DDG Companion News | August 22, 2017

Match graphic
Click this image to go to the La Paloma campaign website.

Dollar for Dollar Match up to $250,000

In celebration of Bishop Holguin's 26 years of ministry as diocesan bishop, the Dominican Development Group is asking involved dioceses, churches, mission teams and individuals to join a fundraising campaign to increase the Dominican diocesan endowment to a level where it can enable the diocese to be financially self-sufficient. Brochures, bulletin inserts, event ideas, etc., are available to support local activities and raise awareness of the good works of our brothers and sisters in the Dominican Republic. These resources will be continuously updated on our campaign website,  https://givingsites.com/thedove . To make a donation ( thank you!) click here

Contributions made to the campaign before November 1, 2017, will be matched dollar for dollar by another generous donor, up to a total of $250,000.

Members of Bishop Skilton's family who were present for the dedication of the new dormitory building on July 28, 2017.

Many members of Bishop Skilton's family were present on July 28, 2017, to help dedicate the first of three planned dormitory buildings at the Bishop William J. Skilton Conference Center in Boca Chica. This dormitory, or "cabaña" in Spanish, has 32 beds in sixteen bedrooms, each of which has a private bath and air-conditioning. The Skilton Conference Center has a commercial kitchen, dining facilities, and large meeting spaces, and is located across the street from San José Episcopal church and K-12 school. Next door is the Bishop Isaac nursing home. To see the location of this conference center, click here

Click this image to see the location of this dormitory on Google Maps.

The Episcopal Diocese of the Dominican Republic now has five conference centers with dormitory facilities available to host mission teams and group meetings. In addition to this center in Boca Chica, the others are located in San Pedro de Macorís; Santo Domingo; Santana, Baní; and Jarabacoa. For more information on staying at one of these centers with your group, contact Missionary Karen Carroll < drequipos@gmail.com>.

Members of the Spring 2017 exploration team on the plot of land set aside for the eventual construction of Iglesia Episcopal San Tito in Boca de Cachón. For the Fall 2017 trip flyer, click this image.

Fall 2017 Exploration Trip

The flyer for the DDG-sponsored exploration trip form October 26 to November 1, 2017,  is now available online. These exploration trips are designed to show current and potential mission team leaders many of the churches, schools, and other facilities of the Episcopal Diocese of the Dominican Republic in a fast-paced, one-week trip. The route of the fall 2017 trip will be along the southern coast of the Dominican Republic from La Romana in the east to Barahona on the west, with one major trip inland to Jimaní on the border with Haiti. The cost of the trip will be $US800 (excluding airfare). For more information about this trip, contact DDG Executive Director Bill Kunkle: (813) 400-2722, bkunkle@dominicandevelopmentgroup.org. The deadline to sign up is September 21, 2017.

Monte de Si_n
Construction of the church for the congregation of Monte de Sión near Boca Chica. Click this image to see the location of this church.

Two Construction Projects Begun in August

Two significant construction projects have begun in August 2017: the church building for the congregation of Monte de Sión in the Altagracia community north of Boca Chica, and the second floor of the Profesora Laura Morrow school in Jimaní. Both projects will benefit communities in impoverished areas of the Dominican Republic. The church building for Monte de Sión will be the first for the members of this congregation, who have been meeting for several years in a vacant field and in members' homes. The Profesora Laura Morrow school serves a primarily Haitian community in Jimaní, one of the authorized border crossings between the Dominican Republic and Haiti. For more information on these projects,  contact DDG Executive Director Bill Kunkle: (813) 400-2722,  bkunkle@dominicandevelopmentgroup.org

Jimani school
The second floor of the Profesora Laura Morrow school in Jimaní. Click this image to see the location of this school.

Links to online copies of recent issues of the DDG Companion News:
For earlier issues on the Publications page of the DDG website, click here.

Contact the DDG:
Office: (813) 400-2722 | Fax: (813) 983-5082
Executive Director: Bill Kunkle | bkunkle@dominicandevelopmentgroup.org
PO Box 272261 | Tampa Florida 33688-2261

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