As Vice President of Structured Finance and Insurance at DFC, Tracey Webb leads a team of 50 working on some of the largest projects the agency supports by providing financing and political risk insurance to build power plants, hospitals, airports, and other critical infrastructure. Tracey is one of our longest serving employees, having joined the Overseas Private Investment Corporation as a loan officer in 1994. Her commitment to both development and public service is truly inspiring to the DFC staff and makes her a pivotal leader in our growing agency. 

How has development finance evolved in recent decades?
Today, there is more foreign direct investment than ever before, more sources of capital to invest, and a greater public awareness about the needs of the developing world. While these are positive advancements, they also underscore the need for dollars to be invested in ways that best benefit the people in underserved communities most in need of support. 

How will your office work to ensure DFC reaches those communities?
We consider the development impact of every project from day one—it is the first conversation we have when considering a project. We also work to ensure the project aligns with the development goals of the agency and the larger U.S. Government. The agency has significantly improved in its ability to evaluate the development impact and outcomes of the projects we support.

What are the biggest changes for your department from the launch of DFC?
With more resources to invest, more flexibility, and new tools that will enable us to lend in foreign currency, we have greatly increased the range of projects we can pursue and have a developmental impact.