Living in Hope at St. Joseph Catholic School in Oshawa | |
St. Joseph Catholic School in Oshawa began the 2024-2025 school year with a significant focus on our spiritual theme, Living in Hope, that included a visit from Father Twaddle, Parish Priest from St. Joseph the Worker, and Anne Purdue, Lay Pastoral Associate.
The spiritual theme display of “Living in Hope” was showcased at the entrance of St. Joseph Catholic School with the intention of reminding students, staff, and families of Pope Francis' words: “Welcome and treasure children, who bring life, joy, and hope to the world." The anchor, with a heart in the centre, was chosen as the main focal point as a symbol of faith and Catholic values, because they “anchor” us in all that we do in our school and community. The school also added a boat to represent this year’s journey, encompassing all hopeful individuals of God’s love.
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Indigenous Education in Action | |
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation | |
| | Monday, September 30 is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. On this day of solemn reflection, we honour the children who never returned home from residential schools, and offer thoughts and prayers to the survivors, their families, and all those impacted by this painful history. Acknowledging the history and the truth of the ongoing impacts of residential schools is essential to the reconciliation process. We recognize that this is a time for our Durham Catholic learning community to renew our commitment to Truth and Reconciliation. Staff and students demonstrate commitment to Truth and Reconciliation by learning about the impacts of colonization, collaborating with First Nation, Métis, and Inuit community and partners, and utilizing holistic approaches to student success. By engaging staff, students, and families in deepening our learning about residential schools, Treaties, as well as the ongoing contributions of Indigenous knowledge, culture, and perspective, DCDSB prioritizes Indigenous Education across the system.
To learn more about Indigenous Education at DCDSB, please visit our website.
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Durham Catholic Children's Foundation | |
#ForeTheKids Golf Classic | |
On August 20, 2024, the 9th Annual #ForTheKids Golf Classic took place at Deer Creek golf course, supporting the Durham Catholic Children’s Foundation. Thanks to the incredible support from attendees and our generous sponsors, we successfully raised $36,100! These funds will enable us to continue providing essential necessities to students in need within our community, bringing them hope and support. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all participants and to our volunteers for organizing and leading this highly attended event.
We invite you to join us for the 10th Annual #ForeTheKids Golf Classic on August 19, 2025. Tickets will go on sale in April 2025.
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The Durham Catholic District School Board (DCDSB) is delighted to introduce the Beacons of Hope recognition program. Beacons of Hope is connected to the 2024-2025 Spiritual Theme, Living in Hope, and will recognize two elementary students, two secondary students, and two staff members each month. Throughout the year, themes have been assigned based on the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations and Catholic virtues. The selected nominees will be recognized at the monthly Board Meeting for a special award presentation, and will also be featured in the DCDSB News, school websites, and DCDSB social media. Families, students, and staff are welcome to nominate a DCDSB student or staff member that exemplifies and embodies the theme for the month.
Please see below for the monthly themes:
October 2024 - A Discerning Believer
November 2024 - An Effective Communicator
December 2024 - Patience
January 2025 - A Reflective, Creative and Holistic Thinker
February 2025 - A Caring Family Member
March 2025 - A Collaborative Contributor
April 2025 - Love
May 2025 - A Responsible Citizen as a Pilgrim of Hope
June 2025 - A Self-Directed, Responsible, Lifelong Learner
To make your nominations and learn more about the monthly themes, please visit our website at
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Durham Catholic Parent Involvement Committee (DCPIC) Nominations | |
The Durham Catholic Parent Involvement Committee (DCPIC) hosts elections for available positions on the committee at the beginning of each school year. In order to be eligible for a position on DCPIC, you must either be nominated for a position or self-nominate for a position.
Our online Self-Nomination Form is open until Monday, September 30, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. Each eligible applicant who completes the Self-Nomination Form will be invited to speak at the in-person DCPIC meeting on Thursday, October 10, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. Further details will be sent to eligible applicants via email after the deadline.
For information on the DCPIC, including how our committee works and who is eligible to sit on the committee, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions webpage.
