The following update is provided by Tom Stoltman, Superintendent, Department of Public Works:

  • Road weight limits on Town roads should be off in a week or two, depending on how soon frost beneath the pavement can no longer be detected.
  • Spring Clean-up: Once road limits are lifted, we will prepare and open the Yard Waste facility. We will then begin sweeping roads and chipping the winter tree debris.
  • Pothole patching is under way. 
  • When the weather stabilizes and overnight temperatures remain warmer, we will start the water lines at the Town Park and open the buildings for the season. 
  • Vilas County Highway Department will soon repair the turf dug up while moving snow along Highways 70 and 155 and the Veterans Memorial.

Tom can be reached at 715-891-5733 or for more information. He and his crew usually work from 6:00AM - 2:30PM, Mondays - Fridays.


A new Facebook page has been launched by the Town Board In an effort to increase distribution of the Town's Constant Contact "outreach messages". The new page is named Town of St. Germain and is accessible at:

The page is designed as a 'bulletin board" only and will not allow public posting of comments. Anyone wishing to respond to a Town outreach message may do so by sending an email message to the Town Clerk at the address provided in each message.
The St. Germain Town Board of Supervisors provided this message. If you wish to contact any of the Town's officers, please visit the "Elected and Appointed Officials" page of the TOWN WEBSITE.