News and Updates from DKT International

Annual Report 2024

Dear Friend of DKT,

We are pleased to share our most recent Annual Report with this newsletter. In 2023, DKT generated 64.1 million CYPs, an increase of 2.5 million Couple Years of Protection (CYPs) from the prior year. We also made headway towards increased financial resilience and are covering an estimated 82% of our global expenses. Critical donor funds help us meet funding gaps and leverage DKT resources, and our sustainability numbers provide a compelling case for your investment in us, and the value we provide for your investment dollars.  

DKT procured $121 million in commodities in 2022, largely with our own funds, making us one of the world’s largest procurers of SRH products. Because we contribute to operational budgets with sales revenues, the cost to donors of delivering one ‘CYP’ is now under $1.

This year’s Annual Report features our work in Nigeria, where 2 of every 5 contraceptive users depend upon DKT’s products or services for their sexual and reproductive health. A recent analysis of our overall contribution to contraceptive use in several countries revealed that we play a key role in providing contraceptive products and services in many of the markets we serve.

Nigeria is an excellent representation of DKT’s global portfolio. We provide direct sales to 78,000+ outlets, commodity procurement, supply chain logistics, e-commerce, innovative marketing, and provider training in urban and last-mile communities. We serve the total market in Nigeria and all countries where we have teams on the ground. With the support of our affiliates – DKT WomanCare, Women First Digital, and carafem — DKT provides full service contraception and safe abortion care to more than 100+ countries around the world. 

Our people and supporters make everything we do possible. Take a look back at our most creative and popular ad and behavior change campaigns of the year and explore the Multi-Platform Engagement section of our Annual Report, where we feature the ingenuity of our global teams. As always, thank you for your continued and steadfast support.


Chris Purdy

President, DKT International

Featured publications

DKT produces White Papers and publications to document our impact and highlight our work. Below are some examples of recently produced materials. Please feel free to share them with your colleagues or follow up with our communications or programs team leads if you have any questions. 

Contraceptive Use: Estimating DKT’s Contribution in Key Countries

By Ian Salas, Stephanie Gallagher and Christopher Purdy (DKT International and the William H. Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health); January 22, 2024.

Emergency Contraception Pill Sales in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Data from Social Marketing Programs

By Cristina Puig, European Consortium for Emergency Contraception (ECEC) August 18, 2023.

Examining Reuse and Replacement Procedures for Ipas Manual Vacuum Aspiration and Cannulae in Nine Countries

By Elisabeth Eckersberger, Sally Dijkerman, Megan Perkins, True Overholt, Susana Asport, Hina Aziz, Ivania Barata, Sumit Gulati, Bekalu Mossie Chekol, Leonard Mulase, Jean-Claude Mulunda, Ayodeji Oginni, Marian Smith1, Bill Powell, and Nathalie Kapp. From the International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, June 21, 2023.

Women First Digital: An e-health platform providing reproductive health solutions

In this “digital first” age, women and young people are increasingly turning to the internet as their primary source of information – including for guidance about reproductive health and abortion information. Learn more about Women First Digital and how our initiatives are advancing the SRH field.

DKT in French West Africa – Shaping the emergency contraception market

DKT is a leading force in the sexual and reproductive health market in Francophone West Africa, particularly with sales of Emergency Contraceptive pills, or ECs. Between 2018 and 2022 programming supported a 92% increase in unit sales of ECs and a 72% increase in total commodity value: far outstripping population growth in the region.

Sustaining DKT Bees to ensure healthier communities in the DRC

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), DKT supports a group of Community Healthcare Workers (CHWs) known as “Bees” who are frontline soldiers in the battle to improve SRH outcomes. The sustainability of their efforts is crucial for long-term success and palpable social impact in the country.

Meet our Teams!

Hear from DKT’s global team members. Click on this playlist to learn more! 

Meet the teams here

About DKT

DKT is an innovative and adventurous social marketing organization that improves people's lives.

DKT International

1001 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20036

+1 202-223-8780

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