Friday, January 26, 2018

Dowell Families
We had a great week here at Dowell Middle School. 

Yesterday we held our spring pep rally and were able to observe lots of talents from our students in athletics, band, cheer, choir and drama.  We appreciate all of the hard work and extra practices the students had in preparation for our afternoon event.

This week we finished up our second week of Pride Time.  Students and teachers are really seeing this time as a benefit.  We are working every week to tweak things to make it even better.  

Thanks so much for the support you give us every day to work with your children.  
Have a wonderful weekend.
Holly Rogers
Principal, Dowell Middle School 

Don't miss out on keeping the memories alive.

Order by February 2nd to guarantee your yearbook!  

Extra yearbooks will be available at the end of the year but we will have a very limited quantity.

DMS  2nd Quarter
Honor Roll

"A" Honor Roll
"AB" Honor Roll
National Junior 
Honor Society

Dowell's National Junior Honor Society members are in need of suggestions to support our community through volunteer work.  If you know of a need that our students can fill, please email Christina Cantrell at
Winter Ilness

We would like to remind all parents of the importance of keeping sick children home.  When a child comes to school ill, he/she can spread illness by coughing, touching his/her nose/mouth and then touching objects that other students come in contact with.
Remember that fever is not the only sign of true illness and that fever is usually a late sign of an illness, or an illness that is progressing.
If your child is out sick remember to always send in a note from the Dr or a parent note.
MISD Health policies are in place to help insure a healthy school where students can learn and grow.  

Please take a moment to review the exclusions by clicking the following link MISD Exclusions.
Student Possession 
of Medication

McKinney ISD has a no tolerance policy for students in possession of medication of any kind, including herbal supplements, vitamins, and all over the counter medications including cough drops/lozenges. 

All medications must be delivered and picked up by a parent or guardian. Students are not allowed to drop off or take home their medication(s) from the school clinic. 

All medications are to be stored in the nurse's office with the exception of prescribed medications for the treatment of asthma, Anaphylaxis and diabetes.  Please see the campus nurse if your child has one of these conditions.
Boyd HS
Engineering Club

Representatives from the Boyd High School Engineering Club will be giving a presentation on Thursday, February 8th at 9:00 am in the Dowell MS Teacher's Lounge during the February PTO meeting.  

If your child is interested in participating in the program in high school, don't miss this informative meeting!
GT Parent Orientation 
Secondary Schools

Please Click Here to view the GT Parent Orientation Presentation.
Student ViewPoint Survey

Click Here  for the survey.
Ends February 14th!
Quick Links
Dowell Middle School
Canvas For Parents
Parents guide to using Canvas 
Upcoming Events
January 29th
Boys Basketball
-7th Grade @
Faubion 5:00 pm
-8th Grade vs. Faubion @  Dowell  5:00 pm

January 31st
Orchestra Clinic
Cafeteria 4:00 pm

February 1st
Girls Basketball
-7th Grade 
@ Faubion 5:00 pm
-8th Grade vs. Faubion @  Dowell  5:00 pm
Love & Logic
Parenting Classes 
To see the schedule & sign-up Click Here
Dowell Middle School
301 Ridge Road
McKinney, TX 75070
(469) 302-6700