JANUARY 24, 2022
Letter Day: G

Darien High School Parent News
Published by the DHS Parents' Association
24 - G Day Review Day, Full Day of Classes
25 - Midterm Exams 2 & 4
26 - Midterm Exams 6 & 8
27 - Exam Makeup Day
28 - Begin Quarter 3, Semester 2 (C-Day)


2 - Electives Expo, Auditorium 9am
11 - PLC Day (2 hour delay)
12 - ACT at DHS
16 - DHS Band Concert, 7pm
18 - No School for Students, Professional Development Day
21 - No School-Presidents Day
22-25 - No School-February Recess

As you know, the 2022-2023 Budget Process is well underway. Please mark your calendar for two important upcoming meetings:

  • Jan 24th @ 7pm - Special Board of Education meeting to discuss Open Choice and Bring Your Own Device (“BYOD”). Agenda (including Zoom / YouTube access links) and materials on both programs can be found HERE.
  • Jan 25th @ 7:30pm - Regular Board of Education meeting to continue discussions on the entire budget. Board members will have the opportunity to propose adds / cuts to the budget at this meeting. Agenda (including Zoom / YouTube access links) can be found HERE.

All budget materials can be found HERE.
Please contact Leila Buckjune or Antoinette Cowles, DHSPA Co-chairs or Tiffany O'Connor and Robin Nelson, DHSPA Budget Chairs with all questions, comments and feedback. We want to hear from you!

Monday, Jan. 24: G Day, Review Day (full day of classes)
Tuesday, Jan. 25: Exam Period 2 (8:00am) & Exam Period 4 (10:30am)
Wednesday, Jan. 26: Exam Period 6 (8:00am) & Exam Period 8 (10:30am)
Thursday, Jan. 27: Exam Make-up Day
Friday, Jan. 28: C-Day, Quarter 3/Semester 2 Begins

Attendance/Dismissal Times
Students are expected to be in attendance for each exam. Individual arrival and dismissal times depend on each student’s schedule. Students may leave school when they are dismissed from their last exam for the day. There is no school on make-up day (unless a student has a scheduled make-up exam). Make-up day is for excused absences only. Students who miss an exam for illness or other excused reason must arrange to take the make-up exam directly with their teacher. 

Buses and Parking
AM buses will operate over the usual routes at the regular time (including make-up day). Afternoon buses leave DHS at 12:35pm Student parking regulations remain in effect. Parking is for seniors with permits only. 

Breakfast items and beverages will be available in the cafeteria from 7am to 12:30pm. The cafeteria will be closed on make-up day.  

DHS Library
Library open for quiet study only 7am-3pm.  

Weather Delays or School Cancellation
In the event of a weather-related 2-hour delay, the exam schedule will be as follows:
1st exam: 9:40am - 11:40am
2nd exam: 12:10pm - 2:10pm
AM buses will run routes two hours later; afternoon buses will be at 2:25pm.

If school is closed for inclement weather, power outages, or other emergency, the exam schedule will be adjusted so that the next school day will have the exams that were missed and the schedule will move along in order. 
EXTRACURRICULAR COMMITMENT MEETING scheduled for Jan. 26th has been postponed. Information about the next meeting will be provided once it is scheduled.

ELECTIVES EXPO scheduled for January 27th has been rescheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 2 at 9 am in the auditorium. We look forward to seeing many parents for this in person event.

Darien High School will once again offer its SAT review course headed by Mr. Dooley from the math department and Mr. Speiser from the English department. The February/March class is appropriate for JUNIORS who will be taking the SAT on either March 12 or March 30. The same course will run again in April in anticipation of the May 7th and June 4th test. 

SAT MathThe Math course will be taught in person and will run on four Tuesday nights from 7pm – 9pm in room B112 for a total of 8 hours of instruction. The dates of the math class are February 8, February 15, March 1 and March 8. The cost of the course is $200. To register for the Math course, you can sign up on through school cash online. Any questions you can contact Patrick Dooley at pdooley@darienps.org.  

SAT English: The English/Verbal course will be taught in person and will take place on four Wednesday nights in room B203 from 7pm – 9pm for a total of 8 hours of instruction. The dates of the class are February 9, February 16, March 2 and March 9. The cost for the course is $200. To register for the English course, you can sign up through school cash online. Any questions you can contact Alex Speiser at aspeiser@darienps.org

FINAL YEARBOOK ORDERS (Final Deadline: March 7, 2022)
This is your final opportunity to order your 2022 DHS yearbook. The members of the yearbook staff have worked hard to make this an exceptional yearbook in spite of our current situation. It will be a yearbook to treasure as a keepsake and to document an important time in your life and that of the country. You can place an order by clicking HERE.
Senior Yearbook*: $95.00
Underclassman Yearbook: $95.00
Underclassman Yearbook with personalization: $102.00
 *All senior yearbook orders will receive a free personalization of their name on the cover of the yearbook courtesy of the Darien Yearbook Club. 
Please remember to keep a copy of your order number.
The Yearbook Club does not want anyone to go without a yearbook due to financial reasons. If you need assistance, please contact your school counselor.

Every year, the Yearbook Club loves to have a full senior section. We are asking for your help in collecting photos from senior year and seniors through the years. We are looking for photos of senior groups (2 or more) from over the years as well as photos from senior year. 
For senior year, you can send any pics showing you and your DHS friends during the 2021-2022 academic year. Please state specifically in the description section “Senior Year Pics.” 
For seniors through the years, you can send any pics that show you and your DHS friends at any grade or age from pre-school to junior year. Please state specifically in the description section “Seniors through the Years.” 
Please follow the steps below:

  • Click HERE to upload photos.
  • Enter school code: darien (all lower case), if required.
  • Enter the information requested.
  • Remember to indicate in the "Description" section which type of photo you are submitting (e.g., “Senior Year Pic” or “Seniors through the Years”). Upload and submit your photos.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Hernández at rhernandez@darienps.org.

Please remind your student to pick up their photo orders from Mrs. Farren in the main office.
Submission Guidelines for Darien High School Parent News

  • Please send your submission in the text of your e-mail, single spaced and left adjusted (no formatting), with "DPN SUBMISSION" in the subject line to dhs.dpn@gmail.com. Download files, attachments or formatted text are not accepted.
  • Submissions must be event-driven, age-appropriate and relevant to Darien High School. We will not include advertisements or fundraisers for businesses or community organizations.
  • Deadline for DPN submissions is Friday at noon.
  • Please include a contact name and e-mail address in the text of your submission for questions we may have.
  • Texts may be edited and submission does not guarantee publication.
  • Due to the significant increase in social media publicity for community organizations, the DHSPA will post information specific to the DHSPA, Darien High School, the CDSP (Council of Darien School Parents), or the Darien Public School District only. Please add to the subject line "FACEBOOK/INSTAGRAM POST" when submitting your event or post.

With many thanks from the DPN editors Beth Lane, Sarah Neumann, Denise Krueger, Marli Hayes, Hope Barton & Carolina McGoey.