DKT produces White Papers and publications to document our impact and highlight our work. Below are some examples of recently produced materials. Please feel free to share them with your colleagues or follow up with our communications or programs team leads if you have any questions.
Contraceptive Use: Estimating DKT’s Contribution in Key Countries
By Ian Salas, Stephanie Gallagher and Christopher Purdy (DKT International and the William H. Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health); January 22, 2024.
Emergency Contraception Pill Sales in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Data from Social Marketing Programs
By Cristina Puig, European Consortium for Emergency Contraception (ECEC) August 18, 2023.
Examining Reuse and Replacement Procedures for Ipas Manual Vacuum Aspiration and Cannulae in Nine Countries
By Elisabeth Eckersberger, Sally Dijkerman, Megan Perkins, True Overholt, Susana Asport, Hina Aziz, Ivania Barata, Sumit Gulati, Bekalu Mossie Chekol, Leonard Mulase, Jean-Claude Mulunda, Ayodeji Oginni, Marian Smith1, Bill Powell, and Nathalie Kapp. From the International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, June 21, 2023.
Women First Digital: An e-health platform providing reproductive health solutions
In this “digital first” age, women and young people are increasingly turning to the internet as their primary source of information – including for guidance about reproductive health and abortion information. Learn more about Women First Digital and how our initiatives are advancing the SRH field.
DKT in French West Africa – Shaping the emergency contraception market
DKT is a leading force in the sexual and reproductive health market in Francophone West Africa, particularly with sales of Emergency Contraceptive pills, or ECs. Between 2018 and 2022 programming supported a 92% increase in unit sales of ECs and a 72% increase in total commodity value: far outstripping population growth in the region.
Sustaining DKT Bees to ensure healthier communities in the DRC
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), DKT supports a group of Community Healthcare Workers (CHWs) known as “Bees” who are frontline soldiers in the battle to improve SRH outcomes. The sustainability of their efforts is crucial for long-term success and palpable social impact in the country.