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Prevent Child Abuse Indiana December 2022 Newsletter

PCAIN Prevention: Holiday Safety

Put protection first this holiday season: The anticipation of the approaching holiday season brings with it a flood of intense emotions. For some those are positive emotions, but for others the holidays are a difficult and painful time. There are also those that do not celebrate the holidays due to personal reasons or faith beliefs.

The staff at PCAIN wish you and your families the most positive holiday experience possible. We are hopeful the links to articles on the subject below may provide you and those with whom you share, ideas for an even happier and healthier holiday season.

  • “Why Sticking to Your Child's Routine is a Good Idea During the Holiday" is an article from Entirely Kids Pediatrics on-line publication:  Link is here.

  • “9 tips to fend off holiday stress” is an article from Mayo Clinic Health Systems on-line publication; Link is here

PCAIN - Sandy's Goodbye!!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful start to the holiday season. I know that we at Prevent Child Abuse Indiana are so fortunate and blessed to have all of you in our corner, but more importantly, in our children’s corner. 



It has been an honor serving all of you, as well as our children and families here in Indiana, but after 22 years, I have decided to make a change. 

January 20th will be my last day at Prevent Child Abuse Indiana/The Villages as the PCAIN Director of Programs. I can’t begin to share with you the honor and privilege it has been to work on behalf of primary prevention, and my heart will always be in that arena, as well as with all of you.

Thank you so much for all that you do on behalf of children, and please continue to reach out to PCAIN for resources for ways in which we ALL can support children and families. Thank you so much.

Sandy Runkle-DeLorme

"Lead Poisoning is Preventable" PDF for easier reading

PCAIN/Dads Inc - Nurturing Fathers Program

Fifteen years, and several hundred Hoosier Dads ago, PCAIN began facilitating the Nurturing Father’s program at Edinburgh Correctional Facility. Since that time, we have expanded to three facilities, which include Plainfield and Putnamville, as well as adding a virtual program in which any father can participate. Nurturing Fathers is an 8-10 week facilitated program that focuses on various parenting topics. It has a solid foundation of efficacy and primary prevention and is beneficial for any father.


Last Spring, we received further affirmation of our work from the Indiana Department of Corrections (IDOC). Our continued collaboration with IDOC and the encouraging work from these fathers will hopefully minimize recidivism, and at the very least, assist them with developing long-term, positive relationships with their children.


Below you will see we are doing another Community Nurturing Fathers Class Series starting January 11th on ZOOM. Please feel free to check out the Training Series description and register.

Jan 11 – Mar 1, 2023 – “Nurturing Fathers Class Series” presented by Dads Inc, Program Director/PCAIN Prevention Education Specialist, Brian Carter Training description and to register

Please feel free to share our training information with anyone that may be interested by sharing the link to our website

Training Page or Events Calendar.

Another Great Upcoming Dad Event

PCAIN Educational Brochures

We want to believe that the person we love and who shares our life is someone whom we can trust unconditionally. With regard to our children however, we need to go “above and beyond” when it comes to protecting them. We have some tips that you can refer to when trying to determine if your partner is safe to be around, and sometimes care for your child. You can also pay attention to your child’s cues in order to gauge if there is a safety concern. There are some positive signs as well that may help you to gauge how your partner is interacting with your child. Some of these tips can also pertain to other caregivers of your child/children.

Brochures are $1.00 per package of 50 brochures. This is just one of many educational resources available from PCAIN. Click here to order or to discover the many other resources available. PCAIN website now offers “Print Your Own” on the Educational Materials link.

We also offer PCAIN Merchandise on our website SHOP

Kids First Support of

Prevent Child Abuse Indiana 

We thank Kids First for continuing to support our charge in ensuring that our mission to "make Indiana a better, safer place for Indiana's most precious resources - our children" is achieved. 

Help support statewide efforts to prevent child abuse and neglect by the continued use of the Kids First license plate, or when your plates are due again by purchasing the Kids First license plate. For more information, please visit their website. Funding from the Kids First plates helps us work with our Prevention Councils throughout Indiana. 

If you would like to make a donation to Prevent Child Abuse Indiana directly, Click Here

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