Central Ohio's Largest Irish-American Women's Organization
"American by birth, Irish by the grace of God!"
Hello Ladies of the Daughters of Erin,
We are continuing to plan the 2023 summer events:
- Scone baking for the Dublin Irish Festival is Saturday, July 29.
The Dublin Irish Festival Tea Room is Aug 4-6. If you know youth who need volunteer hours, please invite them to volunteer. Thank you.
Please plan to volunteer and help us find volunteers for these fundraising events! We especially need strong, tall individuals to put up and take down the tent sides Friday & Saturday evening and Saturday & Sunday morning at the Dublin Irish Festival.
Thank you,
Thank you to all who donated raffle prizes, volunteered and purchased hole sponsorships for the 2023 golf outing!
Special thank you to Debbie and Pete Lynch and Neil Kahn for all your work to recruit golfers, organize the event and more!
Help the Daughters of Erin welcome visitors to our annual Irish Tea Room at the Dublin Irish Festival, Friday Aug. 4 to Sunday, Aug. 6. We will need volunteers to sell our delicious baked goods, homemade hot and iced tea, and more. Plan to stop by the Tea Room to support our event! We need to cover all three days, especially Saturday and Sunday afternoon and evening hours. All volunteers receive a ticket to the festival, please help us find volunteers. Thank you.
To volunteer for the 2023 Tea Room,
If you are not able to register online,
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Save the date, 9 am-2 pm, Saturday, July 29 at St. Catherine Church, 500 S Gould Rd, Columbus, OH 43209. We need volunteers to mix, bake, package and clean up.
Important information about how to enter the cafeteria at St. Catherine School, 2865 Fair Ave., 43209: Please enter thru Monsignor David V. Sorahan Center and take the steps down, the cafeteria is on the left down the hall.
PLEASE RSVP by email
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We appreciate all who can donate baked goods for the Tea Room!
We will be selling soda bread, scones and other homemade baked goods at the Dublin Irish Festival Tea Room, Friday, Aug. 4 to Sunday, Aug. 6.
Suggestions, other than soda bread or brown bread, include cookies, brownies, fruit breads and shortbread. If you need to arrange pickup, let us know.
Please do not make anything with frosting, icing or things that melt in the heat. Be sure to include a written description of the items and any ingredients that may cause allergy concerns.
This is a great fundraiser for us, THANK YOU for your help!
Calling all members of the Central Ohio Irish Community and Columbus Clann na nGael and Irish organizations to march in the annual Central Ohio Irish Community Procession, Friday, Aug. 4 at the 2023 Dublin Irish Festival.
Look for people with signs that say "IRISH PARADE," volunteers will be stationed at the east and north gates at 4-5:15 pm handing out tickets to all parade participants. The parade steps off at approximately 5:30 pm.
DAUGHTERS OF ERIN | 1978 to 2020
The September meeting is in a new location at 2 pm, Sunday, Sept. 10 at Trinity Lutheran Church, 404 South 3rd St., Columbus, OH, 43215 on South Third Street and Fulton Avenue.
Hospitality asks us to bring fresh fruits and veggies to celebrate the Harvest Season.
Charities is collecting school supplies for the September meetings for a school in need. Members have reported Target, Staples and Meijer have sales on school supplies.
If you have questions or ideas for a monthly charity, please contact Cheryl Costello at 614-774-8879 (text or call) or email cherylcostello@yahoo.com.
Annual membership dues are $10 for Junior members (under 18 years of age) and $20 for Regular members (ages 18-79).
Honorary members, age 80 and over, please confirm your information with Peggy McCathran, she will have the applications to review.
Dues can be paid by mailing a check made out to Daughters of Erin (please spell out on the check) to: Peggy McCathran, 3012 E. Mound St., Columbus, OH 43209 or call Peggy with questions at 614-235-2969.
If any of your contact information has changed, please include it with your check.
We want to celebrate special birthdays, work announcements, honors, etc. Please share the details, so we can share and celebrate with you.
We are moving to a new location, meetings will be held the second Sunday of the month at 2 pm. Trinity Lutheran Church, 404 Third Ave., Columbus, OH 43215.
September 10
October 8
November 12
December 10
January 14
February 11
March 10
April 10
May 19
June 9
Please keep our members and those on the prayer list in your thoughts and prayers. Please join us in prayer for healing and blessings.
Pat O'Connor and extended family on the loss of John O'Connor; Bob Whittier on the loss of Sue Whittier; Karen Joyce, Sharon Cattey, Linda Miller, Terry McBride, Bob Brokamp, Jim Dempsey, Anne Graves, Diane Miller, Dianna Ardery, Pat Archer, Patty Bryant, Chris Sweeney, Suzy Lhamon, Carol McConahay, Jeri and George Burton, Franklin Tack, Terry Baesmann, Joann McNamara, Paul Tisdale, Kathy Kelly, Clyde Fenton, Karen Franz, Kay Fallon, Ed and MaryKay Moriarity, and all those in need of our prayers.
Please pray for all affected by recent storms and for peace around the world. We also pray for all military, police and healthcare workers.
If you are interested in receiving a call or calling a member to check in from time-to-time, please email Carolyn Collins at collinscarolyn07@gmail.com.
Thank you ladies for shopping at Kroger, we continue to receive funds from YOUR use of the Kroger cards! This money is raised from Kroger Cards registered through Kroger Community Rewards program.
If you shop at Kroger and have a Kroger Card, please register your account so your rewards benefit the Daughters of Erin. The best part is that YOU still receive your Kroger rewards (coupons, fuel perks, etc) but behind the scenes, the Daughters of Erin receives a percentage of what you spend at the Kroger Store.
You can register in store at the Customer Service Desk, the Daughters of Erin organization number is 81910 - or - register online at
In the search field, type in Daughters of Erin or enter the organization # 81910. And press SAVE.
Thank you for your support!
There are so many things happening in the Irish Community. Please visit the websites and Facebook pages for events and activities.
July 21, Birthday Night with the Half-agins (Hooligans Ed & Jim), Tara Hall
July 29, Scone Baking
Aug. 4-6, Dublin Irish Festival Tea Room
Aug. 11, The McIans, Shamrock Club of Columbus
Aug. 26, Annual Corn Roast with The Other Brothers, Shamrock Club of Columbus
Sept. 1, 614 Sessions on the Lawn, Shamrock Club of Columbus
Tara Hall is open every Friday featuring music and Birthday Night on the third Friday. Watch the Tara Hall Facebook page for entertainment listings.
The Central Ohio branch of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann celebrates Irish music, language, and culture. Visit the Columbus Comhaltas website for details.
The Daughters of Erin
P.O. Box 1912
Columbus, Ohio 43216-1912
Copyright © July 2023. All rights reserved.