Volume 93 | September 1, 2020
News from Ohio State Organization
From Diana's Desk
Believe :: Belong :: Build

Silent Pleas for Our Nation's Teachers

As the school year starts in the many districts across the country, teachers are overwhelmed with anxiety and trepidation about returning to their classrooms.  It’s an emotional and stressful time for all, and our nation’s educators are in desperate need of our support and encouragement as they become the next generation of essential frontline workers. 

I worry about them all, especially family and friends closest to me.  I am constantly asking myself, “What is it that I can do to help”?  I have yet to find a suitable answer, but to eliminate the helplessness I feel, I began jotting down the following thoughts, silent pleas if you will, to help me cope, plus use as a means to hopefully give uplifting support to our fellow colleagues.  You the reader, are more than welcome to add one or two of your own to the list below.
To all of you who will be returning to the brick and mortar classroom and/or those teaching remotely, please know you will continue to be in my thoughts and yes, even in my daily prayers, as you brave the unknown and the uncertainty of this anomalous school year.  I bid you continued courage, strength, and good health as you face the days ahead…do take care and be safe.

Congratulations Gold Key Chapters!
On August 29, 2020, at the Virtual Executive Board meeting, Ohio State Organization recognized forty-four chapters receiving the Gold Key Award. The presentation of this award is always an exciting moment. They were as follows: 
Alpha Gamma
Alpha Delta
Alpha Eta
Alpha Mu
Alpha Nu
Alpha Xi
Alpha Sigma
Alpha Upsilon
Alpha Chi
Alpha Psi
Beta Gamma
Beta Delta
Beta Zeta
Beta Eta
Beta Kappa
Beta Nu
Beta Rho
Beta Upsilon
Beta Chi
Beta Psi
Gamma Alpha
Gamma Eta
Gamma Theta
Gamma Iota
Gamma Lambda
Gamma Mu
Gamma Nu
Gamma Xi
Gamma Sigma
Gamma Phi
Delta Delta
Delta Theta
Delta Kappa
Delta Mu
Delta Phi
Delta Chi
Gamma Pi received the Honors Award. Along with recognition comes pride and accomplishment.

Judy McClanahan, Gold Key Coordinator
The ADSOEF Nominating Committee is made up of five members representing the five areas of the state.  

Sally Gillmore, Sigma Chapter, Northeast Ohio
JoAnn Ingram, Omicron, Southeast Ohio
Karyn Kern-Lazear, Gamma Phi, Southwest Ohio
Barbara J. Smith, Zeta, Northwest Ohio
Chairman Dr. Norma Kirby, Alpha Delta, Central Ohio

The Director Application and Description of Position are available on the website at adseof.weebly.com.

Consider applying for the position of Foundation Director.  You have the talent, skill, and heart to be a director! 
Do you see a Community need? 

Do you have an idea that will benefit children and education?

You are the one to create changes in classrooms and communities through…

Educational Projects

Imagine the Impact!

Nomin Davaanyam, our 2018-2019 A. Margaret Boyd Fellowship recipient has completed her final requirement to ADSOEF by sharing her story in her own vernacular.  It is truly amazing.

My story started when I first came to the USA to be an exchange student in an American high school in Texas 20 years ago.  This 16 year-old girl’s first trip abroad was to the big nation, which was only seen on TV and movies at that time.  I had experienced a new high school environment, witnessed students’ open debates with teachers, observed free self-expression among teenagers, and met friendly and supporting staff that were always there to guide and help in any way possible.  This was a very different school environment from where I came from, which back then was a place with dominant teachers and dictated study, self-expression discouragement and lack of relationship with school administration and staff.  After one year in Texas I went back home a changed person with new perspective and a vision about my life.  Since that year I have been working hard to reach today’s goal – Master’s Degree in Education at Kent State University.

"Taking a Break with Gerry Brooks"
When preparing for the 2020 DKG/OSO State Convention, several active teachers suggested we look into getting Gerry Brooks as a keynote speaker.  Those of us who have been retired for a while were unaware of this gentleman and his “open and frank” message.  Upon checking him out on his YouTube videos, we found him to be quite humorous with a genuine understanding of children’s behavior and how schools work…or are supposed to work.  President Diana Kirkpatrick contacted Gerry, who lives in Lexington, Kentucky, and found that he was well beyond our budget, but plans were being made to possibly share him with school districts in the area surrounding the Embassy Suites in Dublin, Ohio, where the 2021 convention is scheduled to be held on April 9-11.

With the coronavirus, all that changed, but the Connectivity Team has come up with a plan to share Gerry Brooks with you via a Zoom event.  During this session, members of the team will share readings with you from Gerry’s book, Go See the Principal, as well as, some of his most humorous YouTube videos, to which all of you can relate.  Time will be available for discussions and comments you might have in response to what you see and hear during the session.  

Mark your calendars for Monday, September 21, at 7:30 P.M. and plan to join in on the fun of listening to Gerry’s exaggerated southern twang as he talks about school topics, children, parents, administrators, and teachers during a time when school days were “normal.”  In order to be a part of this Zoom event, it is very important for you to register in advance with the link provided below.  Only ninety-nine spots are available so register as soon as possible.  

