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Preparing for Pentecost!
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Preparing for Pentecost!
Today we are on Day 5 of our nine-day Novena of the Holy Spirit, as well as the first introductory talk of our Life in the Spirit Seminar.
Gather your family for our Life in the Spirit Seminar - and join the parish in praying for a Holy Spirt renewal in our families, our parish community and our nation! This is a do-it-yourself retreat with our Lord, right from the comfort of your homes. Everything is online.
See inside for more information.
Register here (click) for our online LSS, simply by entering your name & your phone number. All the registered names will be printed and placed at the altar. Our Intercessory team will be praying for all the people on that list and for anyone else who will be participating in our LSS- for the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit into their lives, and for a deeper & more loving relationship with Jesus.
Everyone is welcome to join our LSS, even if you have participated in multiple seminars in the past. There is always more with the Holy Spirit!
At the end of the 9-Day novena- this Sunday, May 23 - is the GREAT SOLEMNITY OF PENTECOST. Holy Mass will be at 10am (Holy Hour at 9am). The liturgy will be in person and online.
Following Holy Mass, we will have the Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Praying for the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit) for all the LSS participants and for anyone else who is ready & willing to surrender his/her heart to our Lord Jesus. Come in person! Everyone will have the opportunity to be prayed with by our priests and healing team. Covid precautionary protocols will be followed.
More information regarding our Pentecost celebration will given next time, including the Youtube links for our Mass.
This coming Friday, May 21 & Saturday, May 22, our parish is participating in the NJ Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference at St Mary Mother of God in Middletown NJ. This will be in person and online. More info inside.
A message from
Fr Joseph:
(excerpts from Fr Joseph's homily of Saturday May 8, 2021)
The Church throughout the world is is preparing for a great feast of Pentecost - the birthday of the Church. The treasuries of grace are poured from the cross (and the Resurrection) of Jesus but they are manifested and made available to the world at Pentecost through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
May 18, 2021
During each day of this 9-day novena, you will receive the novena prayers, along with the day's LSS teaching
Today's Novena Prayers:
DAY 5:
Light immortal! Light Divine! Visit Thou these hearts of Thine, And our inmost being fill!
The Gift of Knowledge
The gift of Knowledge enables the soul to evaluate created things at their true worth--in their relation to God. Knowledge unmasks the pretense of creatures, reveals their emptiness, and points out their only true purpose as instruments in the service of God. It shows us the loving care of God even in adversity, and directs us to glorify Him in every circumstance of life. Guided by its light, we put first things first, and prize the friendship of God beyond all else. "Knowledge is a fountain of life to him that possesseth it."
Come, O Blessed Spirit of Knowledge, and grant that I may perceive the will of the Father; show me the nothingness of earthly things, that I may realize their vanity and use them only for Thy glory and my own salvation, looking ever beyond them to Thee, and Thy eternal rewards. Amen
1 Our Father
1 Hail Mary
7 Glory Be.
Pray :
Act of Consecration & Prayer for the Seven Gifts
O Lord Jesus Christ Who, before ascending into heaven did promise to send the Holy Spirit to finish Your work in the souls of Your Apostles and Disciples, deign to grant the same Holy Spirit to me that He may perfect in my soul, the work of Your grace and Your love.
Grant me: the Spirit of Wisdom that I may despise the perishable things of this world and aspire only after the things that are eternal, the Spirit of Understanding to enlighten my mind with the light of Your divine truth, the Spirit of Counsel that I may ever choose the surest way of pleasing God and gaining heaven, the Spirit of Fortitude that I may bear my cross with You and that I may overcome with courage all the obstacles that oppose my salvation, the Spirit of Knowledge that I may know God and know myself and grow perfect in the science of the Saints, the Spirit of Piety that I may find the service of God sweet and amiable, and the Spirit of Fear that I may be filled with a loving reverence towards God and may dread in any way to displease Him. Mark me, dear Lord with the sign of Your true disciples, and animate me in all things with Your Spirit. Amen.
Below is a video format of the novena:
Pray with this beautiful video of the Pentecost Novena - Day 5. Click below:
Proceed to our LSS video presentation:
Come Holy Spirit!
Today's video presentation
Tuesday, May 18
Today is DAY 5
LSS #2
LSS #2:
Ralph Martin presents the Gospel in a clear and succinct format.
Join our online Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS).
If you missed any day of the LSS, go to our website for the links or see below .
Click video below for today's video presentation ( If video starts in the middle, just move red bar to the left):
Schedule Reminder.
If you missed any of the day's talk, see red links below.
Life in the Spirit Seminar Talks
( The video presentations with links will be sent out to you on each of the 9 days, which started on Friday, May 14, along with the corresponding Novena prayers )
Here is the full schedule of our 9-day Life in the Spirit Seminar talks and the Novena to the Holy Spirit.
- Three introductory talks
Seven LSS talks from "As by a New Pentecost" series of the Renewal Ministries.
FRIDAY, May 14
The Birth of The Catholic Charismatic Renewal (A New Pentecost)
Intro A
Life in the Spirit Seminar - Introduction by Winston Garcia
Intro B
SUNDAY, May 16
(As by a New Pentecost series)
Dr. Ralph Martin offers reflections on the work of the Holy Spirit in the early Church as he introduces the series.