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DCDSB Black Student Excellence Awards | |
An initiative of the Durham Catholic District School Board and the Anti-Black Racism and Black Excellence Advisory Committee, the DCDSB Black Student Excellence Awards honour Grade 11 and Grade 12 students who self-identify as Black and have demonstrated leadership and/or commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion efforts.
About the Awards
DCDSB Black Student Excellence Awards are granted once per year. Two (2) students from each DCDSB secondary school may be nominated in each school year. Nominees will be honoured during an awards ceremony and will receive a certificate and a letter of recognition.
The Anti-Black Racism and Black Excellence Committee will select one overall award winner to receive the Distinguished Black Student Excellence Award. The award recipient will receive a $500 bursary, a glass award trophy, and a letter of recognition.
To be eligible to receive the Black Student Excellence Award, students must meet the following requirements:
- Self-identify as Black;
- Currently attend a Durham Catholic District School Board secondary school;
- Currently in Grade 11 or Grade 12; and
- Demonstrate leadership or contribution to equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives, services or programming.
For more information about the awards, please visit Nominations can only be made from DCDSB secondary school staff or school administration. The principal, or designate, will seek feedback from the school community and will submit up to two nominations on behalf of the school. Students and families who are interested in learning more about the awards or nomination process should speak with their school.
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TRAILS to Wellness: Coping with Anxiety Virtual Group for Grade 3-6 Students |
TRAILS to Wellness: Coping with Anxiety Virtual Group is an evidenced based group intervention program which aims to reduce anxiety in students in Grades 3-6. If your child struggles with anxiety, constant worrying, difficulty sleeping or other signs of stress, they may benefit from this group.
Join us for a virtual parent information session on Tuesday, October 1 at 6:00 p.m. to learn about anxiety and sensitivity in children, how you can support your child, and if the TRAILS to Wellness: Coping with Anxiety Virtual Group may be the right fit for your child. Learn more and register for the information session.
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As we begin a new school year, we would like to remind families of the DCDSB Edsby Support webpage. On this page you will find video tutorials, frequently asked questions, and additional support. For information about how to use Edsby, please visit our website.
If you have any further questions or require further assistance with Edsby, please contact your child's school or visit the Edsby Support website.
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Math Supports for Families
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Are you looking for resources to help support your child's math learning? The DCDSB Math webpage provides resources, games and activities to help develop your child's math skills and develop a positive attitude towards learning mathematics. This page also includes Curriculum Guides to see what your child will be learning in each grade.
Visit to learn more.
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Universal Reading Screener Assessments for Year 2 Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grade 2 Students | |
Reading is a foundational skill critical to student success. The Ministry of Education has mandated that all Year 2 (Senior) Kindergarten to Grade 2 students receive early reading screening beginning this school year.
What is a Universal Screener?
A universal screener is an essential reading assessment tool used to identify students who may be experiencing reading difficulties and provide them with the support they need to be successful.
Why is Early Reading Screening Important?
Early reading screening aims to:
- Track your child’s progress in learning to read;
- Identify students who need extra support; and
- Help teachers plan effective reading instruction.
DCDSB educators will administer a universal reading screener called Acadience. This is a short one-to-one assessment that measures essential early literacy skills and requires no additional student preparation. Results of the first screening will be shared with families and communicated in your child’s first Kindergarten Communication of Learning or Elementary Provincial Report Card in February 2025. Communication will indicate whether your child has met, or not yet met, the screening benchmark at the time of their screening. This information will support your child’s academic growth and determine a path forward.
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Empowering Our Community Through Mathematics | |
DCDSB's Coach/Advocate for Black Students (CABS) invite families to attend Empowering Our Community Through Mathematics. This event will include an interactive networking opportunity, a panel discussion, and will feature keynote speakers Alexander Coleman and Carl E. James. Families will learn how to empower their children and youth to embrace quantitative skills that are essential for career paths that will be both relevant and lucrative in the future.
Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Time: 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School (1375 Harwood Ave N., Ajax)
Registration is required - please click here to register for this event. Please visit our website to learn more about the event, including biographies for the panelists and guest speakers.
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Mental Health and Well-Being | |
How to Help Your Child Have a Mentally Healthy Return to School | |
The transition to school can be exciting, but can sometimes be stressful. School Mental Health Ontario has developed an information sheet to assist parents, guardians and caregivers in navigating and supporting their child as they return to school.
Read the information sheet to learn more.
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Black Youth in STEM Summer Camp | |
Throughout the month of July, the Coach/Advocate for Black Students (CABS) offered Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) camps in partnership with Queen’s University, Ontario Tech University, and McMaster University. Students in Grades 7-10 explored different facets of STEM, coding, and engineering through various activities that were led by Black facilitators, allowing youth to see themselves represented in STEM fields and experience positive mentorship.
Some of the activities included introduction to mechanical, electrical and software engineering, coding and robotics, physics, sustainability and structural design. Thank you to all the facilitators and CABS Camp leaders for your time and effort in organizing this camp!
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Oshawa Campus - We’ve Moved! | |
The Oshawa Campus can now be found at 700 Stevenson Road North, at the South East corner of Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School. The entrance for the Oshawa Campus is via Rossland Road.
For more information, visit our website at, check out our Program Guide and/or contact us at:
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Register for Adult Education Programs with Archbishop Anthony Meagher Catholic Continuing Education Centre | |
Our Adult Education sites in Ajax, Whitby, and our new Oshawa location, offer Adult Education, Mature Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (mPLAR) and Specialized Training Programs for Pathways to Employment and Post-Secondary Education. Adults who are 18 years of age or older and out of a regular secondary school can register for a variety of programs including:
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International Languages Program | |
The International Languages program offered through Archbishop Anthony Meagher Catholic Continuing Education Centre is designed for students from Year 1 Kindergarten (Junior Kindergarten) to Grade 12 and adult learners. The programs provide students with the opportunity to speak, listen, write, and read in an international language and to learn about the culture and heritage associated with that language.
Elementary International Languages Classes
This program is offered on Saturday mornings from 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and runs from September 21, 2024 – June 14, 2025. Students must be in Year 1 Kindergarten (Junior Kindergarten) to Grade 8 to participate in this program. For more information and to register, please visit our website.
French Classes for Junior Kindergarten – Grade 3 Students
Students who are currently enrolled in Year 1 Kindergarten (Junior Kindergarten) to Grade 3 are invited to register for French language classes. These classes are offered at either St. Mary Catholic Secondary School in Pickering or All Saints Catholic Secondary School in Whitby. The classes are offered on Saturday mornings from 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and runs from September 21, 2024 – June 14, 2025. For more information and to register, please visit our website.
Secondary International Languages Classes
DCDSB secondary students and adult learners who are interested in taking an international language credit course are invited to register for the International Languages program offered through Archbishop Anthony Meagher Catholic Continuing Education Centre. The courses will start run from September 21, 2024 – June 14, 2025. For more information and to register, please visit our website.
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September is devoted to the Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
- Sept. 15-21 - Safe and Accepting Schools Week
- Sept. 17 - IT Professionals Day
- Sept. 19 - Powley Day
- Sept. 21 - International Day of Peace
- Sept. 23 - Regular Board Meeting
- Sept. 25 - Rowan's Law Day
- Sept. 25 - Franco-Ontarian Day
- Sept. 25 - Anti-Back Racism and Black Excellence Advisory Committee Meeting
- Sept. 26 - Human Resources Professionals Day
- Sept. 28 - Right to Know Day
- Sept. 29 - World Day of The Deaf
- Sept. 29 - World Day for Migrants and Refugees
- Sept. 29 - Solemnity of St. Michael
- Sept. 30 - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
- Sept. 30 - AMP Online Applications Open
Click here and subscribe to our calendar to receive reminders about holidays, P.A. days, events, and recognition days.
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Durham Catholic District School Board
650 Rossland Road West
Oshawa, ON L1J 7C4
(905) 576-6150
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