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DEC Seeks Input for Regulations

to Implement Ban on Glyphosate Use on State Property


A recent amendment to the Environmental Conservation Law bans any state department, state agency, public benefit corporation or any pesticide applicator employed as a contractor or subcontractor to apply glyphosate on state property. However, there are exemptions to this ban to maintain critical infrastructure, manage roadside vegetation to ensure public safety, for the control of invasive species and pests of significant public health importance, and for research purposes. The law is effective December 31, 2021.


This law requires the DEC to develop regulations addressing the parameters for glyphosate use by state departments, state agencies, public benefit corporations or any pesticide applicator employed as a contractor or subcontractor to apply glyphosate on state property.


The DEC will hold a stakeholder webinar on October 27, 2021 from 1-3 PM concerning the pesticide regulations to implement this law. Stakeholders are invited to the webinar to hear about potential revisions, express views, and provide input in developing regulations.


The webinar will be recorded and will be available upon request. Questions and comments will be accepted in the days following the meeting.


To register for the webinar, go to the following link and click on “Register”. If you have already registered, you do not need to register again. https://meetny.webex.com/meetny/onstage/g.php?MTID=eb8b856bec1f030f9ea6351551be8cf1e

Further updates pertaining to the proposed glyphosate rulemaking, and a link to the full text of the law, will be available on the DEC's website at: https://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/298.html


Pesticide Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Section

Bureau of Pesticides Management

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-7254

P: (518) 402-8727 | F: (518) 402-9024 | pestcomp@dec.ny.gov


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