LSS #1:
MONDAY, May 17
God's Love
(As by a New Pentecost series)
David Mangan continues the series with reflections on what God's love really means, and how he encountered it more deeply on a weekend retreat that began a major spiritual renewal movement in the Church
LSS #2:
(As by a New Pentecost series)
Dr. Ralph Martin presents the Gospel in a clear and succinct format.
Current- see above
LSS #3:
The New Life
(As by a New Pentecost series)
Patti Mansfield shares what it was like for her to open her whole life in new way to the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
LSS #4:
Receiving God's Gifts
(As by a New Pentecost series)
Peter Herbeck teaches about the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit and baptism in the Holy Spirit
Intro C
Why Everyone Needs to Be Baptized in the Spirit
Ralph Martin talks about the importance of every Christian being open to the fullness of life in the Holy Spirit
LSS #5:
Prayer To Be Baptized in the Holy Spirit
(As by a New Pentecost series)
Patti Mansfield and David Mangan lead viewers in prayer for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in their lives
After Pentecost- 2 more sessions:
LSS #6:
(As by a New Pentecost series)
Dr. Ralph Martin shares insights into what we need to do to continue to progress in our new life in the Holy Spirit
LSS #7
Transformation In Christ
(As by a New Pentecost series)
Sr. Ann Shields teaches us how to make the most of the new life in the Holy Spirit that comes from a fresh release of His power in our lives.
Peter Herbeck speaks about the necessity for us to be fully empowered by the Holy Spirit to meet the challenges of the day.
Part of the Life in the Spirit Seminar is Praise & Worship. Below are some uplifting songs to the Holy Spirit for His mighty outpouring:
Join this conference (below) as a parish retreat to prepare for Pentecost on this coming weekend of Pentecost (Friday & Saturday, May 21-22):
This year's NJ State Catholic Charismatic Conference will be on Pentecost Weekend- Friday May 21 & Saturday, May 22, and will be spearheaded by Patrick Reis and Ryan Mahle of Encounter Ministries.
They will be leading a Healing School to follow in the tradition of the Conference being the longest running "teaching Conference" for Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the nation.
St Antoninus will be involved in serving at this conference with registration & perhaps also with the Word Gifts ministry. We will have our own "St Antoninus table."
Register below!
Watch a 1 minute video by Fr Joseph inviting us to this conference as part of our Pentecost event for the parish.
NJ Catholic Charismatic Conference
School of Healing
An invitation from Fr Jeff Kegley, pastor of St Mary Mother of God Church, Middletown NJ:
After a year filled with pandemic fears and anxieties, it’s time for healing and freedom in Christ Jesus.
People of all ages are invited to experience the supernatural love and healing power of Jesus Christ during this two day conference. Come hear anointed worship, dynamic speakers, healing testimonies, and enjoy fellowship with people from all over Tri-State area.
Jesus said,
“if you believe in me, you will do the works that I do, and greater things because I’m going to the Father.” (Jn 14:12)
Encounter Ministries exists to train and disciple Catholics to demonstrate the power and love of God in their sphere of influence through the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Join us for the amazing Encounter Ministries - School of Healing at the New Jersey Catholic Charismatic Conference on Pentecost weekend, May 21st and 22nd at
Saint Mary, Mother of God Church, Middletown, NJ.
Space is limited, register soon!
To register for this conference visit or call the Conference office at 732-671-0071, ext. 221.
The response to the Encounter School of Healing Conference has been great. Because of restrictions space is limited, so please register as soon as possible.
Special discount - only for St Antoninus!
The posted registration donation amount is $50 for 2 days for a top notch charismatic conference. The event organizers gave a special 50% discount- only for St Antoninus.
Enter on promo code: STANT
Below are 2 videos of powerful testimonies by Patrick Reis & Ryan Mahle of Encounter Ministries on prophesy and healing.
Come visit JESUS in the Most Blessed Sacrament!
Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel is open for personal visits with our Eucharistic Lord,
Tuesday thru Saturday
10am to 8pm
Spend precious time alone with Jesus!
Could you not watch with me one hour? Mark 14: 40b
Good news!
We have a donated Tabernacle in our OLG chapel- with a window opening in front for adorers to open and behold Jesus in the Eucharist anytime! All you would have to do when your visit is over is to close the little window in front of the tabernacle without touching anything.
Register to be an Adorer!
To obtain the door combination, you will need to register simply emailing us at Give your full name, tel #, and your address. This will give you an access to our security key pad.
All adorers must wear masks. Disinfectant wipes will be available in the chapel.
Oh come, let us worship and bow down;
let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!
Psalm 95:6
Please click above to see the updated schedule for all our liturgies and ministries.
Please consider making an Easter offering to the Lord on behalf of St Antoninus, that we may continue our mission. Thank you and God bless you!
At this time, we would greatly appreciate your support for the operating expenses of this parish. We also have a continuing Harvest Appeal for much needed work on our HVAC system. Watch Fr Joseph's brief video on the reason for this Harvest appeal.
We are now accepting Zelle for online contributions.
All you need to do is enter on the Zelle info:
Name: St. Antoninus Catholic Church
This means that you can open a Zelle account and put St Antoninus as a recipient.
When you sign up, please include your email or phone number. Thank you.
Other options for Offering:
You can click below to choose other convenient online options and methods for your donation.
You also have the option to mail in your tithe:
St Antoninus Church
337 S. Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103
Thank you and God bless you!
337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103
Rev. Joseph A. Meagher (Pastor)