maintenance Worker, an EMT Firefighter, Pool Lifeguard, and a Pool Manager.

Click Here for more information.

  • Mountainair is accepting applications for a Certified Police Officer.

Click Here for more information.

Commission, Council and Board Meetings

Put this on your calendar.jpg

Torrance County Commission

Meeting June 12, 2024, 9 AM

205 S. Ninth Street, Estancia, NM

meeting is available via Zoom

Click Here for Zoom


City Council

2nd & 4th Wednesday

Moriarty Civic Center

201 Broadway Street

7:30 PM


Board of Trustees

1st & 3rd Monday

Estancia Town Hall

513 Williams Avenue

6:15 PM


City Council

1st & 3rd Tuesday  

Council Meeting Room

107 1/2 N. Roosevelt

5:30 PM

Claunch/Pinto Soil & Water Conservation District

1st Friday, 8 AM

1206 NM 55, Mountainair


Click here for more information

East Torrance

Soil & Water Conservation District

3rd Wednesday, 6 PM

715 S 5th St, Estancia


Soil & Water Conservation District

1st Thursday, 10 AM

2506 US 66, Moriarty

Estancia Municipal Schoolboard

2nd Monday, 6 PM

300 N 9th St, Estancia

Van Stone Room 02/03

Moriarty-Edgewood Schoolboard

3rd Tuesday, 6 PM

MESD Board Room

2422 E. NM-333 Moriarty

Mountainair Public Schoolboard

4th Tuesday, 6 PM

Central Office

512 North Ross

Vaughn Municipal Schoolboard

3rd Wednesday, 6 PM

District Office

101 East 4th Street

Your Democratic Party of Torrance County Executive Committee

DPTC Chair - Dennis Wallin -

DPTC Vice Chair - Bill Peifer -

DPTC Secretary - Millie Peifer -

DPTC Treasurer - Bill Peifer -

Ward Chairs

DPTC Ward A (Pcts 1,2,7,14 & 16) - Augustine Montoya - 

DPTC Ward B (Pcts 5,13,17, 20 & 21) - Vacant

DPTC Ward C (Pcts 3,4,8,9,10,11 & 12) - Jason Quintana -

DPTC Ward D (Pcts 6,15,18,19 & 22) - Bill Peifer -

Don't know your precinct? Click here.

Democratic Party of Torrance County Website:

Please DONATE to the

Democratic Party of Torrance County!

Donate Here 


You can mail a check to:

Democratic Party of Torrance County

PO Box 2206, Moriarty NM 87035

(make check payable to Democratic Party of Torrance County)