DDG Companion News | June 17, 2015

In this photograph of the GEMN Board of Directors, DDG Executive Director Bill Kunkle is on the far left.
Executive Director Kunkle Elected To GEMN Board of Directors
Bill Kunkle, the Executive Director of the Dominican Development Group, was elected to a three-year term on the Board of Directors of the Global Episcopal Mission Network (GEMN) during that organization's recent meeting in Atlanta in May 2015.  GEMN is dedicated to the principle that every Episcopalian (and, indeed, every Christian) is a missionary.  The organization is committed to providing global mission conferences, global mission training, and global mission tools and resources for all those who would like to participate in discerning where God is leading us in mission, as individuals and as a church. It connects  dioceses, congregations and individuals who are engaged in global mission to:
  • Provide tools for global mission engagement;
  • Facilitate and strengthen mission programs, relationships, and ministries throughout the world;
  • Provide a training curriculum for Global Mission Agents who will support global mission efforts in their diocese, organization or church;
  • Sponsor an annual mission conference for education, training and exchange of global mission ideas and initiatives;
  • Foster and support mutually responsible and interdependent relationships and accountability among mission-minded individuals, organizations and dioceses within the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion.
Bill commented about his election to the GEMN Board: "GEMN gives us an opportunity to gather the mission programs of the DFMS to share ideas, learn from experiences, grow spiritually, and unify efforts. Our Episcopal Church offers many opportunities to support mission both domestic and global. Through GEMN we can share internal and external support structures offered both human and financial. I look forward to sharing what we have learned with our mission and sustainability programs in the Dominican Republic and learn from the wealth of church leadership and mission experience represented on the board and GEMN members."   

For more information on GEMN, visit its website here.

Many Mission Teams in June and July 2015
How many mission teams are coming in June and July from the United States to work in the Episcopal Diocese of the Dominican Republic? At last count -- 28! In collaboration with the Mission Team Support Office of the Dominican diocese, the DDG posts the current schedule of incoming teams on its website, Facebook page, and Twitter feed. The link below never changes, and will always bring up the most current schedule. To check the list, go here: 

Revised "Helpful Hints" Document Available for Mission Teams
Karen Carroll, a full-time missionary who lives in Santo Domingo and works on the staff of the Diocese of the Dominican Republic to coordinate the travel, work projects, and other logistical details for more than 50 mission teams each year, has revised the "Helpful Hints" document maintained by her office. This handy guide has lots of tips for incoming missioners and team leaders. For a online copy, go to this link on the "Mission Teams" page on the DDG website:

Mission Team T-shirt Designs - Please Share!
Many mission teams design their own t-shirts, often in bright colors, and wear them while transiting airports in the United States and the Dominican Republic to help keep everyone together. The design to the left is for the Youth Mission Team from the Diocese of Nebraska, scheduled to work at the Campamento in Jarabacoa from June 22-29, 2015. The DDG is interested in compiling an online album with photos of team t-shirts, so if you would like to contribute your design to that album, please send a photo of it as an email attachment to this address: 

Contact the DDG:
Office: (813) 400-2722 | Fax: (813) 983-5082
Executive Director: Bill Kunkle | bkunkle@dominicandevelopmentgroup.org
PO Box 272261 | Tampa Florida 33688-2261

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