DDG Companion News | October 30, 2018

DDG Board Met in Tampa on October 15, 2018

The board members and guests at the DDG meeting in Tampa. Front row, from left: David Morrow, Diocese of Northwest Texas, Treasurer; The Rev. Ed Miller, Virginia, President; The Rt. Rev. Michael Garrison, Southwest Florida; The Rt. Rev. Moisés Quezada, Dominican Republic, First Vice-President; The Rt. Rev. William J. Skilton, South Carolina; The Rt. Rev. Julio C. Holguín, Dominican Republic; Bill Kunkle, Southwest Florida, Executive Director; The Rev. Deacon Alexander Romero, Dominican Republc. Second row: Julius Ariail, Georgia; Katie Forsyth, Eastern Michigan; The Rev. Deacon Beth Drew, Western Michigan; John Gruetzmacher, The Episcopal Church in South Carolina; Bob Stevens, Southwest Florida; Laura Morrow, Northwest Texas; Sally Thompson, Southwest Florida; Joy Holl, South Carolina; Tom McGowan, Nebraska; Karen Carroll, Southwest Florida; Debbe Causey, South Carolina; Julia Ariail, Georgia, Secretary; Bonnie Gruetzmacher, The Episcopal Church in South Carolina. 
Representatives from eleven dioceses gathered in Tampa, Florida, for the semi-annual meeting of the DDG's Board of Directors on Monday, October 15, 2018. This meeting followed the annual convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida in Punta Gorda from October 11-13. On the evening of October 14, the board members and their guests enjoyed a celebration of the DDG's 20th anniversary hosted by St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Tampa, the location of the DDG's office. 

For the agenda and a partial set of the reports distributed and discussed at this meeting, click here. A complete set of reports and a draft set of minutes from this meeting will be available on this webpage in November. The next meeting of the DDG's Board of Directors will be in Santo Domingo on February 11, 2019.

Consecration of Esp_ritu Santo
Missioners from St. Anne's Episcopal Church (Tifton, Diocese of Georgia) with members of the Episcopal congregation in Las Carreras after the consecration.
For a complete set of photographs from this event, click this image.

Iglesia Episcopal Espíritu Santo 
Consecrated in Las Carreras
Over 100 people from the Companion Dioceses of the Dominican Republic and Georgia, including three members of the DDG's Board of Directors, attended the festive consecration of Iglesia Episcopal Espíritu Santo in the village of Las Carreras on October 20, 2018. This church has been built over the past eight years primarily by mission teams from St. Anne's Episcopal Church in Tifton, Georgia, with support by other teams from the Dioceses of the Central Gulf Coast and The Episcopal Church in South Carolina plus members of the DDG's Spring 2018 exploration team. The Rt. Rev. Moisés Quezada, Bishop of the Diocese of the Dominican Republic, presided at the consecration. For a complete set of photographs of this joyous event, click here.

Espíritu Santo is the second Dominican Episcopal church consecrated in 2018. It follows the consecration of San Timoteo in Nizao on June 30, and will be followed by the consecration of Monte de Sión in Boca Chica on November 10.

The children enrolled at the Dominican Episcopal K-8 school in Jarabacoa during their morning assembly on October 22, 2018.

6,355 Students!
During his report during the DDG's board meeting, Educational Missionary Tom McGowan announced that there are now 6.355 students enrolled in the 26 Episcopal schools in the Dominican Republic. A specialist in educational systems, Tom has been serving for several years as a consultant to the Dominican diocese's Board of Education, a coordinating agency for those 26 schools, and is currently planning a workshop retreat for school leaders to be held at the Episcopal conference center in Jarabacoa on December 5-6. For a copy of Tom's report, click here. For his latest blog post about his ministry in the Diocese of the Dominican Republic, click here.

Links to online copies of recent issues of the DDG Companion News:
For earlier issues archived on the DDG website, click here.

Contact the DDG:
Office: (813) 400-2722 | Fax: (813) 983-5082
Executive Director: Bill Kunkle | bkunkle@dominicandevelopmentgroup.org
PO Box 272261 | Tampa Florida 33688-2261

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