August Beat Meetings
14th Police District-
1434- August 28th, 6:30pm (New date)
Bucktown Wicker Park Library
1701 N. Milwaukee
14th District Twitter
14th District CAPS- 312-744-1261
19th Police District-
1932- August 8, 6:30pm
New Life Church
1110 W. Lill
19th District Twitter 19th District CAPS- 312-744-0064
Update from Beat 1931's Meeting (Belmont/Ashland/Fullerton/Chicago river)- Attendees of Beat 1931’s meeting enjoyed a barbeque on Tuesday, shortly before the massive rain started. It was announced that there were 0 burglaries this two month period; this period last year there were 12, so this is a massive improvement. There were 4 robberies, down from 7 last year. Thefts are up; over half were shoplifting, mainly from the Riverpoint Mall. Thefts are when someone takes something without force/demand (ex. grabbing your wallet off of a table); robberies are by force/demand ("give me your wallet").
Vehicle thefts are up from this period last year; over half were Kias and Hyundais. There were 0 carjackings. A reminder of the difference between vehicle thefts and carjackings- a vehicle theft is when no one is in the car; ex. you left your car running while you ran into a store and someone stole it, or someone took it off the street while it was parked overnight. A carjacking is when you are in the car and someone demands it from you by force.
Issues brought up by residents- there is a homeless man living in the bus shelter at Diversey and Leavitt- police and Family Services have spoken with him; he has refused services; Streets and San will be posting for a cleaning. The car wash on Clybourn south of Belmont is blocking the bike lanes, both with cars and signage; the police will speak with the owner. The CHA parking lots have a lack of lighting; management has been notified.