Fifteen years, and several hundred Hoosier Dads ago, PCAIN began facilitating the Nurturing Father’s program at Edinburgh Correctional Facility. Since that time, we have expanded to three facilities, which include Plainfield and Putnamville, as well as adding a virtual program in which any father can participate. Nurturing Fathers is an 8-10 week facilitated program that focuses on various parenting topics. It has a solid foundation of efficacy and primary prevention and is beneficial for any father.
Last Spring, we received further affirmation of our work from the Indiana Department of Corrections (IDOC). Our continued collaboration with IDOC and the encouraging work from these fathers will hopefully minimize recidivism, and at the very least, assist them with developing long-term, positive relationships with their children.
Below you will see we are doing another Community Nurturing Fathers Class Series starting January 11th on ZOOM. Please feel free to check out the Training Series description and register.
Jan 11 – Mar 1, 2023 – “Nurturing Fathers Class Series” presented by Dads Inc, Program Director/PCAIN Prevention Education Specialist, Brian Carter Training description and to register