I look forward to seeing you via Zoom on Monday, September 21, at 7:30 P.M., as we will be “Taking a Break with Gerry Brooks.”  This should be a great time to share a few laughs and experiences that are common to all teachers.  Take care!  Stay safe!

Linda Diltz, Beta Rho
Convention Coordinato
Registration link for "Taking a Break with Gerry Brooks"

You are invited to a “Take a Break with Gerry Brooks,” Zoom meeting. 
When: Sept. 21, 2020,  7:30 – 8:30 P.M. Eastern Time (US and Canada) 

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Good Questions Lead to Great Conversations
This time of year, people are busy preparing for the school year, participating in an online meeting or webinar, or perhaps putting together some last-minute details on a 4-H project; others may be planning for DKG chapter activities or even just relaxing on the front porch with a cold beverage.  To add to your relaxing moments, a new group of OSO leaders has begun planning activities to engage and connect members during his crazy and difficult time. 

On Tuesday, August 18, members had the opportunity to open the “Conversation Card Jar” to discuss current topics educators are faceing. The Conversation Jar activity is a means to connect with other members across the state and just have open discussion to share ideas, knowledge, and experiences.

As you plan for future meetings, this may be a Zoom activity that could work.  Below are the questions used for the OSO Conversation Jar activity.  Feel free to use for your own chapter -- including adding, deleting, editing, etc.  

Committee News
It's That Time!

As many of you may remember, the Expansion Committee was to have introduced the OSO Chapter Resource Membership Guide at the membership breakout sessions during the OSO State Convention this past March. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the project’s introduction was placed on hold. 

The Expansion Committee is revealing the OSO Chapter Resource Membership Guide by placing it on the OSO website with the help of Eileen McNally, our webmaster. This guide contains many items which we hope chapters will find useful as well as user friendly. Included are chapter surveys, which can be used to assess the positives and negatives of your chapter; “Why Belong to DKG?”, the benefits of  joining DKG; strategies for a positive chapter; and numerous other articles and resources. We have also created a list of additional resources from the International website including step-by-step tools to help navigate finding those resources.

We hope you can use this document to guide your chapter to enhance membership activities.  A link has been provided to get you started. If you have questions, please feel free to  contact us by emailing:  expansion@dkgohio.org

Expansion Committee
Patricia Cermak, Gamma Rho
Millie Holzer, Beta Zeta
Molly Tharp, Alpha Psi
Karen Dombrowski, Alpha Nu, Chairman

Presenting…The DKG Core Values, Count them 1, 2,3,4,5…
Let’s explore and find out what they mean so we can thrive!

During our recent virtual DKG International Society Convention in July we were presented with the 5 DKG Core Values that were developed by the DKG Next Committee. The Core Values are based and aligned with the DKG purposes, visions and the mission statement. The 5 Core Values were also developed in order for our members to develop a deeper understanding of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.

I am Debby Canter and I’m currently serving the Ohio State Organization as First Vice President and Membership Chair. It goes without saying that this is a difficult time to try to recruit new members, along with the concern that we are losing chapters at an alarming rate. The leadership team, the membership committee and the expansion committee have been looking at ways to retain members and reach out to chapters to sustain current numbers. 

The following is a crash course in membership forms that I shared during the leadership training on July 29, 2020: 

     Build the Ballot!

The nominations team is in the process of building the ballot for the next biennium, 2021-2023. We have continued to meet in a distanced way over the last few months.  We now are accepting applications for the following positions for Ohio State Organization.

First Vice President
Second Vice President
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary

Nomination committee representative from the Northeast region
Nomination committee representative from Northwest region
Nomination committee representative from Central region
Nomination committee representative from Southeast region
Nomination committee representative from Southwest region

If you or a DKG sister you know would love to serve at the state level, one of these positions might be for you.  Inside each of us is that shared passion for a career we love.  We share that commonality.  Inside each of us is that innate ability to lead.  So, take a minute, go to the OSO website, find the application under State Officers (committees, nominations) and begin to build your application for yourself or a sister you think would enjoy serving.  Together, and even during times when we cannot meet too often face to face, we can build a ballot for 2021-2023!

Dates to Remember
September 21, 2020 - "Taking a Break with Gerry Brooks"
7:30 to 8:30 P.M. via Zoom

April 9-11, 2021 - OSO State Convention
Embassy Suites - Dublin, Ohio
Remembering Our Lost Sisters
Chapter News
DKG members across the state gathered virtually for an evening of OSO Bingo! Theresa Allen of Gamma Eta won a $10 Amazon gift card in the ice breaker game and a $10 Amazon gift card for Bingo. Holly Buente of Gamma Pi won a $20 Amazon gift card for Bingo.
The Executive Board held a practice "Zoom" session to prepare for the Executive Board Meeting.
OSO Executive Board Meeting Via Zoom
Photo Gallery