As Charles Dickens once wrote “it was the best of times and the worst of times”, probably adequately describes the prior year for DFK/USA. We faced some interesting challenges and some turbulence last year, but ended the year with a great annual conference in Punta Mita Mexico and a successful Executive Committee meeting in the Big Apple in early December. In my experience, tough times and challenges will force you out of your comfort zone and DFK/USA had become complacent. I understand the time requirements and stress of being a partner at a CPA firm. Time becomes the most precious asset and as a volunteer organization, it was an easy decision to let someone else handle the necessary administrative and operational function associated with our organization. However, to be a cutting edge organization you cannot delegate 100% of the required functions, and I’m proud our members have stepped up to take a more active role. We are working our way through the restructuring and I am confident we will not only survive the storm but will be better for it.  We start 2018 with a new set of objectives and a clean sheet to rebuild and restore DFK/USA to the organization we want it to be. Let me highlight some of the progress and benefits of your membership with DFK/USA.

We currently have 24 strong accounting firm members with board coverage across the USA. DFK, International, DFK Canada, DFK Mexico and South American firms continues to grow and improve our market coverage. Our Group A firms are in discussions with AGN and their larger firms to develop a meeting format which will allow additional benefits without losing the closeness and confidentially of our existing firms. Our members collaborate well and we want to maintain the great things we have while providing and exploring new ideas and concepts to increase the value of DFK. Firm management, leadership training, cross referrals and client coverage across the US and the world is a great benefit for all our members and we want to expand these relationships. 

We have engaged Maureen Dillmore to handle day to day administrative functions, conference planning and overseeing DFK leadership and technical conferences.  She has opened a dedicated DFK/USA administrative office in Denver, Colorado and is available and willing to assist any of our members with their needs or questions. Maureen is a great addition to our team.

Mellott and Mellott is handling the accounting for DFK/USA with the oversight provided by our current Treasurer Steve McDonald. We have increased our reliance on existing managing partners to assist in locating and securing new members and I request we keep our eyes and ears open for possible new members, particularly in the geographic areas which we need coverage. 

2018 will be a busy year and I am excited about the opportunities in front of us.

Best wishes for a healthy and prosperous year!

Steve Parkhill