The Developmental Disabilities Resource Center is well on our way to providing COVID-19 vaccines for staff at our licensed residential sites, residents and others who provide services in those sites. We held a clinic in January in partnership with Walgreens Pharmacy and additional clinics are planned in the coming weeks. We are also collaborating with other entities to explore ways we can help speed dissemination of the vaccine.
DDRC Direct Care staff, Andrew (wearing black mask) and Miguel (in blue mask) shown below were among those who got their first doses. Miguel said, “I want to stay healthy and do my part. Everybody should get on the band wagon. I’m getting the vaccine for my health and everybody’s health.” Andrew agreed saying, “I’m really happy to get the vaccine!” DDRC’s wonderful nursing team coordinated logistics of the clinic with Walgreens Pharmacy staff for a smooth and efficient clinic, helping make the experience calm and easy for everyone.
We are grateful and relieved to see that individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) and staff serving them can now get the vaccine. The vaccines are key to moving forward to a safer and healthier future, and that’s why DDRC is happy to encourage you to #RollUpYourSleeves and help Colorado conquer COVID-19!
Thank You Alliance Colorado for your work on the #RollUpYourSleeves campaign!
Plain Language Guide to the Vaccine
Are you looking for a plain language guide about the COVID-19 vaccine?
The Autistic Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN) has produced a guide that uses illustrations and pictures to help people easily understand more about the vaccine.
Find ASAN's COVID-19 Fact Guide here.
It’s Never Too Early to Get Help for a Young Child
Do you have concerns about a young child’s development - yours or someone you know? With COVID and social distancing maybe you're not sure how the child is doing relative to peers, or maybe baby "Well Checks" that would identify delays were skipped due to COVID so you’re not sure what to think. If you have concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to get help. Early Intervention Colorado supports families of children from birth up to age 3 at no cost to families, and services are still available.
Anyone can make a referral to EI, including you! To make a referral or learn more about Early Intervention in Jefferson, Gilpin, and Clear Creek Counties, contact DDRC’s Early Intervention intake department at 303-462-6619 or
Virtual Play & Learn Friday mornings through Jeffco Library
DDRC and its Early Intervention Program are pleased to help promote Jefferson County Library’s Virtual Play & Learn Series designed for parents/caregivers of children birth through preschool. The series is a chance to connect with other parents and caregivers while engaging your kids with theme-oriented activities.
The program is hosted on Zoom on Fridays from 10:30 – 11:15 a.m. and rotates through themes such as early literacy and story time, STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), movement to music and hearing from community resource professionals. The first 15 minutes of each event is for the themed activity for your kids, then parents and caregivers can use the rest of the time to talk and share among themselves.
Participants need to sign up through the library web site to receive the Zoom link to the sessions. For more information and to sign up, click here.
DDRC Funding Available for Disability Related Needs
DDRC’s Family Support Services Program (FSSP) has funding available now through June 30 for disability related needs. DDRC’s FSSP provides services and supports related to the person’s disability that are above and beyond typical child rearing or daily living expenses. Families are eligible for funds if they have a family member with a developmental delay or disability living in the family home and based on their input to the Most-In-Need Assessment.
Start today to request funding by completing a Most-In-Need Assessment (MIN) form. Call 303-462-6576 to request the form or click here.
DDRC Self-Determination Initiative Funding
DDRC Self-Determination Initiative, funded through the mill levy, is available for Jefferson County residents 18 and older with intellectual/developmental disabilities. A variety of services, materials and supports arising from person-centered plans may be considered. We are open to brainstorming with applicants to help identify options to address an individual’s goals. For information contact or 303.462.6528.
Therapeutic Learning/Recreation
If you are an individual receiving services and are looking for ways to get engaged, learn and socialize, we encourage you to reach out to your DDRC Resource Coordinator to learn about all the choices available from many providers to fulfill your interests and needs. One of those choices is DDRC Therapeutic Learning/Recreation.
DDRC’s Therapeutic Learning Connections/Recreation offers a variety of online and in-person programs for people with IDD ages 14 years and older. Some program topics are held regularly, like exercise, sports, art/crafts and Friday Social, while other activities may be unique. Virtual sessions are held through Zoom or through phone/audio participation.
For more information, call Kristina Cripe at 720.251-6040 or Terri Hulstrom at 720.544.8152.
Handmade Thank You Notes from the Heart
About 80 older adults receiving services who were the beneficiaries of gift card donations made by a group of caring Jefferson County residents as part of a December Holiday Donation Drive showed their appreciation by creating homemade thank you notes to the organizers of the gift drive.
The gift cards allowed recipients to purchase cozy items of necessity, calendars, planning stickers, backpacks, hairclips, nightlights, sensory toys, musical items, games and even presents for a friend, all to experience the meaning of the holidays. We’ve captured a picture of some of the thank you notes here.
DDRC extends another emphatic thank you to Mary Ann Tillman, Amanda DiVito Parle, Becky Shreck, Jill Polito and Layne Mielke for leading that donation effort and coordinating with DDRC to make it happen!
Upcoming Webinars/Panel Discussion from the Community
Unfair & Unequal: COVID-19 and People with IDD
Hosted by the Lurie Institute for Disability Policy and the Community Living Policy Center at Brandeis University
Monday, February 22 at 10 a.m. Mountain Time
Unfair & Unequal is a free webinar featuring a discussion of how policies that promote Home and Community-based Services can provide more equitable social justice during this pandemic for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Disability community members, self-advocates, and policy researchers will reflect on and discuss lessons learned and the way forward.
Transition Age Youth: High Expectations for Employment
Presented by The Colorado Office of Employment First (COEF)
Wednesday, March 10 from 10:00-11:30 a.m.
The Colorado Office of Employment First (COEF) team will present a free webinar on the importance of having high expectations of employment for young adults with disabilities. The presentation will review the building blocks of the transition planning process and discuss the importance of a strong postsecondary vision for employment, how to best prepare young adults for success, and the importance of benefits counseling and developing community partnerships.
Colorado help lines: call CO-Help at 303-389-1687 or 1-877-462-2911 or email, for answers in English and Spanish.
Testing information is found on county health department web sites:
Creating opportunities for people of all ages with intellectual and
developmental disabilities to participate fully in the community.
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DDRC sends important information via this “Constant Contact" email platform, including information about your services and supports, announcements of emergencies (e.g. operations during Cornavirus), events, donor opportunities and more.
Please do not unsubscribe from Constant Contact emails since our communications will be restricted to U.S. mail and will take longer to get to you. If you prefer not to receive e-newslettters, invitations or donor opportunities please use our “Online Form” to indicate that you do not want to receive such emails. However, please continue to select that you are open to receiving official notifications (i.e. notices of your services and supports ) via Constant Contact. Thank You!